"Ladies, ladies..." Sirius said as both Emmaline and Marlene wrenched away from his grip. "I'm really not loving this whole progression between you two. You're both completely breaking my queer heart. Not to mention what you're doing to each others hearts!"
Marlene was standing beside some rubbish bins, staring ridiculously hard at them as Emmaline stared at Marlene's back.
"It sounds like Em was moping about nearly aa hard as you were Marly, what do you reckon on that?" Sirius questioned.
Marlene didn't budge.
Sirius sighed. "Mar..."
She turned around. "I don't want to get married but I also don't want to break up. There's - there's too much rubbish happening right now, all at once, with the war. And I'm not ready to be married yet. I'm still trying to get used to us being - you know - public. I -"
Emmaline made a face, "Being public? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Emma! Come on! You're not an idiot. You know people are horrid to - to people like us, and you know my parents don't know... and nor does my brothers, only Annalee and - and if we get married or even engaged they'll all have to find out... and Annalee is only barely alright with it... and I'm bloody terrified alright?"
"But Marlene --"
"It's not that I don't love you, I do love you, so much, Emma! It's just that I'm scared to lose my family!"
Emma's eyes softened. "Marley..." she whispered.
Sirius was looking pretty pleased with himself.
Then - "Oi. Mackinnon!"
Marlene and Emmaline both turned to look as Remus came trotting across the lawn, looking something somewhere between hurt and livid as he approached.
"You just kissed my husband!" Remus said angrily.
Sirius made a motion for Remus to stop talking, slashing a finger across his throat. Remus already had done the damage, though.
"You did what?" Emma rounded on Marlene, who turned bright read.
"Bloody hell Remus - I just nearly had fixed them!" Sirius turned around to face Remus.
"I --" Marlene stammered.
"It meant nothing!" Sirius said, yelling more at Remus than the girls.
"Nothing!" Marlene turned to look at Sirius, a bit hurt.
"What did you intend it to mean something?" Sirius spluttered, "Surely not, after all this time."
"It bloody well better of meant nothing, given you've just said all you've just said!" Emmaline snapped.
"Not to mention that HE IS MY HUSBAND?" Remus said, grabbing Sirius's wrist and holding up his left hand where the wedding band caught the sunlight. "You oughtn't have meant for it to mean anything!"
"Also I'm gay as fuck," Sirius put in, "And it would be just a travesty."
Marlene shook, staring around between them. "I - I wasn't thinking right, okay? I don't know what came on me. I'm an idiot. And I didn't think it meant that like Sirius and I were going to shag or anything like that --"
Sirius shuddered, "God no."
"Hey, she's hot! You'd be lucky to have her!" Emmaline snapped.
"Really, Em? Really?" Sirius said. "Pick your battles, girlfriend." He turned back to Marlene.
The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
FanfictionThe times they are a-changin'... as James and Lily Potter move into their new home in Godric's Hollow, the Marauders are living apart for the first time since they were ickle firsties! And there's certainly an adjustment period to that... Not to men...