The DWO Says Hullo

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"Ignore it, he'll go away," Sirius murmured.

Remus nodded and kept on with the kisses along Sirius's shoulder blade.


Remus looked up at Sirius.

"Bloody hell." Sirius rolled and grabbed the bit of mirror off the nightstand. "WHaaAAATTTTT PRONGSSSSS?" he cried, looking at James staring back at him.

Paris was glowing behind him, a thousand spots of light on a jagged city skyline. James had a cigarette in one hand, the mirror was propped on a table or something while James himself sat in a chair and leaned back against the iron rail of a balcony. His hair was a right mess. "This better be good and not just you bragging about being a British fuckboy in Paris."

Remus stifled a snort of laugher by smooshing his face against Sirius's bare chest.

"How's my cat?"

Sirius stared at the mirror for several long seconds. Then, very slowly, he said, "You... interrupted me getting snogged by my husband... to ask me how your bleeding cat is?"

"Yeah. Did you feed him yet today?"

Sirius blinked at James. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"Roger's fine," Remus said from where his cheek was pressed to Sirius's sternum.

"Okay thank you, Moony," James said, "For actually answering my question. Unlike my poor cat's godfather."

"I am not the cat's godfather."

"Did I say godfather? I meant dogfather."

Remus chuckled. "That's really clever."

"Shh, Moony."

"Well it is."

"So how is the city of love and light and whorehouses?"

"Brilliant, actually. Lily's really enjoyed it, and I've really enjoyed watching her enjoy it. If I had a knut for every time she lit up and told me the history of some old thing we were looking at, I'd be rolling in knuts."

"Dirty." Sirius paused. "Eaten any snails yet?"

"No," James answered, "And I don't intend to."

"And do you miss me yet?"

"I do, my love," James answered without batting an eye.

"It is not Tuesday."

"But I was robbed of my Tuesday this week seeing as it was Lilith's birthaversary," Sirius complained, "So he owes me a raincheck.."

"Alright, then get him to snog your neck, then," Remus yawned and rolled over, twisting in the bedsheets.

"Are you going to snog my neck, Prongs?" Sirius asked.

"Sorry mate," James answered, shaking his head.

"Then sod off and trust me that I know how to feed a fucking cat." He threw the mirror into the drawer of the night stand and shoved it shut even as he heard James's laughter echoing out of it. "Silencio," he aimed his wand at the drawer, then, dropping the wand on the night stand, quickly rolled over onto Remus, flinging his leg 'round him. "Husband," he said, "I broke it off with my boyfriend. I belong to only you now."

"Mercy," Remus murmured. He opened one eye, peeked at Sirius out of his peripheral. "Hey, how about you snog my neck for a change?"

"Alright." Sirius descended on him quickly.

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now