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Deirdre's pov.

I was jerked awake by a demonic growl just next to my window. My eyes immediately went in that direction to see a creature fly past it at lightning speed. The warning bells sounded so loud with every snarl came the rattling of the palace walls. Mithian entered my chamber in a rush. I hopped out of bed, staggering, a migraine kicking in.

"I'm sorry the lady I had to rush in time to check on you there's a lot going on." She explains. I walk to my window to see the knights down below their shields raised in defense.

"what is going on?" I ask perplexed.

"the kingdom is under attack. The servants are helping out with the wounded."

"what are we waiting for? Get me my green hooded cloak I'm not changing," I say still looking outside. As we headed to the nursing room the hallways were filled with servants running helter and skelter, soldiers running in different directions. I caught a screaming match between the king and his son however upon my arrival Orion was already gone. Gerald scolded me for getting up but I overpowered him.

"my lady, you should be resting," he scolds.

My attention was disrupted by the king asking for his son when the captain barged in alone. A devastated king cried out in pain. Mason exchanged glances with me. I had to do something. I went to the king and tried to convince him to let me out but he turned down my offer with so much audacity. My conscience would not let me stay not when Orion was out there suffering the worst. I thought of the many lives that would perish should the monsters succeed. I had to help. I was good with the sword after all. When he is out of sight I threaten the hesitate guard to open up the doors. The air outside was chilly and a bit mist, I hugged myself from the little cold walking across the silent square. The night sky was stained with ash from burning roofs and screams from petrified civilians. The moon shone so brightly you'd think all was fine. Rubble scattered on the ground from fallen bricks of the walls of the castle shuttered glasses, and flames of fire lit in different sections. The main square was filled with the corpses of dead soldiers.

"Orion!" I call out. Saying I was scared was an understatement. My teeth rattled, my hair standing on its very end. I was not sure what I would find or fight whatever demon was attacking us but I remained optimistic and strong for Orion. I grab a sword lying on the ground next to a dead soldier. There seems to be no one around so I head out for the castle walls through a drawbridge into town. As I strolled around taking precautions peering behind me, in case I got caught by surprise. I was already halfway into town when something fell. This made me jump in fright hastily tightening the grip around my sword ready to attack. I took calculated steps toward the source of the sound.

"wh..who's there?" I ask headed there. Once I got closer I used my sword to remove the cloth acting as a curtain something was definitely behind them, to reveal two children, a girl, and a boy. My heart dropped for them. The little girl was sobbing, the boy holding onto her wounded arm. I could not possibly leave them here.

"Come here sweetheart, I'll take care of you," I say calmly. Dropping the sword I pick up the little crying girl. They were so cold and tired. I had to take them to the castle and then come back to search for Orion. Luckily we got back to the drawbridge safely, it only turned tragic when the roar of the creature rent the air while we got to the main square. The little girl clasped her hands around my neck tightly as I gripped her brother's hand in mine. I turned back to see the most horrific creature. There is no absolute way a thing such as this existed in any of the realms. It was ginormous and fitting all the characteristics General Leonius gave. I was in a fix, placed between a wall and a rock. The creature the eyeing us hungrily before letting a sound-piercing scream reveal its raked sharp teeth, its wings stretching out. I heaved a sigh of relief once I saw Orion charging behind us as it remained distracted by us. He managed to pierce its side which added salt to injury as it grew angry hitting Orion from behind, the Sizrath flew away disappearing into the cold night. I rush to his side, his lip bleeding.

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