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"My lady, you're awake," Gerald says getting inside the hallway and following the guards.

"What happened to them?" I ask unacknowledging his care towards me.

"They were attacked. I'm yet to further my investigation they have just been found." I nod walking passed him to the kitchen. This becomes a tendency for the next couple of days. With each one making me feel weaker. Inside me, I knew I was deteriorating even if on the outside I appeared different. The black discharge didn't stop shedding from my body which felt borrowed. The king had called me to dine with them at lunch. I bit down the vegetables only to get disgusted. They were too bitter for anyone to eat and tasted awful.

"what is this?" I ask the servant, "This tastes like the garbage collected in your mother's kitchen," I scold. "Where's the boar I always take?" The poor girl runs out of the room. Everyone stares at me quietly before getting back to their meal. I tap at the table with my fingers impatiently waiting for my one delicious meal. The door bursts open as two male servants walk in carrying the entire boar with them accompanied by my waste bucket and a jug of wine included. Mason spills soup from his spoon as it reaches his mouth, Orion spitting out his drink simultaneously as they all stare at the meat coming, Enmyria has her jaw on the floor, the King's hand glued to his goblet, and the entire room quiet. Only my clapping is evident as I lick my lips happy to feast.

"How can you finish all that?" Orion asks. I eye him shortly getting on with what I was doing cutting up a whole chunk and grabbing it on one end. Drinking the wine straight from the jug to wash it down.

"guess we already got us a human pig," Enmyria says earning a glare from me. The doors to the dining room open up, and Gerald gets in.

"What news do you have on the sudden deaths for the past two days?" the king asks

"It's not good sire, the markings are from the same creature, the Sizraths," the king drops his goblet wearing a serious expression.

"I thought we vanquished them," Mason adds.

"looks like the trusted mage is a failure," Enmyria adds sneering at me. She was getting on my nerves, I doubt we will get far with all these stunts she pulling because I might as well have her head.

"From our investigation, it's targeting couples, sire," Gerald adds.

"issue a curfew no one is to be found outside after the great bell. Keep the guards on twenty-four-hour watch," King Hemsworth orders. Orion dismisses himself to carry out his orders. Bottom line I am left alone in the room eating nonstop till bones are left some crushed others whole completely unbothered about the situation. I use my fingers to take out meat strings stuck in my teeth. I feel good. It was time for my usual nap. I get back to my chambers and get ready for bed.

A cut to my left arm awakens me, the surrounding cold and misty. I look around surveying what was supposed to be my room. My hand felt wet and cold looking down at them I let out a shriek and then caught a body lying on the ground panicked I crawled backward. Gripped in his hand was a dagger. That must have been the very thing that pierced my skin. Hot liquid streams down my cheeks. Suddenly I find myself back in my room. I get on my feet rushing to my mirror. My gown is stained with blood too. I had seen this before in my visions before I left the camp.

"We are invisible!" A voice at the back of my head says.

"Who are you?" I ask. The voice gives a cold laugh.

"look at this?" It says. My arm raises itself. The reflective part of the mirror moves in a wave before images appear. I see myself opening the window my eyes dark as night. I jump standing on its frames on fours. My mouth opens as if I'm letting out a roar before jumping out the window. Well, that's one ugly way to die. However, I land on the ground softly making my way out of the castle walls. The scene goes on to the scene where a Sizrath snatches the lives of the first couple. I close my eyes avoiding seeing how it all happened.

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