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Chapter 11

As soon as Huang Xu's words came out, everyone present instantly understood that Qian He and Qian Quan were still cousins, Qian Quan had no children under his knees, and the only blood relative was Qian He, Qian Quan even said that when Qian He became a family in the future, he would send half of the family property, how could Qian He see the good meeting building and rob his brother's business.

When Qian He heard this, his face turned red and white for a while. Those present regard themselves as readers, and regard money as dung. Huang Xu's words made Qian He's thoughts clear, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

Huang Xu was unimpressed and continued to ask, "When will the meeting building send new products?"

Jiang Shuang turned to leave, and just said in passing, "You can go to the meeting building and ask."


returning to the back kitchen, Jiang Shuang looked at the thirty-two praise he still had left and fell into thought. She plans to wait for the end of the cooperation with Huibin Lou, and the tea house will have a large number of new products, and run the tea house by herself.

However, this is all in the case of the joint milk tea being sold, otherwise the ginger cream is not praised enough, and it will be immediately erased.

Since Huang Xu left the tea house that day, he went straight to the meeting building, asked for a large table of dishes, and then asked Li Chang to come out by name, and had to ask what the new product was.

Fortunately, Jiang Shuang had specially instructed Li Chang before, no matter what, don't say it. The more mysterious the better, in short, it is to hang everyone's appetite. Huang Xu didn't ask for a new product where Li Chang was, but he was stunned, but he was hooked by the delicious meal on the table.

At first, Huang Xu felt that it would be a shame to come to someone's store and not order food. I wanted to just order a little casually, but I didn't expect that as soon as the dish was served, Huang Xu was hooked by the pot of chicken stewed mushrooms.

The freshly cooked chicken broth is still steaming, the pale yellow chicken broth is in the white porcelain basin, the rotten chicken is only mouthwatering, and the brown mushrooms and dark yellow chicken are stacked on top of each other like a hill, making people look appetizing.

Huang Xu had long forgotten about eating diarrhea at this time, and just wanted to eat it happily. A few people next to him wanted to persuade Huang Xu at first, but seeing that he ate so fragrantly, his belly was already empty. Everyone look at me, I look at you, eat!

Without much effort, the meal has long been swept away by the wind.

When Huang Xu checked out, he also praised a few words that the food in the meeting room building was indeed good, which could be called a must in Autumn Leaf Town.

In Jiang Shuang's heart, Huang Xu is equivalent to a shop-exploring blogger in modern life, as long as Huang Xu says that it is delicious and fun, the business of that family will be much better.

At first, everyone had a shadow over the reception building because of the vomiting and diarrhea after eating in the reception building. Unexpectedly, Huang Xu was still alive and jumping after eating, and the rest of the people did not hear of discomfort.

Everyone was eager to try the guest building, plus what kind of joint milk tea was engaged in in the meeting building and a tea house, it was a rare thing for the people of the town for a while, and after the tea and dinner, they all inquired what the joint model was.

It's just that during this conversation, there was even news that it turned out that the drinks in the meeting room were maliciously mixed with laxatives, and this news spread more and more.

✓ I became rich in ancient times with the milk tea systemWhere stories live. Discover now