Head Down: A Kanej Poem

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Head down

Hat pulled low

To cover the emptiness in your eyes

Coat and gloves in the middle of summer

Lest they see the scars

You tried to wear with pride

Head down

Walking with purpose

To mask the doubt parading through your thoughts

Watching everyone, acknowledging no one

Lest a current stranger

Become a future friend

Head down

Scowl on your face

To bury the growing fear in your chest

Frowning at children

Lest anyone glimpse

The warmth in your heart

Head up scanning the crowd

To spot the one face that will put a smile on yours

Failing to keep the glow from your eyes

Finally allowing

That spark of hope

To reignite inside of you

A chance at happiness

You thought wasn't worth saving

Head down, head up

Frown never quite reaching your eyes

Semblance of a heart, vault of a mind

Perpetually dismal

Though not as broken as before

Two halves made whole

The smallest of scars

To remind you of what had once been

When you stalked across this city

Head down

Hat pulled low

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