Chapter 1

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Adeline  POV




It's like a never-ending sound in my head.




It was like my set-in warning alarm. Move or face the consequences. Placing my arms on the cold, wet, marble floor I try to pull myself up. Emphasis on the word try because the moment all my weight went to my arms they collapsed under me. Damm you stupid arms. I say to myself in my head. I slid across the still-wet kitchen floor so that my back hits the broken wood cabinets. I slowly, very slowly so as not to mess up my knees yeh right like anything could save them I think to myself.

Once I'm sturdy on my feet I walk over to the living room cabinet mirror if you could call it a living room. I brace my hands on the cabinet and take in three deep breaths and slowly look up. That I see is no surprise the punches to my stomach made their mark, my stomach looks like a year 1 piece of artwork. The old bruise that are now yellow and green a good sign I think and the new bruises are purple and red still emerging.

Word are carved across my stomach as well. Big, Bold, Bloody words spelling things that are not true. W-H-O-R-E. I'm not a whore just like I'm not a slut or a bitch well maybe a bitch but those words are still spread across my body.

My knees are mostly interacted bruises and red maybe a bit swollen but they will survive just like the rest of me, yeh right I laugh to myself. Pulling a wet wipe out of the draw I start to wipe away the blood. I can't use a shower because Zach won't allow it. My neck isn't swollen now from the beating the other days but his handprints are still visible on my neck. Seeing one of the places where he imprinted on me makes my skin crawl, I have an itching sensation to scrub my neck till I can't see or feel him there on my body.

After a few minutes, I'm clean ha you never be clean, I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I'm clean and dressed in a high turtleneck with long sleeves with tight jeans. No one will be the wiser. I check the clock to see it's almost six, I have to get out of the house before Zach gets home or. Not going to think about it I walk back into the kitchen to see my blood caping the floor. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How had I not realised.

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As quickly as I possibly can with my battered and beaten body I ran more like a hobble to the bathroom. Rolling the toilet paper over the bloody floor I get to work.


After three rolls of toilet paper and two bottles of detergent the floor never looked cleaner. As a bonus, there's not a drop on my clothes. I'm smiling before I even know what I'm doing. My smile slowly fades as a thick and sharp knife comes into my pervical vision. Pick it up that stupid voice in my head say and for some reason, I comply.

Holding it in my hand brings me such power and strength as it always does. Bring it to your neck. I do. Now slice. I comply.

only for a second so I fell the sharp sting on my neck its exhilarating. It's peace full. I've marked myself where he marked me now when I look I'll only see what I did to myself not what he did.

placing the knife on the worktop I leave the house. Just in time as I hear the faint sound of slamming doors and i know Zach is back.

Thank you for reading it means so much. Hope you enjoyed 🥳

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