Chapter 8

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Anthony Westwood POV

I never thought for a single moment that I could be here today, seeing my daughter. Her light red eyes, the light scar above her forehead the highlights in her hair. She's beautiful.

I'm so lost in thought I hadn't realised the police officer were speaking. "As I said earlier before you so rudely left, these are you brothers and father," he takes a moment as if waiting for her to say anything, so are you, but she doesn't she just continues listening in silence. Just as the officers appears to give up hope she'll say anything she speaks. "What are your names?" Her voice isn't cold exactly, but it is distance, she doesn't know you why would she trust you. My youngest son speaks before anyone else can ramp their minds around the fact that she's spoke. "I'm Theo. Your twin, do you remember me?" She stares slightly open mouthed for a moment. "I I don't remember you , precisely," I watch my sons face drop and I fell a dragger go straight through my chest. What did we except she hasn't seen any of you since she was two. "I remember falling over and a little hand helping me up, I remember fighting over a TV remote with a boy with rings on his fingers and falling asleep in strong arms, that's all I remember," she remembers maybe not all but on some.

"I'm Luca your fourth brother. I'm a 21. We've missed you very much!" A smile appears on her face at his word then she's saying the one thing I never expected "oh I like you were going to get on well,"

Adeline POV

It been a few hours since my so called family introduced themselves. I've gone outside to make some phone calls while they sign the guardian paper or some bullshit. I call Dean he answers on the first ring like he's been expecting my call. "Hello?" He sounds out of breath. "Hay Dean, so I'm bio family like in England so I'm going with them for a while get overthink sorted out. Also get my cars shipped." "Yes Boss!" I hang up Dean is my family, my brother but I'm also his boss and he know it.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see my so called father, sped walking towards me I want to laugh he's so uptight. "Ready to go?" "I need to get my stuff, so I'll meet you at the airport in a few hours," "ok my love do not rush my dear," there's such affection in his voice I don't know what to make of it. The car is right where I left it. Oh, what a beautiful car it's one of my favourites. Getting in I call for a family meeting. Sophie, Flora and Dean meet me at the door, before any of them can get a word in I say the thing I don't think anyone expected. "I'm moving to England,".

It's been hours of debating and worrying and still I'm sat at the table with Dean trying to convince me to stay. Flora and Sophie, I've already swayed to my side. "It will only be for a few months, once I'm seventeen i'll return and all will be well again Dean, don't panic it's not a big deal," "Not a big deal. If it wasn't a big deal then why are you going and risking your power, risking your freedom? For fucksake Adeline. Why are you risking our sanities? We lost Amon we can't lose you to or is that what this is a death wish your husband died so you want to die to? You're not fucking Romeo and Juliet. Dead silence follows his word he's crossed a line and he knows it.

"I'm sorry A I didn't mean it," "I want to meet my family, see who's eyes I have or find out why my hairs is black. I have brothers to six by the sounds of it. A twin. I'm a twin and I didn't know his name. I want to know his name Dean. I want to know why they left me and its my decision to make not your or Flora's or Sophie's. IT'S MINE, GOT IT?" He only nods his head slightly.

I hate goodbyes so we don't do them we only hug goodbye as normal. Dean drives me to the airport once were parked outside he turns to me I go to steak but he only put a hand on top of mine. "I love you Adeline you're the only sister I've ever know, so in your absence I will protect them!" "Oh and this protection had has nothing to do with you sleeping with Flora?" I raise a eyebrow. He only shakes he head as if to say nothings get past you, I feel the need to hug him and say I love him to and he's the best brother I could have ever asked for but that would be a goodbye and that is not this. I step out the car with no warning and start the walk to the entrance of the airport. Not looking back.

Theo POV

It's been hours what if she's hurt or ran away again? I turn to look at my father but he's the complete picture of calm not a muscle out of place. "Don't panic, she's there," I turn to see my twin. MY TWIN. I knew she was alive I can still remember when father told us she was alive. Given it was only 10 hours ago.


My phone busses and I see a text from dad. FAMILY MEETING. Followed by FRONT ROOM NOW . All caps this must be serious, I run downstairs only to pushed into the wall by my older brother Jonathon. "Hay watchit big ass," he ignores me and beats me to the front room mum and dad are already there a look of pure joy on their faces. Dear god if they say theirs having another baby. "What's going on I say as the rest of my brothers enter the room. Alexander followed by Henry, Sebastian and Luca since Jonathon and me are already here that all of us. Well except Adeline. I feel a sharp pain in my chest, it never truly goes away only leashes at times.

"I was busy, whats up?" classic Alexander no care in the world if it's not to do with him. My parents share a look and smile. My father the cold mafia boss that've seen kill hundreds of men is smiling. What the fuck is going on. "If there's another baby I'm out of here," Sebastian says bring to light my thoughts from earlier. "No there's no baby. It's your sister she alive. We've found her!" Tears run down my mother's cheeks. Silence consumes the room until as expected Alexander speaks first

"As if she's probably some crack whores' baby who want our money," I turn so quickly punching him in the face.

-Flashback over-

I'm going to pay for that punch when I get home but so what nobody calls my sister a crack whores baby. She reaches us and I take her arm. This is so surreal she's real. "Will you sit with me on the flight?" Her question shocks me "yes!" I answer almost right away. Maybe to fast as a smile curves the corner of her lips.
"Where are we going?" "To our plane, we have I own we're kinda rich," a laugh bubbles up from her. I hold her hand as we climb onto the plane. She takes the window seat I take the seat next to her. "Theo?"I hear my father call "one sec," I make my way over to him. " we're going to work in the other part of the plane so keep a eye on her ok?" "Will do," as I start walking back to my seat but something catches my eyes. My twin puts about three white pills into her mouth and swallows them without water.what the fuck. I take my seat and smile towards her but she's already fast asleep.

What did she swallow and why.

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