Chapter 2

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Anthony POV

The room is filled with noise Aurora is fussing over Amber while Sebastian and Jonathan are fighting over the last slice pizza. I turn my head to see my mother and father deep in conversation about what I think if cars. If I'm right he's in deep because the rage burning in my mothers eyes means he either bought another cars or race track or maybe even team. Henry and Alexander are discussing what can only be work telling from the hardness of their jaws and straight face. Lucas is listening to music through his head phone but no one sees  well apart from me (I leave him because he likes to be left alone ) I turn my head looking for my last son Theo he should be here but I can't. Oh wait there he is. My funny, handsome, bold son is staring at the seat next to him. My heart sinks as I see the tears rolling down his freshly tanned face, he's looking a empty seat one that should have been filled with my beautiful, smart, brave daughter Theo's twin. But her seat remained empty. As it has for the last 14 years

More tears rolled down Theo's face as he never broke contact with the empty chair as if he was imagining her sitting there. Raven back hair and raw red eyes and all. Amber shouts him name from down the table but still he never breaks eye contact. "T-H-E-O!" A angry and bitchy voice still try's to get Theo's attention but he just ignores them. "T—H—E—!" Ambers  cut of this time but Theo who has finally taken his eyes from the chair and looked at Amber anger and rage not even the right words to use for what was boiling in my sons eyes. "What Amber, What the Fuck do you want huh?" He speaks slowly and clearly so each word can be heard. The entire table has gone quiet as they watch the interaction.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" He just stares at her for a moment before Amber understands, she looks at the chairs opposite Theo and something flashes through her eyes. "Grow up Theo it's been 14 years!" She says this in a rushed voice but with each world her voice rises "she's dead accept it and move on she wasn't your only family, it's not like your whole world has fallen apart!"

Theo flinch's like he's been struck ,everyone did it was like she'd just stabbed us all in the chest again, agin and again. For the last 14 years we have looked for her and there's been no sign no trace . Nothing. Only thing we know is that Zach took her and she was gone. No body, no  message, no ransom. Just silence 14 years worth of silence.

"Amber!"my mother shouts at her in horror.

"What are we supposed to believe that's she's still alive?"

"She is!" Theo shouts standing from his chair causing the room to quiet.

"She is, she is, she is!" Each time getting quieter and quieter till it's just a whisper. My wife with tears falling down her sun kissed skin walked over to are youngest son and tried to touch him. He flinched away as his breaths came out in harsh breath and his hands begin to shake. "It's not right, it's not!" "What's not right?," my wife asks "your all laughing and smiling like are lives are normal, like there isn't a empty chair where she's meant to be! Or a room up the hall that's collecting dust or or or!" He walks out of the room before he completely implodes.

I look at my wife tears rolling down her chin. She stands up to follow are son but I place my hand on her arm stopping her. "Leave him be. Let him breath," I whisper in her ear. The room is tense after that, dead silent until a irritating , unwanted voice speaks up. "Pathetic, I don't get this family you all still act like she's still alive and will wake through the door when the fact is she's never coming home," she speaks as if her words are fact, like she right she might be but I won't stop not till my beautiful baby girl is home at this table, with this family again.

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