Chapter 12

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Adeline POV

The moment I step out of my bio-father's office, I feel the weight of everyone's gaze in the hall on me .Their curiosity and concern press against my back like a thousand prying fingers. I don't have time for this. I need air. The house, though grand and expansive, suddenly feels suffocating, its walls closing in on me. I stride through the corridor, my steps echoing off the marble floors, and push open the heavy front door. The cool evening breeze greets me like an old friend.

As I walk towards the garden, I replay the conversation with Alex in my mind. His shock, his desperation—it was almost satisfying. Almost. But it doesn't change what he did. Nothing can.

The garden is serene, a stark contrast to the chaos in my head. I find a secluded bench and sit, trying to calm my racing thoughts. The night sky is clear, stars twinkling like they have all the answers. I wish they could speak.

"Mind if I join you?" Theo's voice breaks through my reverie. I glance up to see him standing a few feet away, hands shoved in his pockets. There's a softness in his eyes, a silent offering of understanding.

I nod, and he sits beside me, not too close, giving me space but still present. "You okay?" he asks after a moment.

I let out a bitter laugh. "Define 'okay.'"

He chuckles softly. "Fair point. I saw you leave Dad's office. He's a bit... intense, isn't he?"

"That's putting it mildly," I mutter, my fingers tracing patterns on the bench. "I don't know how you all live with him."

Theo shrugs. "We manage. He's not all bad, you know. Just... strict."

"Strict?" I scoff. "He's a control freak."

"Yeah, he is," Theo admits, a hint of resignation in his voice. "But he's also protective. Ever since you went , he's been trying to keep everything together. In his own way."

I study Theo's face, looking for signs of deceit but finding none. Maybe there's more to my bio-father than I realized. Not that it excuses his behavior, but it adds a layer of complexity I hadn't considered.

We sit in silence for a while, the sounds of the night filling the gaps between us. Crickets chirp, leaves rustle in the breeze, and somewhere in the distance, an owl hoots. It's peaceful, almost enough to make me forget the turmoil inside me.


"I should go back inside," I say finally, standing up. "Thanks for the chat, Theo."

"Anytime," he replies, standing up as well. "And Adeline? We're glad you're here. Even if things are... complicated."

I give him a small smile, appreciating the sentiment, and head back towards the house. As I walk through the grand entrance, I'm greeted by the sight of Anthony, my bio-father, standing at the bottom of the staircase. His expression is unreadable, a mix of sternness and something else I can't quite place.

"Adeline," he begins, but I cut him off.

"Save it. I'm tired." I move past him, heading up the stairs. I can feel his eyes on my back, but I don't stop. I need to find my room, to be alone with my thoughts.

As I reach the top of the stairs, I see my reflection in a large, ornate mirror. My face is a mask of exhaustion and anger, a stark contrast to the elegant surroundings. This place may be my new home, but it feels foreign and cold.

I find my room and close the door behind me, leaning against it for support. My eyes fall on a photo on the bedside table—me and Amon, smiling, happy, unaware of the tragedy that would tear us apart. The pain is still raw, a wound that refuses to heal.

I sink onto the bed, clutching the photo to my chest. The tears come, unbidden and unstoppable. For the first time since I arrived, I let myself grieve. For Amon, for the life we had, and for the uncertainty of the future.

Tomorrow, I'll face them all again. Tomorrow, I'll deal with the anger, the rules, and the memories. But tonight, in the solitude of my room, I allow myself to break.

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