Chapter 9

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Adeline POV

My body is screaming in pain even though I'm sat in possible the most comfortable plane seats in the world, I am rich like have billions in my bank account rich but I've never seen or been in a plane this nice. When Theo said he was loaded I didn't think this much. Wonder what they do for work.

Theo stepped away to go speak to Anthony – he seems nice he hasn't asked me to call him dad or hug me, he just talked me in the police station when I arrived. I like him, he seems like he generally cares about his kids. It could all be a lie, don't fall for it again. I wish I could believe he's nice but at the end of the day I don't know him and he's just as likely to be someone like Jack a women beating rapist so for the time begins I can't trust anyone.

I open my bag and rummage through it to find the pills, it hurts to breath at this point but a positive is I can't feel much in my body anymore, it's always bloody and bruised it's no different than normal. Opening the pills, I take out three, better safe than sorry. I don't want to have nightmares now not when Theo, Anthony, Luca or any staff. I swallow then instantly no water needed I'm a pro at this by now. I feel my eyes start to close almost instantaneously.


"I need you to be a good girl Adeline, this man has payed a lot of money to spend time with you make sure he's happy, ok?" I don't know what to say I don't know what he means. "Ok daddy i'll be a good girl I promise," I stick out my pinky like a innocent five year old which I was. He kisses my head softly and walked to the door, opening it let a much older man and a by the looks of it his son in. They are both smiling wickedly as they hand a handful of cash to my father. "An hour not a minute more or you'll have to pay double, got it?" They nod in unison completely in time with each other t weird. I heard the door close then before I know it one has grabbed me by the ankle, at the same time another puts his sweaty hand around my neck stopping my breath in my throat.I try to move but I can't I'm frozen. I feel then begin to rip my clothes from my body then his hand reaches for.

-Flashback over-

Theo POV

Im listening to music in my ear when I feel Adeline start shaking next to me. I can hear her muttering things in her sleep. What's kgoing on.

Her eyes fly open as she jumps up to stand, putting a hand over her heart. "Adeline?" She doesn't respond only continues to try and regulate her breathing. I don't know how long we spend stood like that her looking like she just returned from hell and me looking like I've just had a heart  attack.

"Yes T Theo?" She stutters on my name but eventually says it. It seems to calm her talking so I strike up a conversation. "What's your favourite colour?" "Red" her response is instance "why?" I'm generally curious. "Red like blood, like like," she can't seem to find the words but then she does saying the odds thing ever. "Like death!" Okk that's not weird.

I go to say something but I'm cut off by my father voice. "We're landing, the car is waiting by the air stripe," we both nod we don't have anytime to discuss what just happens so I ask the only thing I can "are u ok?" She only smiles a sad smile and say "your a good person Theo, that rare there's not many good men left in this world," and walks down the plane towards the exit.

Adeline POV

I had another nightmare and Theo saw he didn't ask question only asked if I was ok. I'm not but he can't know that, I only smiled and got of the plane. I see the black car and walk towards it when a dog jumps in front of me.

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