Mist in the Corners of our Dorm Room

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—Rosé's pov—

There was a fire.

Or, to tell the absolute truth, it looked like there was. Massive amounts of misty steam were swirling out from the bathroom door, dissolving into nothing by the time they got anywhere near their bed. Rosé, her back on the head rest, guitar in hand, called out as loud as she could so that her friend could hear her over the thunderous hiss of the shower.

"Come out before you use up all the hot water!"

"I know, I know, but it's so warm!" Lisa shot back, making no move to step out from under the soothing pelt of warm water.

The blonde girl rolled her eyes, continuing her focused strumming. Lisa should keep in mind, like Rosé does, that Jennie and Jisoo still need to shower too. After Rosé played about a few songs, the shower turned off. She heard the rustling of Lisa drying herself off with a towel, and the towel falling to the ground. Before she even heard footsteps coming into the bedroom, or bothered to look up, Rosé chuckled, "put some clothes on."

Lisa let out a grumble, but did so. Rosé let out a deep exhale, enjoying the cleansing feeling of the fog exiting the room. "Lis, I knew you would take forever, that's why I went first." She went back to focusing on her guitar.

"It's so cold in here," Lisa groaned, flopping down onto their bed. Rosé glanced over at Lisa, clad in only shorts and undergarments, and let out a snort.

"You're only cold because you're barely wearing anything."

"What? Isn't this how you're dressed?" Indeed it was, but before Rosé could point out that Lisa had just left the shower and hadn't gotten used to the warm sensations being gone, Lisa pulled her by the shoulder down onto the fluffy white comforters.

Lisa was on top of her, hands restraining Rosé's wrists, her guitar now somewhere to the side. A few drops of water from her bandmate's semi-wet hair dripped down onto the sheets.

Rosé looked up at her nervously. She couldn't move due to Lisa, and it sparked a weird feeling in her chest that made her heart race. "What're you doing?"

"Dunno," she hummed, gazing at the full, soft shape of Rosé's pale lips, before returning her gaze to her eyes. A mischievous smirk traced the corners of Lisa's mouth. "Do you like it?"

"I don't not like it," Rosé confessed, doing her best to keep her iniquitous thoughts to herself.

Lisa lowered herself until her soft hair tickled Rosé's face, her voice becoming only a whisper. "Can I kiss you?"

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