I Know, But...

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(Lisoo, flufffyyyy)

--Lisa's pov--

Minnie [11:08pm]: dude, hav u confessed to her yet???? We're all waiting

Lisa [11:10]: NO! I'm not confessing, she's straight , I told you

Minnie [11:10]: my spidey senses tell me that she <3 you back

Lisa [11:10]: spidey senses?? That's so stupid...

Lisa [11:11]: And "we're all waiting"? who's "we"??

Minnie [11:12]: cho wants a triple date, she thinks it will be fun

Lisa [11:12]: I'm not risking my friendship with her for a triple date. Go tell Miyeon that it can just be a double

Minnie [11:13]: but my bby will be sad :c 

Lisa sighed, turning her phone off. Was Minnie really willing to risk her best friend's love life just so that Miyeon could be happy? She shook her head, annoyed. Suddenly, someone knocked on her door.

Who would be visiting my apartment this late at night? Cautious, Lisa prepared herself for the worst. She unlocked the door and opened it slowly.

Lisa's muscles slacked when she saw who it was. "Seriously? I thought you were a burglar." Lisa let Jisoo in, locking the door after.

"Sorry," Jisoo smiled shyly. Wait, shyly? Lisa blinked, making sure her eyes weren't broken or something. Jisoo? Being shy?

"Lisa?" Her friend asked, tracing invisible patterns on the kitchen counter, suddenly turned to her and looked her directly in the eye. Confess to her!! Minnie's voice practically shouted in Lisa's head.


"Would you give me a hug?"

Lisa nodded at the request, looking back at Jisoo as coolly as she could. Though her heart was going crazy thinking about being so close to her.

Lisa's heart softened seeing Jisoo vulnerable, she gestured for them to sit on the couch. Lisa enclosed Jisoo in a warm embrace, but was careful not to overstay her welcome. Lisa begins to pull away after a few moments, not trying to cross the friendship boundary.

Jisoo grips her tighter, seemingly refusing to let Lisa pull away.

Is she okay? Lisa wonders.

"Lisa... I can ask you anything..." Jisoo's grip relaxes on Lisa a little. "..right?"

"Of course," Lisa rubbed her back soothingly, coaxing the words out of her.

"Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Sure," Lisa said, trying to keep the shake out of her voice, "but did you bring pajamas? Oh, and I'll have to change my sheets if you want to sleep in the b—"

"No, I mean like... right here..." Jisoo murmured, cutting her off.

"You want to fall asleep... in my arms?" Lisa's poor gay heart was struggling to maintain a steady beat. She waited for a response, but Jisoo was already asleep. This woman will be the death of me... Lisa thinks. I know, but... She wrapped her arms a little tighter around her and began to drift off.

--Jisoo's pov--

Jisoo woke up in the middle of the night to strong arms wrapped around her, just like they were when she had fallen asleep. The only thing lighting the apartment was a dim orange light in the corner, so she could see fairly well.

She decided to tilt her chin and look up at the person who was holding her. Lisa. Her... best friend? Jisoo's other friends wouldn't have agreed to hold her for the whole night. She observed how hers and Lisa's chests rose and fell at the same time. Lisa looked so peaceful. It spread to Jisoo, making her much calmer than she had felt earlier this night.

Jisoo lifted her head to place her nose against Lisa's for a brief moment. She smiled, a fluttery feeling tickling her from the inside. She rested back down with her head on Lisa's collarbone, and arms wrapped around her slim torso.

But then she froze. What did I just do?!

When Jisoo's nose booped Lisa's, their lips had been so close. That wasn't normal for female friends, was it? Jisoo was about to get up, but Lisa was so warm and her skin was so soft, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

All of Jisoo's life, she had only been taught Heterosexuality. She was taught that it was the only way. But then she had met Lisa, who is a girl who likes girls. If their friendship wasn't so strong, Jisoo wouldn't have talked to her ever again after she'd found out. It wasn't Jisoo's fault, being straight was all she ever knew. But right now, Jisoo feels something else.

I've never felt this with any of my boyfriends.

Jisoo's eyes wandered curiously to Lisa's lips. She wondered what it was like to–

Jisoo averted her eyes, closing them instead. She was straight. She was only attracted to men. She kept telling herself this, willing herself back to sleep. But it wouldn't come. She opened her eyes again and let out a shaky exhale.

She let her eyes wander over Lisa's features, memorizing every detail of the other's face. Jisoo bit her lip. Then her eyes locked on a certain lower part of Lisa's cute face. She sat up a little and leaned closer, close enough so that their lips were brushing at the slightest. I'm heterosexual, She repeated to herself, hoping that it would make her come back to her senses. I know, but...

Lisa began to stir awake. 

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