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(Rosé x Bae Suzy) 

—Rosé's pov—

(A/N: Hey, I bet everyone's wondering what the title stands for? Read until the end to find out *wink*) 

"T-minus 20 minutes until the performance," Lisa said, spinning in her makeup chair impatiently.

"Please don't do that," Chaeyoung told her, trying to get the image of Lisa falling on the floor out of her head.

"Don't do what?" The maknae retorted. "Spinning on the chair or counting down?"

"Both," Chaeyoung chuckled, checking her outfit in their full-body mirror. She was wearing a pink top and skirt, the hems sporting glued-on gems. It looked nice on her, and it complemented her blonde hair.

"Please don't do that, Chae," Lisa teased.

"Don't do what?" Now it was Chaeyoung's turn to be confused.

"You've checked yourself out in that mirror more times tonight than Jisoo's come to check on us to make sure we didn't burn down our makeup room." Lisa stood up from her chair and gave the blinde a nudge with her shoulder. "You look good, don't stress over it."

"Alright," Chaeyoung agreed.

"Now, can you count for me?" Lisa asked, stretching her arms.


Chaeyoung starts to count, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, 1-2-3-4- she continued counting as the maknae perfected her dance for the chorus of Pretty Savage. "Now, all together without the counts," Chaeyoung said in her most serious voice, trying to imitate their dance coach.

"Yes, teacher," Lisa smiled, going through it one more time.

Knock, knock.

"Come in," Lisa says, out of breath.

Chaeyoung turns around, expecting to see Jisoo coming to check up on them again. But instead she finds her girlfriend standing in the doorway.

"Baby!" Chaeyoung smiles, running the short distance between them and pulling her in for a hug. The BLACKPINK member rocked her girlfriend side to side, so happy to see her.

"I came here to give you this." Her girlfriend, Bae Suzy, smiled a little shyly. She handed Chaeyoung a letter. "Don't open it until after your show, alright?"

"Okay," Chaeyoung nods, sealing her promise.

"Goodluck, Chaengie. Tell the others I said so too?"

"Of course," Chaeyoung promised again, leaning in to kiss Suzy. Suzy let her hands travel Chaeyoung's body, suppressing the urge to kiss her neck. No, she wasn't allowed to leave a mark anywhere that the fans could see. Just as Chaeyoung was about to moan ino the kiss, Suzy pulled away.

Chaeyoung pouted. "Can't you stay until after?"

Suzy ran a hand through her hair. "My schedule is packed." She gave Chaeyoung a pointed look. "And so is yours."

"T-minus 6 minutes~," Lisa sang.

"I'll see you in a week, okay? Lisa, take good care of my Chaeng-ah for me," Suzy said before walking out of their powder room, closing the door on the way.

"I will~" Lisa sang again, warming up her vocals.

As soon as Lisa was sure that Suzy was gone, she let out an, "oooooooooh."

Chaeyoung blushes, putting the letter somewhere safe so that it won't get damaged. "She's so totally whipped for you," Lisa teased.

Chaeyoung reapplied her lipstick, ignoring Lisa, still wrapped in a haze of what had just happened.

"Baesé!" Lisa almost yelled, snapping Chaeyoung out of it.

"What?" She turned to Lisa.

"No, no, no...Suchae? Nah."

"Lisa-yah." Chaeyoung said sternly. "Are you seriously trying to come up with a ship name for us?

"Y to E to the SsSssS, Chipmunk, every couple needs one," Lisa said, resuming her deep thought. Chaeyoung sighed. It was just like Lisa to do this. Secretly, Chaeyoung was curious to see what Lisa would come up with. Not that she would ever admit that to her.

"Suchaeng! Baeyoung!"

"Lisa, we've got to go, come on," Chaeyoung told her, walking out of their makeup room. They had to be on stage in three minutes.

. . . . .

The group is standing at the bottom of the stairs leading up to their stage. The intro of Ddu-Du Ddu-Du started to play, but a much more amplified one with guitars and a stronger base. Chaeyoung could hear fans cheering for them.

"I've got it!" Lisa whispered, though it was more of a yell so that they could hear each other over the sound of the music and the fans cheering.

"Got what?" Jisoo questioned, fixing the collar of Jennie's top.

Chaeyoung gives Lisa a look that said "don't you dare".

Lisa scrunched her face together silently saying back, "I don't care".

"Chaezy," Lisa chuckled, dashing up the stairs before Chaeyoung could say anything.

Chaeyoung shook her head, willing herself to enjoy herself at this performance and ignore Lisa teasing her. Oh! And she absolutely couldn't forget about the letter that she got to read when the performance was over. Who knew Suzy was so romantic, writing love letters?

Now all she had to do was survive another hard week of work so that she could binge a new Netflix series, cuddled in Suzy's arms. <3

(A/N: the title is- "Lisa dont know what to do if every couple doesn't have a ship name" it is so long, like I seriously couldn't think of a different name so just go with it haha)

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