There Might be Something Wrong

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Written as a request by @gk199998 I hope you like it! :3 (I kind of twisted the original idea they gave me 'cause I have no fluff left in me, but I just can't leave their request in the air for any longer)

(Could be JenChuLiChaeng, could be Jensoo, could be Jenlisa. I don't know, you figure it out.)

---Jisoo's pov---

BLACKPINK was just performing like normal. Everything was going great. The girls were having an awesome time and fans were screaming the lyrics of their songs that they loved so much, and some were even throwing gifts at them. Per usual.

That is, until Jennie missed her rap in D4. (A/N: for anyone who doesn't know, D4 stands for ddu-du ddu-du)

Like, Jennie missed her rap. Not just her rap but THE rap. It's the most anticipated moment in D4, next to the chorus, and for Jennie to just miss it like that is not to be taken lightly. Lisa had no trouble ignoring it, giving Jennie an affectionate pat on the back and continued dancing.

Rosie quickly asked her if she was okay before resuming their dance as well.

Jisoo didn't do anything to comfort Jennie, but now, Jisoo's eyes were on her instead of the fans. Jennie was having a hard time, and her dancing wasn't synchronized with the others like it was supposed to be. Jisoo also noticed her swallowing and blinking a lot. That's when Jisoo started to get worried. But she brushed it off. The fans didn't notice, so she shouldn't make a big deal out of it if Jennie clearly doesn't want to.

When D4 ended, Jennie asked the staff for some water. The staff, thankfully, came back with water for all of them.

"Unnie," Jennie said to Jisoo, lowering her microphone. Jisoo paused in her stretching and internal countdown for the next song to start.

"Hm?" Jisoo took off her microphone as well, turning around to face Jennie with a questioning look.

"Can I drink your water?"

"Didn't the staff give you some too, what happened?"

"I just want yours instead," Jennie insisted. Chaeyoung and Lisa just sent her a 'let her have her way' glare.

Jisoo handed her water bottle to Jennie without any more questions, but then she saw Jennie's tucked away in a corner, clearly empty. Did she dump it out? Jisoo wondered. But a nagging voice in her head told her that Jennie had drunk it all. Jennie isn't one to waste things. That's when Jisoo's anxiety for Jennie raised some more. But she pushed it down. They had to perform again now.

The group got in their positions for How You Like That, which is an easy one to sing, but difficult to dance to.

"Blackpink in your area!" Lisa sang with extra excitement, although the line was supposed to be serious and sexy. The maknae is clearly enjoying herself.

Jennie didn't miss her lines this time. But she did miss her dance part. At least no one really noticed since the stage is far from BLINK's prying eyes, and the up-close camera is zooming in and out a bunch, focusing on a new member every few seconds. But the members of BLACKPINK noticed.

"이제 너희, hana, dul, set," Chaeyoung sang, looking at Jennie expectantly.

Jennie danced with the music, missing her part. Again. And it was another big one!! Jennie was supposed to say—

"You gon' like that, that, that, that," Lisa covered Jennie's part, sending some sort of hand signal to Jisoo and Chaeyoung. Rosie nodded like she understood, but Jisoo didn't. She didn't understand Lisa's weird hand gestures but they probably meant 'we'll take turns covering or Jennie'.

Besides the fact that they were covering Jennie's parts, everything started to go smoothly again.

Then in the middle of Pink Venom, another song where she has an important rap verse, Jennie walked off the stage. She walked off the fucking stage.

Phew, calm down, it's okay, you're okay, keep going. Jisoo prayed that Jennie would be fine, but they had to continue performing.

Lisa was visibly not doing so great herself. Her dance was on point, but her voice was trembling at the slightest and her forehead was starting to sweat more than normal as she now had to cover hers and Jennie's raps which were side by side without pause.

Chaeyoung lost herself in the music, completely forgetting about everything other than it. Jisoo knows that this is what she does when something bad happens.


"Where is she?" Lisa demanded, looking ready to make their guards beg for mercy just with one glare. Jisoo didn't know that Lisa could be this serious.

"She's already gone back to the hotel. Um.. would you like anything?" One of them asked, unsure whether to bother her or not. She looked real pissed off.

"We'd like a ride back to the hotel," Rosie said kindly, barely holding a smile. She was doing well setting a good example for Lisa. The least they could do was be nice to their bodyguards. It's not like they were the ones who made Jennie sick.

Jennie's sick.

Jisoo shook out her hands, blowing out a tired breath. That thought hadn't gone through her mind since... Well, she doesn't really remember. Jennie's been healthy, and Jisoo wants to keep it that way.

"I'm hungry," Chaeyoung pouted while they got in the car. "Can one of you come with me to get something to eat?"

"Lisa can," Jisoo said, getting out of the car and deciding to ask for another one.

"WHAT?" Lisa let out a slightly crazed chuckle. "No, no, I need to make sure Jennie's okay." But Jisoo had already made up her mind.

Jisoo nodded to their bodyguard to close the door of the car, a seething Lisa being the last thing she saw before getting in a different car.

The drive to the hotel was torturous. She thought that they had booked the closest hotel to where they were performing. But it was twice as long since she was anxious. She needed to calm her nerves down. She can't be like this in front of Jennie.

I hope those maknaes get some fried chicken, She thought, hands clasped together. That would really make her day.

"We're here!" The driver informed her. Jisoo smiled a 'thanks' to her, getting out of the car with a hat and mask over her face so she wouldn't be recognized. She hurried inside the building, pressing on the elevator button repeatedly. Come on, come on... Jisoo needed to know what was happening with Jennie. She was hoping that Jennie wasn't on a flight back to Korea right now.

Finally, the elevator stopped on their floor. Jisoo ran as fast as she could to the door, keycard in hand, and opened it. (A/N: My first draft said not 'keycard' but 'queencard' 💀)

"Jennie?" Jisoo called, kicking her shoes off.

No response. Jisoo was met with dead silence. Until she heard an, "ACHOO!!" from Jennie and Lisa's room.

Jisoo rushed into the room and saw something that hid in her darkest dreams. Jennie sat on her bed, a tissue box near her, as well as a bottle full of orange juice, her phone, a vomit bowl (which was full), and multiple blankets. Jennie's eyes were red and tired, her limbs splayed in an uncomfortable position, and her hair an absolute mess. She hadn't even bothered to change out of her stage outfit or wash off her makeup.

Jisoo took a deep breath to prepare herself for the days ahead of her. 

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