Everything I Need Is On The Ground

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(Chaelisa, fluffyyy so flufyy)

--Lisa's pov--

"Stumped now?" Chaeyoung teased, taking a sip of what easily could've been her second cup of hot chocolate. Or maybe she was just drinking it slowly. Really slowly.

"Never," Lisa answered, swallowing the last bite of her sandwich. She thought for a moment before she got an idea. "What's your favorite color?"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, answering, "Pink. But you already knew that. Ask me something else."

Lisa scratched the back of her head.

"Isn't there something you've always wanted to know about me?" Chaeyoung asked curiously, setting her cup of hot cocoa down.

"Well," Lisa pushed her plate to the side, "if you could have a wall calendar with any pictures you wanted, what would they be?"

Chaeyoung finally finished her drink, setting it down and looking around. Anywhere that wasn't Lisa.

The cafe was closing. The shop owner came up to them cheerily, but tired. "Check?" He asked. As Chaeyoung nodded, he set down a small, velvety disk with their receipt in it.

"So, are you going to tell me?" Lisa raised a brow mischievously, full-well aware of the shop owner still standing over them. Chaeyoung held Lisa's eye contact for a moment, before pulling out her wallet. While she placed the money in the disk, Lisa reached over across the small table and grabbed Chaeyoung's coat. As well as her own. After everything was paid for, they walked out. Chaeyoung dipped her head formally to the cafe's owner, and Lisa thanked him for the food.

It started to rain.

Lisa placed Chaeyoung's coat on her, and Chaeyoung looked at Lisa as if she wanted something.

Usually, whoever didn't make or pay for their dinner had to make the first move toward kissing the one who did. And, more often than not, that someone was Lisa.

"What? Don't look at me like that." Lisa chuckled, pulling her hood over her head. "I'm not giving you a kiss until you answer my question."

Chaeyoung mumbled something that Lisa didn't catch.

"Hmm?" Lisa said, tightening her grip on Chaeyoung's hand as a car sped past them.

"I said, if I could have a wall calendar with any pictures I wanted, it'd be pictures of you . . ."

"Oh yeah? Doing what?" Lisa turned her head to her partner with inquiry as they neared Chaeyoung's apartment building.

"Working out . . . without a proper shirt on . . ." Chaeyoung trailed off, looking away.

Lisa laughed. "I knew it!" She playfully punched her in the arm. "You little perv!"

"If you knew it then why did you ask me?" Chaeyoung huffed, her angry voice was always laced with a stronger accent. Lisa loved it.

"'Cause I wanted to hear you say it, honey."

Practically Chaeyoung's whole face turned red, and Lisa had to stop herself from smiling any harder. No matter how many times she called Chaeyoung that cute little nickname, she got the same reaction.

Chaeyoung walked ahead, into her apartment building. As she pressed the button on the elevator, she said, "Good luck kissing an angry face." But Lisa knew she didn't mean it.

"I'm sure it won't be that hard." Lisa tipped her head, following Chaeyoung into the elevator and taking her hood off. After a couple moments of silence from the elevator to Chaeyoung's apartment, Lisa said something.

"Hey, I'm sorry I laughed, I'll take it back."

"You know I'm not actually mad at you, right?"

"My answer would've been something very, very similar," Lisa muttered.

Chaeyoung's eyes lit up with laughter as she unlocked the door. "What was that you said?"

This time, Lisa's face turned red.

Chaeyoung let out a small chuckle, taking off her coat and switching the lights on. "Are you going to stay tonight?"

Lisa sighed, glancing around. Chaeyoung's apartment was so much better than her own. "That depends. Do you want me to?"

Chaeyoung's eyes furrowed and her nose scrunched up until she looked so cute Lisa couldn't take it. Her eyes seemed to say, "Is that even a question anymore?"

A loud CRACK in the sky made Chaeyoung jump, yelping in surprise. The lights fizzled, leaving them in the dark.

Chaeyoung wasn't scared of many things, but she was afraid of the dark. For some reason that Chaeyoung wouldn't tell Lisa.

"LISA? Are you still here? Where are you?"

Used to dealing with startled cats, Lisa smoothened her voice. "I'm over here, on the other side of the counter."


"Honey?" Lisa walked slowly to where she thought her girlfriend was, relieved to find that her darkest nightmare hadn't come true. The power had just gone out because of the storm, no one was coming to take Chaeyoung away from her, Lisa reassured herself.

"Hey," Lisa said softly, removing Chaeyoung's hands from her ears as carefully as she could, "the power just went out."

"Can't you fix it?" Chaeyoung murmured, with the slightest quiver.

Lisa pulled out her phone from her back pocket and set it down on the counter, its light barely illuminated the kitchen. But, it was better than nothing.

"Better?" Lisa rubbed Chaeyoung's shoulders to soothe her.

She nodded.

Why are you so afraid of the dark? Lisa wondered in her head, but knew better than to ask it out loud. Chaeyoung would probably just refuse to tell her. But Lisa's mind couldn't help itself from thinking things like, why are you keeping this from me? Did someone hurt you in the dark and that's why you're scared? Did I do something to make you afraid of the dark? Aren't we supposed to tell each other everything??

But now, Lisa just pulled her Chaengie close. Her partner's warm cheek rested on Lisa's collarbone, and Lisa could breathe in the lovely smell of Chaeyoung's hair. She always used some sort of flower shampoo, whether it was roses or chrysanthemums, it was always a type of flower. And every time she got close enough to smell Chaeyoung's hair, it reminded Lisa of her home town, where there was much more greenery than where they were now in Korea.

Chaeyoung jumped at every boom of thunder, but Lisa never stopped holding her. When Lisa got her a little more calm, unfortunately, Lisa's phone died. Chaeyoung was back where they had started, but Lisa didn't stop holding her. And just like that, they fell asleep on the kitchen floor, Chaeyoung in Lisa's arms. In her safe space.

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