Jaws Bars

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(Lisoo, cursing, Minnie of (G)I-DLE cameo)

---Jisoo's pov---

Shit. I am tied to a chair, and I'm hungry.

For whatever reason, I had agreed to do it. Thought that it would be a fun game. Now, I think not. She had tied them tighter than she should have, and she was walking around the chair as if she was thinking. What about? I didn't have the slightest clue.

Her name is Minnie. Lisa's best friend. And boy is she arrogant. She stopped, right in front of me. Her bangs covered her eyebrows, but I could still see the annoyance expressed clearly on her face. Minnie cocked her head slightly to the left, her black hair following her action.

I suddenly felt a little unsafe.

Minnie bent over, down to my eye level. It was more than a little frustrating, not being able to move. The Thai let out a scoff, finally speaking. "Why are you falling in love with my best friend?"

Cold panic rushed through me. How did she know? Had she been spying on us? Did.. Lisa say anything to her? Immediately I blurt out, "I'm not–"

I didn't get the chance to finish before she shushed me. "Yeah, yeah." Minnie traced her hand down my cheek until she reached my chin. She lifted my head up, being more gentle than I would have expected. "Don't lie to me."

I clenched my teeth, refusing to break her gaze.

"You see," she removed her hand and continued to walk around the chair slowly, "Lisa and I moved to Korea without any friends here or our parents to support us firsthand," her steps were small, she was taking her time deciding where to place her feet on the tan carpet floor.

Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, her intense stare bearing down on me. "So, for a while now, I have been the only one to be Lisa's friend, her counsel, and the one who knows all of her secrets."

She was talking so slowly and carefully that I began to imagine foods since my stomach was growling. Maybe if I break out of here I can have some malatang? No, no, ice cream! I thought hungrily about my favorite Jaws Bars in the freezer of the house.

She dug her hands into my shoulders. I shifted them slightly, uncomfortable since her nails were so long.

"Then you came along."

Minnie chuckled. The kind of laugh you hear before someone kills you. But, that wasn't about to happen, right?

"I didn't mean to cause a rift between you two," I say. She removes her hands and spins the chair around to face her.

"Do not. Interrupt. Me." Her eyes were almost like a cat's; slitted with hate. "Lili started to talk to you and about you more and more. Leaving less time for me."

My eyes were a little closed, but I could still feel her glaring at me.

"This situation will only work out if I approve of you, since I was Lisa's friend first. And if I don't..."

My eyes flickered open, looking up at her in horror. The thought of not being able to let Lisa pick out my outfit every morning or see her face light up everytime I suggest she can choose what we have for dinner makes me feel empty inside. Minnie giggled, satisfied with my reaction. "Well, then Lisa won't let you in either."

"I'm sure we can–" I started, but, once again, I was cut off.

"What did I just say?"

"You paused!" I protested. This was so stupid! She shouldn't be allowed to talk to me like I'm some damn criminal. It's absurd.

Minnie scoffed, mouthing the words 'feisty ass' before she walked to the back of the chair. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. She whispered something that made me freeze with indecision.

"Give me one good reason why I should tolerate you."

"..." Words didn't come. Why would they? I was trapped until I gave her an answer.

"Jisoo?" A girl came into the room, a baseball cap resting backwards on her head. Relief fizzled out the flame of worry in my chest.

Minnie let out a frustrated groan. "I should've locked the door."

Lisa looked up at Minnie, tearing her eyes away from me. "What's going on here?" Her eyes fell on the rope that tied me to the chair.

"I..I think Minnie was interrogating me or something," I answer, guilty with the fact that I now felt completely and utterly safe with Lisa's presence. She suddenly moves to untie me.

"You okay, chu?" She murmurs, finishing up and getting an angry glare from Minnie. "I know how she can be."

"Next time I might tie you up to a chair if you keep calling her that," Minnie pouted, crossing her arms.

"What, chu?" Lisa asked, not hesitating to take my hand and help me up. I didn't need it, but, it was fine.

"Stop, pleeeaaassseee, you're going to make my ears fall off."

I stifled a laugh. That's how I'd felt when I heard that nickname a few times aimed in my direction. But then I realized that Lisa uses it as a term of endearment (and also to tease me about how much I love Pokemon).

"Minnie, what were you doing?" Lisa asked, not letting go of my hand, raising a brow at the younger.

Minnie looked at me cheekily. "Jisoo came at me with a knife so I tied her up."

For a moment, one that seemed to last a lifetime, Lisa looked at me like I had actually done that. Of course I hadn't. But, now I want to.

"I'm sure that didn't happen," Lisa said, pulling me out of that horrible moment. I had almost begun to imagine what would've happened if she had believed Minnie.

"You even take her word over mine now!" Minnie unexpectedly let out her words in a yell, stomping heavily into the other room. I thought the floor would split open, no doubt.

"What the hell was that all about?" Lisa turned to me, and I was startled by the intensity of the question. Her mouth was twisted in a scoff, but she couldn't have looked prettier.

"Well, she wasn't being too specific. But, it appeared as though maybe she is jealous of our," I blinked, deciding on something simple, "friendship." Gods, the pause between "our" and "friendship" will haunt me for weeks.

Lisa's eyes softened, and she was about to walk out of the room, probably going to comfort Minnie. Crap. Minnie would tell Lisa what she was really talking about.

What if she didn't share those feelings? My limbs were stone-stiff as I watched her walk away. I could've done something. I cursed myself.

I sighed, standing there with my arms crossed. I wasn't about to walk out of the room, but I wasn't about to sit in the chair again either. I would just stand here and face my fate.

Unexpectedly, Lisa came back a few minutes later, two Jaws Bars in her hands. Her eyes looked hopeful.

I let out a small gasp of astonishment. I had thought that she would go to comfort Minnie, but.. instead she wanted to spend time with me?

"Do you want to watch that movie you were talking about earlier? I don't know, I kind of set up a fort on the couch..."


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