Yes, No, Maybe

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(Lisoo, alcohol briefly mentioned)

---Jisoo's pov---

"Where are you going again?" Lisa asks. She is sitting on Jisoo's couch, scrolling through movies to watch on Netflix.

"I have a date with someone." to forget about you. She adds the last part in her head with a small sigh. Jisoo has just finished tying her shoes when she notices Lisa blinking a whole bunch.

"Why are you–"

"Ooooohhh," she cuts me off dramatically, "who is it?"

Jisoo opens the door, throwing Lisa the keys. She catches them, almost effortlessly. "I'll tell you later," She says, closing the door.

She quickly fixes up her hair in the elevator as it heads to the lobby, and walks out of the apartment building. Then her phone rang; her date was calling. Jisoo takes a deep breath before sliding 'answer'.

"Hey," Jisoo says as confidently as she could, "I'm almost there." That was a lie, she had just left her building and was waiting for a taxi.

"About that.." Hae-in trailed off. "I.. I won't be able to make it."

"It's fine, we can reschedule," she offered.

"No, Jisoo," She heard him sigh on the other line, "I think we should see other people."

She hung up, leaning against the side of the apartment building. Great. There goes my distraction from Lisa.

It's not that she didn't like Lisa, it was quite the opposite in fact. The problem is, Jisoo is in love with Lisa. And Lisa isn't in love with Jisoo. Hence why Jisoo had a date tonight. She is trying to stop thinking of Lisa as a romantic partner, and as just a friend.

I might have to resort to being set up by Rosie on blind dates... Jisoo shuddered at the idea. Her last blind date didn't go too well, but now she was desperate. If she stayed single while Lisa was practically living in her apartment all the time, she just might combust.

Lisa's always clinging to Jisoo's arm, playing with her fingers, poking her sides, asking for cuddles, surprise hugging her, and many other things that are normal for couples. But Lisa and Jisoo aren't a couple. Lisa may not seem like it's much, but Jisoo is affected every time. And every time, she wishes that Lisa wasn't doing those actions platonically.

A cold wind tickled her nose, whisking away her plans of standing here all night. Jisoo shoved her phone back into her pocket, retreating to the elevator gloomily.

Once she reached the door of her apartment, she remembered that Lisa had her keys. She rested her head on the door, knocking softly.

"No cleaners!" Lisa politely shouted.

"Lisa, let me in," Jisoo huffed.

The door unlocked, and she stumbled in, slightly dizzy. Lisa closed the door behind her. She sat next to Jisoo on the couch, switching the television off. Jisoo rubbed her forehead with a hand and let out a small groan.

"Did you drink?" Lisa murmured.

Jisoo didn't want to open her eyes and be met with Lisa's adorable face, but her question raised Jisoo's attention. "No." Lisa looked at her, her eyes disbelieving considering Jisoo wasn't acting very much like herself, her eyes and ears were red, and she was shivering. "I stood outside for a while in this dress.. Without a coat."

"Chu, it's snowing," She whispered, covering Jisoo with a blanket.

"So? I'm a grown woman, I can stand outside whenever I feel like it," she muttered grumpily. Lisa isn't usually this worried about me.

"Why so snappy? I thought you went on a date." Lisa loves watching snow fall, like a child, which is why Jisoo was confused. She was looking at Jisoo, not the snow falling outside the window.

"He canceled. For good."

Lisa wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulder comfortingly, but it only caused her to flinch and worry if this was something that just friends could do. "Don't worry, you'll find someone else."

"I don't care anymore."

"..Do you want me to leave?"

She thought about it for a moment, before answering, "no."

Lisa squeezed Jisoo's shoulder softly. "Next time you go outside in the cold, wear a coat. Please."

"Why should I?" Jisoo turned her head away from Lisa's, heart clenching because of how Lisa was acting tonight. Maybe she really did drink and her imagination was playing tricks on her??

Lisa turned Jisoo's head back to face her. "Because I care about you." She began to lean closer to her face.

Her breath is warm on Jisoo's face. But Jisoo didn't know what to do. Is she about to kiss me? Wait, do I want to kiss her?



Maybe? Is she doing this because my date canceled on me, or is she doing this because she wants to? She just told me that she cares about me. But does she mean romantically? Should I kiss her back? I've never kissed anyone, I don't know how..

Jisoo looked at Lisa's soft lips. Is tonight the night I get my first kiss?


No, wait.




What is this feeling? It's different than anything Jisoo has ever felt. Lisa leaned closer to Jisoo, and Jisoo didn't really know what she was doing. She reached for Lisa's shoulder, heart pounding. She couldn't do this, she needed to ask her if it would be a platonic kiss or a romantic one. She wanted it to be the latter so badly, but she didn't know what Lisa was thinking.

"Lisa," Jisoo murmured, leaning back and lightly pushing on the other's shoulder.

Lisa cleared her throat loudly and stood up, pulling herself away from Jisoo. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking, I- don't forget to lock the door." Lisa walked out of Jisoo's apartment quickly, so quickly that she even forgot her shoes.

Jisoo let out a breath she didn't remember she was holding.

What had just happened??

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