✨Incorrect Quotes Part 7✨

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Rockabiee: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?'

Rockabiee: Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way.

Sketches: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.

Kiyochi: This knife is actually a magic wand.

Hybrid: Meet me in the Denny's parking lot for a wizard duel.

Rockabiee: *cocks gun* Magic missile.

Nox: What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Hybrid: Nox and I were crossing the street and this dude drove by and honked at us.

Sketches: Oh God, what did Nox do?

Hybrid: She chased him to the next light, reached into his window and..

Nox: Who wants a steering wheel?

Hybrid: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.

Rockabiee: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Hybrid: Yes!

Sketches: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.

Nox: Someone will die.

Hybrid: Of fun!

Rockabiee: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.

Nox: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.

*Hybrid and Kiyochi sitting in jail together*

Kiiyochi: So who should we call?

Hybrid: I'd call Nox, but I feel safer in jail

Nox: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?

Kiyochi: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.

Rockabiee: I witnessed the dumb stuff.

Nox: I recorded the dumb stuff.

Hybrid: I joined in on the dumb stuff.


Sketches: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!

Rockabiee: Tubular AF!

Hybrid: Mood to the max!

Nox, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.

Kiyochi, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she's a square.

Kiyochi: I can explain.

Sketches: Can you?

Kiyochi: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.

Hybrid: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.

Kiyochi: The cow???

Hybrid: What?

Sketches: Kiyochi, W H Y?

Rockabiee: Are you sure this is the right direction?

Kiyochi: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!

Sketches: In that case, we're definitely lost.

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