Chapter 2: Wreckage

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Two days had passed since Jane Doe was brought aboard the ship. The man had worked his magic healing the injuries she had mysteriously sustained. His analysis was that she was in some sort of crash as she was battered and bruised in various places, along with owning a broken left hand and torn tendons in that wrist. Her bones were brittle from the lack of nutrition, so it was a thrill to have a challenge piecing the tiny bones back together without causing further damage.

It seemed she had also developed muscle damage from the dehydration, her body going so far as to have occasional seizures while still unconscious from the lack of electrolytes. The doctor gave the woman the most proper care he could, having hooked an IV drip to her to help her regain fluids back into her body, and another tube inserted through her nose and down her throat to give her the proper nutrients.

Night had fallen, and the doctor was on his way to check on his patient. He entered the infirmary, swinging a lab jacket over himself. Two of his men were taking notes on the lady that lay unconscious; pale as a ghost. Bandages wrapped tightly around the haphazard injuries on her body. A cast was put over her left arm and was held up in a sling so she wouldn't further damage it if she were to seize again. A web of wires led to a machine that beeped in rhythm to her heart rate.

He placed a stethoscope in his ears and studied the patient's heartbeat. It had improved since that morning. Next, he took a blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around her right arm, placing his stethoscope underneath to record her blood pressure. Still low. Not as bad as yesterday at least.

"How's she doing with the enteral?" He asked his colleague as he jotted notes down in her charts.

"Good, it seems. There hasn't been any complications." He reported.

"Good. Until she gains consciousness, this will help her regain nutrition." He gazed studying the image of the woman's face. She looked as if she was a delicate antique, like fine china that would crack if you touched it. Pale as snow, with only the faintest of pink across her face from the fading sunburn. The doctor didn't realize he had spaced out.

"What is it we do now, Captain Law?"

His crew mate jolted him out of it. "She will possibly be waking up soon. She likely will be in a panicked state, so have the tranquilizers prepared at 10mg."

The assistant saluted his captain and left the two in the room alone. "If it were anyone else that spotted her, she would've been dead by now..." he muttered to himself.

He took a seat at a desk adjacent to the girl in slumber, continuing his stare. He rested his head on his hand in deep thought, closing his dark eyes. From the looks of her belongings that stowed away with her, he concluded she must be an artist or charter of some sort, most likely from the West Blue. She had been to the North Blue as well it seems, based on her art and journal passages. So where was her crew? Did she have a crew? There was no evidence that suggested she had any acquaintances that traveled with her. No way someone like her made it across the Grand Line, surely. Right?

How did she get here? It seems she capsized upon reaching the New World. That certainly was plausible. He wouldn't know for certain until she woke up. He grabbed ahold of the clipboard that held her charts, taking out his black-framed glasses to see more clearly. He flipped through sheet by sheet. Her vitals were improving slowly but steadily, healing like any other human would from the state she was in. She sure was strong-willed to have survived that long out at sea. How did she not get eaten by a sea monster?

He scratched his head at the mystery of his Jane Doe. She sure was entertaining though. He marveled at any opportunity to test his skills. He loved being able to pick her apart, like a kid tinkering with a new gadget they had never seen before. He wanted to learn her story and play detective with this toy. Picking bodies apart and putting them back together; that was his idea of fun.

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