Chapter 8: Twist of Fate

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Author's note: There is some mild violence between our main characters in this chapter. If this is something triggering to you, please read it at your own discretion. I care about your comfort as a reader and as a person, so I wanted to give you a fair warning. If it's not, then enjoy!


Ash's eyes fluttered open from the gleam of the rising sun. "It's morning..." She said as she looked out the window. Seems they were no longer underwater. She noticed she was laying on something warm and firm, and lifted her tired head to investigate. Her eyes widened upon seeing what it was. "AH!!" She jumped, falling onto the hard ground. "Ow..." She groaned rubbing her backside. Her face became fifty shades of red realizing she had been asleep next to Law.

She slowly peeked over at the man that lay on the couch they shared. He was still fast asleep. Thank god...she could now make an escape before he woke up so she doesn't have to endure that confrontation. She scurried to her feet to quickly scoop up her belongings that were still laying on the floor to make her great escape.

"What are you doing?"

A gruff voice made her freeze in her tracks. Aw, crap... "" She couldn't even manage to get her words out being caught. Law lay there on the couch casually waiting for her response. His slate stare made her shiver. "I...was just leaving." She said, remembering him being mad at her the night before.

Law rolled over to his feet. "Ah, I got feeling back in my side." He said, stretching his arm. Ash was frozen with fear. What was he gonna do? Oh no, does he know she was sleeping next to him? How did that even happen? The raven-haired man approached her with hands in his pockets. Ash shut her eyes ready for what pain she was going to receive, but only felt a soft touch to her forehead. "Good, your fever's gone."

Ash gulped. "Mhm." She timidly nodded. She was a lot more scared of him now knowing this man could chop her up any second. His face was really close...and he looked down at her with what looked like bedroom eyes. Ash's heart raced. "Is he gonna...?"

"Well good. You should be fine enough to leave today."

Ash's heart sank. "Really? That's wonderful." She faked a smile.

Law walked past her with a yawn making his way to the door. "We should be getting there in about four hours. That should be more than enough time for you to get ready."

"Yeah, that's fine." She said walking back over to her suitcase, secretly feeling incredible frustration.

Wait a second...why was she so upset? Was she hoping for it? Ash's heart stopped because of the very realization. This was a different feeling. Law had been an interesting person to her ever since the two first met, but never has anyone made her this mad before. Is this what it was truly like someone? Her cheeks grew warm just thinking about it. This was a first. What does she do with this information? Is this why she found him so alluring even though he's such a rude person? Her head became dizzy with so many thoughts and feelings swirling in her head like a twister.

"See ya later." He dryly said, startling her so much that she dropped the book she had in her hand. He didn't seem to notice and shut the door behind him without another word.

"He must've not known...that we slept together last night?" She asked herself confused but also relieved. "Oh well..." She sighed, then waltzed over and picked up her things once again. She was sad she had to leave so soon, but she had her own ambitions she needed to get back to. She couldn't forget she had her own goals.

What a group the Heart Pirates were. She was very happy that she got to meet them. They were all so kind. Maybe she could do something to repay them for their kindness. She checked her books one more time before heading back to the infirmary. Everything seemed to be there. Except..."Wait...that's weird." One of her journals was missing. She started rummaging through her bag in a panic. This particular journal was something special to her. "Oh no..."

Dark Ties: A One Piece Romance (Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now