Chapter 13: The Shout of a Bullet

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Running away sure is fun. Running away from where you're from, from your limitations, your aches, your pains. Running away from the prejudice, the judgment, and your pride. To drift like a feather in the wind, with no worries in the world. You just wonder where nature will take you next.

What a thrill it is to freely enjoy the things you only used to do while no one was watching. You know yourself best when no one is around. How funny it is to slip and fall onto your back and be able to laugh instead of cry. You're not worried about the possibility of catching a cold while you dance in the rain or getting sand in your shoes from running across the beach. Running away, you get to enjoy the present. No what if's or but's. The magical moments the earth can bring can be fully appreciated without the looming clouds of expectations over your head. It's all clear skies, even bluer than you thought blue could be.

And wouldn't it be nice if there was someone out there to share that blue sky with you? Eyes soft as pillows, a smile wider than the sea. A laugh that was music to the gods, and fit in perfect harmony with your own. Their hand lacing between your fingers like secure threads of your favorite sweater, sending warm promises with each stitch.

You don't feel tied to this person, you feel connected with that person; in mind, body, and spirit. You're able to keep running and running, and they run too. Run through it all. Run through the baby's-breath in the meadow, through the fever you got from being in the sun too long, through the empty wallets and stomachs, through the rivers that block your path.

With them by your side, you can run through anything.

Swift shoes running across stone streets began to carry Law and his mind somewhere new. He desperately searched through the streets that erupted in balls of fire and screamed terrified cries of its people. His body was moving on its own instinct after feeling the soft touch of Ash's lips on his cheek. Gentle as a butterfly but stung his skin like a static shock.

How could she? After how he treated her? She should resent him; hate to hear the sound of his name. She trusted him with her life, and he betrayed her in the worst way he thought possible. How could she act as if it never happened? As his feet forced him through blood and falling buildings, all he could think about was how desperately he wanted to apologize to that young woman. The very woman that appeared one day from the infinite ocean and blessed him by crossing his path. He couldn't stand it any longer. Where is she? Where?

"Who the hell are you?" A devil's voice interrupted his stride. An elderly man towered over him covering Law in his shadow. He glared at him like a tiger would a bloody steak.

"Can I help you?" Law asked with impatience.

The beast leaned in too close for comfort. "Say, I know a captain when I see one. I can read it in your eyes crystal clear." His cutlass rose in the air making the atmosphere grow tense. "I'm pretty pissed off right now, so you better kill yourself before I do it for you."

"You must be Ochoku." Law blatantly stated. "I don't blame you for being pissed off that your island is falling to pieces. How shameful."

The cutlass was squeezed in the veteran pirate's angry fist. "You watch yer tongue, you brat." His tone leaked poison. "Hasn't anyone taught you to respect yer elders?" 

"Hasn't anyone taught you that when you raise your sword, you should be willing to bet your life?"

A slash of Ochoku's sword came down like thunder destroying the ground where Law once stood. "Cocky brat!" He spat. "If you can spout crap like that, then come out and fight like a man."

"Fighting me is a waste of time," Law said from behind the fuming man. "Your real target is over there." Law pointed a finger in the direction of Blackbeard's ship. "He calls himself Blackbeard. He's the fool that chose to attack your precious island. If you wanna swing your sword around, go play with him." A mischievous grin began to curl on Law's face. "I'm just a man that's passing by."

Dark Ties: A One Piece Romance (Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now