Chapter 3: Ghost

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Late in the night, a haunting cry echoed through the infirmary.

"Sedative!! Give her the sedative!!" Yelled a crew member, holding down a panicked woman down on the bed. "Shhh, shhh! It's okay! You're fine!"

Her feet kicked and flailed in fear. She had woken up in a scary place; hooked up to unknown machines. There was a tube down her throat, a mask over her face, and wires attached to her body. Who are these men? What do they want? Her breathing was out of her control as she gasped and bellowed.

The man used all his strength to hold her down as the needle punctured her skin delivering a tranquilizer to her bloodstream. It was followed by a blood-curdling scream.

"Call Captain Law!!"

Complete darkness shrouded the bedroom. The man with raven hair lay awake swimming in his own thoughts, his eyes hanging barely open. He had just woken up from another nightmare, and he was not ready to try and sleep again just yet. He shifted his body to the side and stared blankly out the window. The longer he stared into the night sky, the more black his vision became.

His limbs were hung by heavy chains; snow falling all around him. His body hung high in the air as he watched a gruesome scene below.

"You just had to go and screw everything up! Why did you come back just to mess with me, Corazón?!"

Two men point pistols at each other in a tense standoff. One man stood with a feathery pink overcoat with the most menacing look, fuming with pure rage. He pointed his gun with all his spite at the other man that lay helpless bleeding out into the snow. That poor man that lay dying was using his very last bit of strength to hold up his gun, his last breath drawing near. Every gasp felt like gravel in his throat. His seeping blood began to fuse with the snow that surrounded him.

"Why must I be forced to kill my family not once, but TWICE!?"

Law squirmed and cried in terror hearing the sound of the click of the evil man's gun. No matter how much he yelled, couldn't prevent the inevitable.


The scene goes black. He becomes lost in a pitch-dark void. The faint maniacal laughter of the pink feathered man hid echoing in the darkness, making goosebumps crawl all over his skin like creeping ice. He runs and runs to escape the evil phantom but gets nowhere, just for him to fall down a bottomless pit. Falling and falling, the laughter grows louder and louder—

"Purapurapura, purapurapura..."

Law gasped, his heart jumping into his throat when the transponder snail startled him awake. Groaning, he rolls over and reaches to answer. *ca-lick*

"What is it?" He rubbed his aching eyes.

"The patient is awake, captain. We gave her a sedative as instructed, and she's starting to relax." A crash could then be heard in the background, followed by screaming. "Um, slowly...kind of...okay she's not relaxing at all."

Law let out an exhausted sigh. "I'm on my way." *click* Law sat up on the edge of the bed, pinching between his eyes. He was drenched in sweat. He brushed his hand through his hair to move it out of his vision and dried himself off with a towel. He never bothered sleeping with clothes, it'd be a waste...

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