Chapter 18: We Are Destiny

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Author's Note: Hello friends! Thank you so much for reading my story! :) This is the last chapter of Dark Ties, and this is a rather spicy chapter. If you are uncomfortable with that sort of thing, no need to read it! Otherwise, enjoy...


You speak of me in such vivid color;

I imagine your touch would say just as much,

So make my flesh your canvas;

Let your hands be the brush

It had gotten much later than Y/n expected the two to be out stargazing. The hours had turned to early morning so rapidly, it felt like time travel. She walked behind the tall dark man staring at his back in a daze. He had invited her to his room, and without a second thought, she had agreed to the invitation. Y/n was no fool; she was certain the captain wanted to escalate the night a little further. What was she going to do though? Her fingers felt numb from the anticipation. Never has she exposed herself to a man, let alone had any intimate endeavors with anyone. What was it that made her agree so quickly? She didn't know how to act in this sort of situation, but now it was too late. The moment they shared yesterday morning...her body began moving on its own the moment their lips touched. Is that what one does? Does she just let her body move for her; let it be the one to do the talking? It sounded so reckless...but at the same time oh so thrilling. To give up her body and soul to this man so loved so much...

The dark-haired gentleman opened the door graciously with a smile taking her hand to lead her inside. Her nose was greeted with the familiar scent of old book pages and seawater as soon as she graced the doorway. Her heart started to beat faster to the sound of the door clicking shut behind her.

"Make yourself at home." His voice hummed in the grey darkness.

Y/n's eyes continued to scan the small room. His bed sheets were strewn haphazardly across the mattress, and there was only one pillow that had clearly been used for years. A couple of piles of clothes here and there, and his nodachi stood proudly by the door ready for any intruder.

A soft amber glow suddenly illuminated the room as Law lit a candle on the old dresser against the wall. The subtle light was just enough to reveal several other details of Law's space, inviting y/n to continue to look around more. An assortment of books caught her eye and excitedly began exploring their pages. All the while, the doctor stared solemnly down at the fresh scrapes in the floorboards. His shadow flickered over the space where he had thrown Y/n's body across the floor several days prior. His heart ached from the memory of his despicable behavior that day.

"It feels like a bad dream. Like it never happened, you know?" Y/n spoke up. She could see Law's smile fading at the sight of the floor. Gentle footsteps approached from behind him and gave the captain a loving embrace. Her face buried into the fur of his coat as she hugged him tight. "I already told you, stupid. I don't-."

"I can't accept a simple apology." His voice interrupted in barely a whisper. "I know you forgive me...I love that about you. You're the opposite of me." He slowly turned to face y/n and he looked down at her with soft eyes that glowed like burning coals in the candlelight. "You're able to forgive and forget so easily. You can push through anything and keep moving forward. I admire that. My entire life I've held on to what family...I watched it all burn away before my eyes."

"Law..." y/n hesitated to speak, caught off guard by Law's sudden emotions as his face began to wince in pain.

"I had to escape hidden a pile of corpses that day, you know. I was engulfed with such hatred for the world that my one wish was to cause as much destruction as I could before I died from the disease. I went as far as to join one of the most devious and wrathful pirate groups of the sea at one point in time." With warm hands, he took hold of the young woman's and held them carefully. "I've killed many with these hands, y/n. And I even considered killing you too. All for the sake of hatred and anger. It's unforgivable. you really want to love someone like that?"

Dark Ties: A One Piece Romance (Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now