Chapter 4: Where to Start

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Law stood outside on the deck feeling the cooling breeze against his face. The weather today was decent for once, so he took this rare opportunity to think. The past few weeks have been way too eventful to give him a moment like this. Despite being dead tired, he had to take advantage of this peaceful moment. The world isn't usually this kind, you might as well appreciate it.

Let's see...Straw Hat barely survived his recovery and is now doing just fine judging from the latest news of him returning to Marine Ford. "That guy is a menace." He thought, but Law had to give him props for pulling off a stunt like that. "What a moron...I go through all that trouble to fix him and then he goes right back there..." He took his hat off to scratch his head thinking of those last agonizing moments with Luffy. He had suffered such severe trauma seeing his own brother die in his arms during that war...words couldn't describe the painfully hollow look he bore on his face. Looking at that photo in the newspaper, he couldn't decide whether Straw Hat was strong, or just a plain idiot. Maybe both.

Law caught himself stuck gazing at the hat in his hand. One thing was certain...he was no stranger to trauma or loss...He helped him because he would hate to lose such a rival, but also, because he understands. It's what he would've done too.


What Straw Hat did actually could prove useful maybe...since the world will be focused on those recent chain of events. The world's eyes are distracted by this 'new era' unfolding. that attention was off of him for a while, this could be an opportune window. What shall he do with it...?

The Navy has been torn apart from the war and has got to be in a vulnerable state. Most likely, they are boiling with anger from this horrible mess. Their best players had been bested as well. A subtle grin formed on Law's face, and he rested against the railing as the gears in his head turned.

"Maybe the Navy could use a new game piece..." He smiled looking out into the ocean waves. This chaos the world was in could be his ticket to get what he wanted.

"How pissed would you be...Doflamingo?"


Meanwhile, the girl now known as Ash was not having as peaceful of a time. Currently, she was throwing up her breakfast not yet able to keep anything down. It was so humiliating...

"Ash, you doing okay...?" A crew member knocked on the restroom door. He then winced at the dreadful sounds coming from behind the door.

"What do you think?" Ash snapped. She collapsed to the floor from exhaustion. "What was your name again?"

"Penguin..." The man in the cap answered hesitantly, not sure what to make of this situation. "You uh...need anything?"

"You perhaps got a new stomach? Better yet, a new body I can have, Penguin?" She groaned. Her body felt like complete trash; like she had been hit by a bus...over and over. It was irritating how difficult it was to even get into the bathroom with the IV still hooked up to her along with having no energy to walk. The man known as Penguin outside the door had to assist her with that.

"" He answered confused. "You should probably have some water, you're still dehydrated."

"No shit..." She angrily thought. "I know." After answering his suggestion, she mustered as much strength as she could to stand back up but sadly failed. Her legs shook from the strain, making her fall back onto the floor. She growled in frustration at her helplessness.

"Ash! You okay?" Penguin urgently asked startled by the crash. He lunged for the doorknob but the girl stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't!!" She shouted. "I just tripped, I'm fine." Using the nearby sink as a crutch, the girl finally managed to get back up to her feet, her legs wobbling and shaking. She opened the door to see Penguin looking blue in the face.

Dark Ties: A One Piece Romance (Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now