Chapter 11: Slight Obstacle

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A Quick Note: Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far! If you ever have any suggestions or thoughts leave a comment:)

I just wanted to mention that the events of the Rocky Port incident are still unknown, so everything that happens here in this story is just my rendition made with what knowledge I have. Trust me, I researched a lot to make sure this all makes sense ._. Maybe one day we'll find out what happened. Enjoy!
Against the scarlet sky loomed a silhouette of a skull. Ikkaku peered through her binoculars to confirm her sighting.

"Pirate Island ahoy! On the horizon!" She shouted down from the crow's nest. Dozens of sleeping pirates suddenly sprung awake and started scurrying to their posts.

In about 2 hours, a small fleet of ships belonging to the black market will be arriving in port, carrying hundreds of illegal dangerous weapons. These in particular ships just so happen to work for the famed Donquixote Doflamingo, one of the 7 War Lords of the sea. For years, he has been abusing the power of the government to hide his spread of illegal items of destruction. Doflamingo also so happens to be none other than Captain Law's target of revenge.

After his escape from Flevance, plagued with trauma due to his loss of faith in humanity, Law wanted nothing more than to watch the world burn. He wished to cause as much damage to the world as possible before he inevitably died from the lead poisoning that slowly destroyed his body.

He managed to track down the angelic demon and begged to join his crew to help in his quest to destroy the world. What he did not expect was to run into an actual angel instead, who was hiding in the shadows. Rosinante was the first mate of the Donquixote pirates, owning the code name Corazón. He also so happened to be Doflamingo's own brother.

Despite Law stabbing him fueled by his own grudge for the man, Corazón took him under his wing after overhearing Law mention he possessed the initial 'D'. This was the start of Law and Corazón's unlikely bond.

Corazón vowed to find a cure for Law at any cost. He was no evil man like his brother was, but in reality, was a kind-hearted soul that wanted nothing more than for Law to live on. Law gave him grief for the first few months of their travels for a cure, but Corazón's determination and big heart eventually helped him gain a new respect for the man. He was his only ray of light in this dark world.

Tragically, Doflamingo tracked the two down in a race to find the Op-Op Fruit. Corazón managed to nab it first but not without a fight. He managed to have Law eat it in order to heal himself of the disease, but the duo sadly did not escape the island of Swallow together like promised. In the end, Rosinante sacrificed himself to save Law's life and future by taking the bullets from his own evil brother.

Now, today in the present, Law would begin his long-anticipated plan to get his revenge on Doflamingo for murdering his dear friend in cold blood.

The plan was simple: hijack the black market ships to intercept Doflamingo's weapons delivery to Ochoku.

The Warlord is known as the king of the underworld that goes by the name of 'Joker'. When Ochoku doesn't get the weapons, he'll most likely be enraged and go after the warlord himself. At the least, it will cause a conflict. Regardless, the Heart Pirates will then have the black marketers held hostage and will have them sent to the Navy Headquarters to be arrested. This will prove to be evidence of Doflamingo's abuse of power. For assisting the Navy in capturing a great number of outlaws, Law will hopefully be worthy of an alliance with the government. Then, it will be Doflamingo versus The Heart Pirates, Ochoku of the Rock Pirates, and World Government. It was Law's estimation that this much power would be enough to take the villain down.

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