Chapter 9: Okay in the Unknown

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The sun's rays cleanse me

Like a long-forgotten memory

My heart aches with the sea

For it has brought me such tragedy

Some still can't see completely

But I hope they will one of these days for me

A lone woman adorned in white perches in a tree high above the ground. Just over a week ago, she had almost become a victim of the monstrous sea. As if sent from heaven, a dark angel rescued her from death. He was like no one she has ever met before. He possessed eyes that she couldn't help but admire; grey as dust but shone sharp like polished metal. At first, he was a gentle soul, even if he was a bit rude sometimes. His face was cold but reassuring, and soon as she caught sight of it she knew she would be okay. His overall aura was a mystery; always on edge, carrying a large sword at all times like he would have to use it at any given point even at the safest of times. In the end, this dark angel turned out to be a demon, turning on her as soon as she tried to get closer to him. He bared his fangs like a frightened dog and chased her away.

Still, the young woman couldn't help but think about him. The man hurt her...and she knew that was unforgivable. If he was as cruel as he showcased though, why save her in the first place? No evil person would save a person's life the way he did. Somewhere deep down, there had to be kindness in his heart. Perhaps it wasn't evil...if it was true they shared the same past, it would make a lot more sense. Maybe he was mad, but maybe he was also scared. He seems just like the type of complicated man to hide his emotions so stupidly...

"Well, if you must know, my goals are quite complicated." He said to her one night. She halts her thoughts to look over her sketch:

 She halts her thoughts to look over her sketch:

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"You know Law, you are a really strong man. I think though... you are hiding a lot of pain. And not to mention stubborn as hell." She said to her portrait. Letting out a sigh, she leans back onto the trunk of the tree. Yesterday, the Heart Pirates dropped her off on this island full of lush forests with towering trees. She left her drawings of the crewmembers behind as her thank you even though it wasn't much. Regardless, the Heart Pirates were just pleased to have met her and all gave her wonderful warm hugs. Law however was nowhere to be seen. This was her life as a drifter though, and that's why memories were so important to her. Even the bad ones. Her drawings are a reflection of her experiences as well as her memoirs.

It was true, this woman called Astrid is a survivor of the tragedy of Flevance, a town that has long since been destroyed after an outbreak of Amber Lead Disease that took the lives of everyone that lived there. The city became quarantined as there was little knowledge about the disease, so surrounding countries feared it was contagious. A war became a result of citizens wanting to escape, and neighboring countries not letting them without a fight. In the end, the neighboring countries claimed to have a justifiable cause, and the city fell.

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