Chapter 15: Stardust

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You're so down to Earth

And I'm up in the stars

So show me the sea

And I'll take you to Mars


Where am I? What a strange place. I am weightless and drifting in an unfamiliar space. I look at my hands. They're not there. I can't feel anything. Where is the ground? Where is the sky? It's all black.

Wait, strange lights hover and glow all around me. I try to greet them but I have no voice. My consciousness still exists, for I can still think and feel. Oh, they're coming closer. They cover me in their glow. Their presence is warm. I feel something else...what is it? Are they communicating with me? I cannot physically hear them, but I can feel their conscience.

They say...that I am at peace. Is this what this is? Am I at peace? I feel as if I am floating atop the stillest water, of an ocean that stretches on forever and ever. I gaze up at the sky. The stars are dancing, and brighter than ever. So beautiful.

How did I get here? I cannot recall. The lights tell me to not burden myself with the thought. I think to myself, "I wish Law were here to share this beautiful night with me."

I close my eyes and begin to feel myself slowly becoming one with the sky and the sea. How magical. I hear the lights telling me that humans are made of stardust. I gladly listen to their story. Long ago, the universe forced thousands of little stars into a tiny single space. They continued to collide and fight with each other for many many years until they all became one giant burning star. Their resentment for each other subsided as time went on, and the star finally cooled and became the Earth.

The little stars learned to work together as one with their new body. They created beautiful things and decorated themselves with their creations. Trees, rivers, mountains, grass, flowers...the stars created the wonderful phenomenon called life. The stars wanted to create for the rest of time, but the universe ordered that it must always follow the universal law of give and take. Thus, the circle of life was created, and that is why I was here.

More than once I have looked into the eyes of Death, and cheated my way out. I never was sure what it was; could I just be lucky? No matter what it was, I didn't care. I didn't want to give up my body yet. I want to live. Give me luck. Give me strength. Please...let me see Law's face again.

Then, I will feel truly at peace.


"We are ready to release the sails, sir!" A marine saluted his Chief Officer.

Koby stood at the edge of the dock with a serious look on his face and his arms crossed. Something did not feel right. "Excellent, raise the anchor."

"Yes, Sir!"

He tried to ditch the feeling that plagued him, but he couldn't escape it. He closed his eyes and put all his focus into his Observation Haki. After a few moments, he could hear haunting agonizing cries in the distance. Someone was still on the island, and in trouble. He turned to his colleague, "Start departure without me, I'll catch up!" He didn't wait for a response and raced off to follow the sound.

As Koby ran grew closer to the source, the image started to become clearer in his head. It was a man, with something in his arms. He couldn't make out what it was he was holding though. Locked on target, Koby stealthfully stayed out of Blackbeard and Ochoku's line of sight as they continued on with their battle.

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