Chapter 14: What a Heart Is Worth

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Astrid hid atop her perch as she watched the target below. The famed Ochoku lay face down in the dirt. Such immense pain traveled through his veins as if molten iron had replaced his blood. He couldn't feel his legs anymore.

"WHO THE HELL DID THIS!?" He shouted into the sky. "I'LL KILL YOU!! YOU'LL PAY!! I'LL GRIND YOUR BONES TO DUST!!" His fists began to pound into the earth in a furious rage. Debris and dust rained down around him from the force. "SHOW YOURSELF!!"

"Oh, dear..." Ash comically ducked her head behind the wall out of his line of sight. "I'd rather not..." 

Down on the ground below, a strange phenomenon began. The cannons suddenly ceased fire, and the swords stopped clashing. Ash peeked over the edge to see why the island had gone silent. She could see Koby and the other Marines carrying the innocent people away from the island and onto Navy ships. She was happy that everyone would be okay, but something was off.

All the rubble and remains of the city began to move on their own. Even the largest pieces of buildings began to pick up momentum. They drifted abnormally across the ground, some pieces even becoming airborne. It was creepy to Ash, it reminded her of a poltergeist. They seemed to be gathering somewhere. 

Several yards away, insidious laughter infested the town square. From the shadows emerged the figure all debris was gravitating to. "Bahaha! Looks like you caught yourself in a bind, Ochoku!" 

"Blackbeard," Ochoku growled, seething with hatred at the demonic black mass that approached him. He rose his sword. "You call yourself a man? Disabling your opponent like this?! Disgraceful!"

"We're pirates! We don't play by the rules! You should know better than anyone else, you fool! Have you gone senile?" Blackbeard drew his sword accepting the challenge. The ominous void of black continued to grow larger behind him as it continued to suck up more and more debris. "You really plan on fighting me with no legs?! Why don't you retire already, you old geezer! It's time for a new generation to take over the seas!"

"I refuse to be defeated by such a dishonorable man who calls himself a pirate!!" With no need for legs, Ochoku lunged with the intent to kill. A powerful shockwave blasted through the city almost knocking Ash off her feet. Dark sparks of electric energy pulsed around the men's swords. "I will never allow the fate of the world to fall into such disgusting hands like yours!! DIE!!" A massive wave of power was unleashed throughout the entire island. Conquerers Haki.

"What...what is this...?" Ash's vision suddenly began to blur. Such immense willpower shot through her, it felt like her soul suddenly evaporated from her body. She fell harshly onto her knees, cutting them on the stone. "No...not now..." She had no idea what suddenly plagued her, but she couldn't let it take her now. She had to live. She crawled across the rough stone a short distance, but it was in vain. Her eyes began to fade as she lost consciousness when a blurry pair of shoes approached her limp body. "L-Law...?" She muttered, but the world faded to black just seconds after. 

The mystery man knelt down next to her and stared off to watch the two notorious pirates below fight to the death. "You're missing quite the scuffle, y'know." He said, taking this moment to relax and enjoy the show. 

An unworldly battle began unraveling at rapid speed. Blackbeard blasted infinite giant objects at Ochoku with the power of his devil fruit, as Ochoku deflected them all with his incredible swordsmanship and endurance. 

"Dark Water." Blackbeard extends his hand activating an unbelievable gravitational pull. Without his legs to keep him grounded, Ochoku was sent flying towards his grasp. Just before Blackbeard had his neck in his clutches, Ochoku landed a powerful punch plated in Armament Haki into Blackbeard's abdomen, sending him flying backward, blasting straight through building after building.

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