Chapter 12: A Cry for Help

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The sky became blue as the sun rose higher in the sky, illuminating the island of Hachinosu. It was a lush island of palm trees, with a sleepy city in the center with buildings constructed of clay and limestone. The centerpiece of Skull Rock stood proudly above the rest, big enough that one could see it from miles away.

Just off the coast lurking beneath the depths were the Heart Pirates that have been patiently lying in wait for quite some time. Growing impatient, Captain Law looked at the clock with concern.

"I'm starting to get a bad feeling." He muttered. "It's been almost two hours and no shipment."

"Yeah...I'm starting to wonder too." Bepo scratched his head. "For sure they were supposed to be coming...what do you think is going on?"

"Don't know..." Law stood up out of his chair and stretched. "Could be anything. Though, I expected such a shipment to be more punctual than this. Doing a deal with someone like Ochoku isn't an everyday deal."

Bepo spoke into the snail, "Ikkaku, anything going on up on the surface?"

"Not a thing!" She said, and yawned from boredom. "There's zip going on. What do we do?"

"Stand by, Ikkaku. I'll let you know." Law responded.

"Roger!" *ca-lick*

"I don't know, Captain. Something doesn't seem right."

As Law stood brooding over what his next course of action should be, there was a subtle turbulence suddenly that shook the ship. He thought nothing of it at first, but remembered there was nothing but calm seas and clear skies today. Then the transponder snail suddenly cried out with Ikkaku's voice.

"Captain! There was an explosion!" She shouted scared. "It looked like canon fire! The buildings in town have been hit!"

"What?" He asked confused. Just then the water began to shake the submarine once again with more force than before.

"Captain, someone is attacking the island with a small fleet! Their flag says..."

"...says what, Ikkaku?"

She gulped with eyes frozen in fear. "It s-says...Blackbeard."

Everyone in the cockpit gasped and halted everything upon hearing the name.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Law angrily said aloud through his teeth. "What the hell is that bastard doing here?"

"Captain Law...I think we should retreat, sir." Bepo nervously spoke up. "Our plan has been compromised...we can't stay here, we don't stand a chance against him and his crew."

Law lowered his head to hide his anger with his hands clenched. "Damn him...Fine, let's get out of here-"

"Uh...Captain?" Ikkaku's voice patched through, gaining Law's attention once again. "You won't believe who I'm seeing right now on Blackbeard's ship..."

"What are you talking about?" He sternly asked.

"Sir...It's Ash. They have Ash."

Law's heart stopped as if he was shot through the chest. His eyes widened from this news in a panic.

"It's horrible...they have her in chains and just dragged her to the deck." A sad sniffle from Ikkaku came through the call.

Law dropped everything and began sprinting towards the lookout station with dread in his eyes. " it can't be..." He slammed the door open and did not waste another moment taking the telescope out of Ikkaku's hands. "Please don't be true, please don't be there...please let it not be you."

Dark Ties: A One Piece Romance (Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now