pasta and others

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We went to the market and came back to Charles' house to cook pasta.
I was literally so hungry and all I wanted was to eat somethinggg. Charles put his apron on and went straight to the kitchen.



"Why won't you let me do anythingg, I wanna helpppp"

"do you want to eat something that's edible? yes or no, Cara?" he laughs.


"OH MY GOD FINE. Just take the pasta and put it in the boiling water, please" he smiled.

I took the spaghetti and my hands clenched around them while hoovering over the hot pot. I was ready to break them in half when suddenly, I heard Charlie screaming.




"what did I do wronggg??"

"breaking the pasta!??! Oh my god. I'll come to show you how it's done" he said.

I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck as he slid his arms to my waist and then to my hands.

He rested his chin on my shoulder, I froze there in disbelief. How could I feel so many things while cooking?

"You hold it like this, upright" he said while putting my hands into his with the pasta in them.

"and then you drop them in" I felt his hot breath on my neck again. His hands slid around my waist and he left some wet kisses on my neck. I let my head fall back on his collarbone while his hickeys were getting all over my neck. The heat of our bodies combining into one was an undescribable energy.

He took a step back and I turned around. He smashed his lips into mine and after a few seconds smiled against them. "Let's eat, mon amour" he said.

the pasta were AMAZING. He wasn't that bad after all.

"Movie night beautiful?" he smirked.

"Never turning down a movie night" I smiled, our legs touching under the table.

"Then let's go upstairs, shall we?" he put his hand out for me to take it.

"Please not a horror movie tonight" I say.

" Why not, I like the way you look at me when you're scared and I'm the only one there to protect you"

" Gosh you're such a little kid" I tell him.

" Don't worry. We're watching Titanic." he smiles.

My mind was too full of other things and I completely forgot about what actually happens in the we just went upstairs.

"Hey Charles?"

"Yes love?"

"Do you still have those pajamas of mine? "

"Yeah, check my closet. They should be on the left side."

I went to change into the pajamas and so did Charles, and we got onto the bed.

"So, Titanic?" I smile.

"Only if you like it" Charles said. "But I'm definetly gonna miss you being all over me because you're scared" he smirks.

"Well that isn't that big of a problem"
I say as I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, also placing my leg over his.

He wrapped his arms around me as well hugging me tight and looked down to me, gazing in my eyes. Eventually, he leaned in to kiss me.
I smiled against his lips while we just hugged in silence.

"I wish we could just stay like this until we get old and both die together" I whispered.

"And that's what we will do" Charles whispered back. "But for now I gotta turn on the movie" he said as he got on his back.

I didn't let him go 'cause I just felt like being clingy. He turned on the movie but all I could watch was his angellic face and his sparkly eyes. I moved a bit to make myself comortable and I ended up with my head on his chest, my hand hoovering over his abs.

We were now both watching the movie and saw how Jake and Rose were having fun on the ship...

"It's getting too hot in here, don't you think?" Charles said, pretending to be out of breath.

"That's cuz you're hot" I smiled.

"Yeah? Then maybe I should cool myself off" he smirked as he took his T-shirt down and threw it on the floor.
For a few seconds, I had totally forgotten that he was mine. That he told me he loved me and that he wasn't "Charles Leclerc" anymore, but "Charlie". So out of respect, I kept my hands and my sight off the treasure. Tried concentrating at the movie, but it wouldn't work. And I guess that somehow, he noticed that. He took my hand and placed it back on his abs as well as coming closer so I could rest my head on his chest again.

"C'monnn, I liked that you were keeping me warm, pleaseee" he cried out loud, noticing I tried to keep away.

"yeah but things are going so fast and there are LOTS of other girls out there that are more beautiful than me and I just can't get why you chose me-" I said, thinking only about worst case scenarios, overthinking as always.

"shhh you're overthinking baby. I only have eyes for you mon amour" he smiles. "come here" he says, signaling me to get on his lap.
I got on his lap facing him just as he said. He was sitting with his back on the wall and was looking deep into my eyes.

"Baby listen. I know we moved fast, so if this is not good for you or it's too much to take, please let me know. But I won't let you go. Because you're perfect and I like you." he smiled.

"I like you too Cha. And I long as I'm with you, everything is perfect." I smile, resting my forehead on his.

"You know that I'm all yours, right?" Charlie said, smirking.

"You're literally like a greek god. How often do you even go to gym?" I laughed as I ran my hands over his toned abs.

"I workout just enough times a week so I can keep in shape for you" he laughed as his hands got to my back, under my T-shirt, hovering above my hot skin. I was literally aching for his touch as his grumpy voice made me desperate. But I had to wait.

"I'm a little bit tired my, can we finish the movie tomorrow?" I ask Charles.

"Of course. We'll finish it whenever you want."

I tried moving a bit to signal that I wanted to get down from his lap but I felt his arms on my waist.

"Naaah, I'm not letting you out of my arms tonight. Just lean in foward and I'll pull the blanket over us" he smiled, waiting for me to lean onto him, with his arms open to hug me. As I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him, he put the blanket over us and hugged me thight under the covers.

"Told you I ain't letting u go" he laughs just before kissing me again...

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