do WHAT?

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I woke up after the nap and tried to get down to open the blinds and check the time, but when I got up, my my throat was dry and I had pillow marks all over my face. Messy hair and everithing that comes with a nap. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it to see the time, which said 22:56. I rushed to Charles and slowly kissed his forehead.
"Charles, baby, wake up..." I said, still sleepy.

"Please, five more mins, we probably slept like half an hour or so..." he said.

"Baby we've slept for NINE hours." I say trying to keep calm.

"Wait what's the time??" he asks.

"It's 22:58"

"Oh My God. I slept like a baby..."

"I can say the same about me. From now on, your arms will be my only pillow" I laughed at him.

"Hey...thank you. For everything. Truly. You've become my home too and I won't let you go my love" he smiled, opening his pretty green eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go take a shower..." Charles said as he got up and looked around. "Where exactly-"

"Charles, our houses have the same floor plan" I laugh.

"Right. Thanks love!"

Charles went into the bathroom and I unlocked my phone again. Three missed calls from my old best friend Amira- I haven't spoke to her in ages. More exactly, since Anya, my sister, passed away. I called her back and she picked up the phone in no time.

"CARA? Cara is that you?" she got all excited.

"Amira!! Girl, how have you been? Why haven't you answered my calls and messages?" I said, hyped up to talk to her.

"Oh Cara, I changed my phone because it broke down and I lost all of the numbers in it. But today I cleaned through my room and I found the oldest journal ever!! I was fliping through the pages when I came across YOUR PHONE NUMBER written in glitter gel pens with hearts around!! " she said. "I missed you so freaking much!! How's life??"

"I missed you too!! Well, I moved to Maranello, in Italy, and I've been drawing again!"

"I'm so happy you brought yourself togheter ma amie! Have you made new friends?"

"Welllll... I did, somehow"

"OMG!! We really need to meet, to catch up! By the wayyy... did you get yourself a bf?"

"Naah" I say. "You?"


"GIRL, THAT'S BIG NEWS!" I scream out of excitement. Just then, Charles got out of the shower. Shirtless, only in his boxers and shorts. He sat on the bed with his head on my torso, his hand around my waist.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked again with his sleepy soft voice.

"WHO IS THAT, CARA?!" Amira screamed through the phone. I smiled akwardly but Charles bursted laughing.

"Sorry Amira, that's my friend. He's a little bit tired and confused."

"A HE?! TIRED AND CONFUSED?! and the girl said she didn't have a boyfriend!"

"We're just good friends Amira" I say as I gave Charles a wink.

"But friends don't know the way you taste..." Amira started singing. "Okay I get it, you're keeping a secret from me. But you'll have to confess it once we meet up, okay?"

"Fine Amira, I will. Now I gotta go, someone's asking for attention" I said as I got ready to hang up. "Bye Amii!"

The call ended. Charles bursted out laughing again.

"Why the hell did you tell her we're just friends?!" he laughs hysterically.

"I'm sorry baby but if she found out over phone she'd go crazy. She was a bestie of mine before Anya passed and we lost contact, but she knew I obsessed over you since 2018" I laughed.

"Wow SINCE 2018? See, I told you, we weren't moving too fast. You already loved me and for me it was love at first sight" he laughed as well. "Oh, by the way, while I was in the shower, I thought about something. You remember you asked me what can you do to help me feel less stressed? What about a roadtrip!" He grinned from ear to ear. "We pack and leave now, we drive to a small cottage in the Swiss Alps! There, we can meet Seb, Pierre and Alex! Also, I was thinking you could call your friend Aria ,if I said it right, to tag along with her boyfriend so you two can catch up!"

"Charles that's the BEST IDEEA EVER! It's AMIRA by the way" I laugh. "But Pierre,Seb and Alex... what will they think of us? We have to keep it hidden, don't we?" I said as my smile faded.

"No dummy. I'm bringing them there because they are close friends of mine and I want to introduce you to them and their girlfriends" Charles said, smiling.

"What if they don't like me?!"

"They will. Now go ahead and call Amira, let her know we'll meet there in the morning. Imma start packing a few clothes of mine, I have to go to my place to do that. Can I borrow your bathrobe?" he said laughing.

"Of course baby" I said as he smashed his lips onto mine placing a wet kiss.

"Je t'aime, mon amour" he said when he pulled away.

"Je t'aime aussi, mon bebe" I laughed.

Charles ran to his house to pack a few clothes as I was multitasking; calling Amira to tell her and packing my bags.

In the end, Amira was super hyped up and immediatley told her boyfriend to pack his bags and meet us there. "Who's idea was this?" Amira asked. "My boyfriend's ideea, Ami, I give in" I laugh. I threw a few clothes in a backpack and put a pair of sweatpants on, leaving the t-shirt I had on. Just then Charles walked in, he had a pair of sweatpants on and the same t-shirt he slept in. We looked at eachother and laughed for a second. Then Charles grabbed my bag and we headed down to the car. I locked the door and hopped in his car.

"This feels just like our small trip to Monaco" I said, smiling.

"But this time you're mine and I'm yours" He grinned while brushing his hand over my thigh. I put my hands over his, my fingers fitting perfectly between his fists. I squished his hand while leaving a kiss on his neck. It was 1 am and we were in his car, running off to the mountain. This was the definition of happiness. The definition of love.

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