Life is a highway...

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He was speeding up so I wrapped my hand around his on my thigh again and I lifted it up and shifted the gear. After, I put his hand back on my thigh nice and easy.

"You're my Mia and I'm your Brian" he smiled at me.

"Why can't you be my Dom and I'll be your Letty?" I smirk.

"Because if it was to be like that, you'd be all over me right here, right now, if you remember that scene" he winks while squishing my thigh.

"Fine, you're my Brian and I'm your Mia, in a version in which they're both alive and very in love" I say, smiling.
Rest In Peace Paul, you will always be missed.❤️

"Okay so, I booked five small cottages that are, like, next to eachother but not really close. One for the two of us, one for Alex and Lily, one for Seb and Hanna, another for Amira and her boyfriend and one for Pierre and Kika! Isn't that amazing?"

"Us. That sounds amazing! ONE FULL HOUSE TO OURSELVES? That sounds even better!"

"You got plans?" he smirks.

"Besides sleeping in, kissing and making out, hugging and cuddling with you, not really" I smile.

"We'll see how that goes" he smiled back.

As he kept driving, the road was getting as free as it can get.

"Okay so now we are on a highway, we'll just drive in a straight line for a long time, we might actually get bored" Charles said.

"There's a straight line and there's no car to be seen" I grin.

"Yeah, and?" he smiles with curiosity.

"Why are we Brian and Mia?"

"Cause if you'd be Letty, you'd... AAAAH I THINK I GET IT NOW!" he smirks. "You wanna upgrade to Letty don't you? " the corner of his lip forming a smile, while reaching for a button that could move his chair backwards.

I went on his lap, his hands surrounding my waist and resting on the steering wheel. I put my hands over his chair at his neck level and looked straight into his eyes. They were filled with desire. Before I could even place my lips on his, he hit the brake real quick to move my body, our lips smashing on eachother from the impact. He laughed. I gained control of the kiss as my tongue was swirling around his. We found ourselves fighting for dominance once again, but then he gave in so I could lead. I ran out of breath so I stopped and smiled against his lips. Just as he wanted to speak, our lips collided again. "Shhh, we're not done" I whisper while re-gaining the dominance. I felt his quiet moans in my mouth and chuckled. I slowly backed out from the french kiss, kissed the corner of his lips, then his jawline, moving the wet kisses to his earlobe and lower. I moved to his neck, sucking it. I slowly moved the kisses to his collarbone, going back to the point of his neck that sucked. Small whimpers escaped his throath again as I go back to just kissing him. After a few seconds, I pulled back and smiled at his messy hair, red puffy lips and the hickeys I left on his muscular neck. As our faces were closing the gap between them, a small moan left my throat while he started sucking on my neck. I played in his hair, making it even more messy. Another small moan escaped my mouth when he sucked another spot.

"Does it feel good my love?" he smirked for a second but went back to what he was doing.

"Mhm" I whimper in response. I bit my lip trying to keep myself from letting more sounds escape my throath. He pulled back out of breath and we were both breathing heavily. We laughed...

"You're better than Letty..." he winked.

"And you're better than Dom..." I smirk.

"After this we are clearly Dom and Letty you know" he grinned.

"You haven't seen anything yet." I say.

I hugged him one more time, sinking my head into his collarbone. His left hand stayed on the wheel while his right hand went under my T-shirt and rubbed circles all over my back. His hot touch was calming. I took a quick glance at him, his eyes were now fixed on the road.

"I love you" I muttered still sunk into his collarbone.

"I love you more" he said as he planted a kiss on the corner of my forehead. "But don't fall asleep like this"

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because it's 3 am. Around 4:30 there will be light outside and the highway will be packed up with cars, if the police sees us they might pull me over because this thing here isn't allowed for safety reasons"

"Oh so you're rather worried that you'll be pulled over than me getting hurt?" I joked.

"No princess, I'm a profesional driver in case you forgot, you can't get hurt if I'm driving"

"Princess? That's new"

"Because you are my princess"

"Wasn't I your Letty?" I laugh.

"But first you were my Mia" he laughs too.

"But at the very beginning, you called me your love" I smile, glancing at him.

"You're mine, okay? That's the whole point" he smirks. "now please, do not fall asleep mon amour"

"Fine I'll go back to my chair" I smiled as I crossed my legs to the other side, getting back on my chair.

I was kinda bored so I turned on the music. A song played and I recognized it immediately. Life is a highway from the cars movie started playing and we had A BLAST.

"LIFE IS A HIGHWAYY...AND I'M GONNA RIDE IT ALL NIGHT LOOONGGG" I show off my singing skills, even through they weren't really skills. Charles laughed and kept driving.
Charles' POV

I kept driving faster and faster so we could be there on time, by 6:30 am.
I glanced at Cara. She fell asleep, curled up on the chair. She's extremely cute, I can barely control myself from the need to have my hands on her, to touch her, to feel her skin, to feel her lightweight on top of me. To feel her lips smash onto mine and to have her tongue swirling around my tongue. To leave marks on her pretty neck and to hold her small hands into mine. To feel her sinking into my arms. And I'll get to experience it all again on these days in our small cottage in the mountains.

I literally cannot wait for Seb to meet her. He's been like a father to me and I want him to be the first one who gets to meet her, so I called the others to come a little bit later. Of course, since she's tired, we'll go inside and take a quick nap. Around 12, Seb should be there so we can have lunch with him and Hanna, and about 1h later, Pierre and Alex should arrive with Kika and Lily. She also told me that her friend Amira and her boyfriend would be there the next day, in the morning. And that should be it! But for now, I'll let her sleep...she's so cute when she sleeps. Just like a baby...


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