PR manager

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I suddenly heard a knock on my door and I quickly get up to open it. Gosh I hope it's some stranger or something, I'm such a mess right now, still in Charles' clothes after I slept on the couch. My hair is in a messed up bun, falling apart inch by inch. Some sort of aching pain went through my bones when I sat up.

I go ahead and open the door, and to my surprise, there was Charles. Standing in the doorway, with grey sweatpants and a large t-shirt, holding a tray of pancakes and two coffee mugs. What did I do in this world to deserve such an amazing man?? No, not amazing, the best there is. Because he is nothing less than perfect. He then walked in and placed the tray on the kitchen counter.

"Good morning mon amour" he smiles.

"Morning my pretty boy" I say as I go further and hugged him. "You shouldn't have done all of these..."

"Yeah, I had to, I have to meet my new pr manager today so it will be one buisy day. I want to spend my morning with my girl" he says, smirking. "Please, have a coffee and some pancakes"

I did just that, because I was really really hungry. I took a sip from the coffee and I purely smiled.

"You're the best" I said, giving Charles a short kiss. "Are you nervous?"

"A little bit, yeah. My last pr manager wasn't that happy about our relationship, because of that I had to fire them and find a new one, which I hope will be more understanding. "

"You fired them just because they weren't happy with us?" I smirk.

"Well, yeah, some things need to be done" he laughs. "Oh shit, I gotta go. See you when I come back, my love. Dinner at mine?"

"No, at mine, I'm making chicken salad" I laugh and hug him goodbye.

"Deal" he smiles as he goes out of the apartment.

I turn on the tv, knowing the whole day at the headquarters will be televised today.

He entered the building and went to his workroom. A girl was standing in front of it...a girl which he fully hugged. I panicked as I saw him leading her to his room. I felt my heart beating faster and faster, but I calmed down when I realized that she was the pr manager. She's hot, and I'm jealous. Jealous as fuck. But I know Charles won't cheat, he's a loyal man. After I calmed down, I realized I was quite bored. I remembered I had Kika's number and I slowly pressed each button in order to call her.

She picked up the phone.

"Cara? Hi!!"

"Heyyy, Kika, as you might have noticed, our beloved boyfriends are at work today. Do you wanna come over? Or maybe we could go shopping."

"Shopping first!!" Kika says, excited.

"Can I pick you up in 20?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll share the location, thanks!" Kika says as I end the call.

I put on a pair of grey jeans and a grey shiny top to go with my Diesel handbag. I captured a quick picture and I went to my car. I opened the garage - I haven't used my car in, like, a month. It's an white Suzuki Jimny Sierra, which I absolutely love. It's so small yet SO SO SPACIOUS AND SO CUTE - my little safe space. I turn on the music as I drive to Kika's location to pick her up.

I stopped in front of her apartment building as she came out the front door and to the car.

"CARAA, GIRLL, I MISSED YOU!" she says as she sits in the front seat.

"Awhh, I missed you too Ki." I say as I start driving to the mall.

Soon enough, we got there, we went inside and started shopping. The journey started at Sephora- the perfect way to start. After, we went to Dior because I really need that Lip oil, shade 01. After Dior, we went straight to Starbucks. We got frappes and we sat down, to have a little gossip. 

"You know, Ki, today, Charles met his new PR manager. She's a girl and she is quite clingy" I exhale. "But she's pretty. And I got jealous as fuck when I saw Charles laughing with her in the garage. Should I be worried??"

"Cara, bestie, you have to calm down. It's your first time seeing her, it's his first time meeting her as well, so give her a chance before judging, okay?" Kika smiled understandingly.
"And we saw the way Charles treated you on the vacay, he won't leave you."

"But still, I hate the fact that she's super clingy." I say.

"I think you have to talk to him about that...but please, give her one more chance before judging, okay?" Kika made sure that I was not judging a book by its cover.

The shopping session ended a few hours after that, as we went back to the car and drove back home. I dropped Kika off and went straight to my house. Charles should get home in any minute, so I grabbed the extra keys he left me to his house and went to his living room to wait for him to be back home.

In a few moments, the door opened and the man walked in with two big brown bags. Our eyes locked and I could see the confusion but excitement as well in his eyes.

"Belladonna I-" he says. "what are you doing in here??" he smiles, defeated. He puts the bags on the counter and takes one step closer to me, as I stand up and go to him. Before I even get to say anything, he cups my face in his hands and deeply kisses me. I can't resist, so I kiss him back. The worries go away instantly as our hands go around our bodies, exchanging the warmest hug ever. Nobody said anything.
"I missed you, mon amour" Charles breaks the silence.

"Aw, I missed you too baby. How was today? I didn't get to see the full stream, only the first 30 mins" I say.

"Well it was good. Did you get to see her? The PR manager?" he asks.

"Yeah...she's cute..." I whisper.

"First of all, I don't agree with you, sorry. Second, I told her about us and she was the first one that accepted it, I'm so so happy about it" he says with a childish smile while putting a strand of hair behind my ear, looking into my eyes. "She even recommended me to make more posts of us on instagram and tik tok, won't that be fun?" He smiled again.

"you want us to go public?" I smirk defeated as I target his lips and go for a short kiss. But it wasn't just a short kiss, it was a short kiss filled with love and sympathy

"mhm, if you want to."

"I'll think about it, okay babe? What are those bags?" I ask, pointing to the brown bags on the counter.

"Groceries for tomorrow!" he quickly informs me. "And chocolate for us" the corner of his lip formed a smile.

"WITH SALTED CARAMEL?" my eyes light up.

"You know it" he smiled as he got the chocolate out and shared it.

"Anyway, how was your day?" he asked.

"Well, I went shopping with Kika and we had lots of fun" I smile.

"Did you also buy something that I might get the chance to enjoy?" he smirked. "That last VS set...the red one, ah, it was amazing"

"Yeah I did, but you'll get to see it on a special ocasion" I whisper softly in his ear, teasingly.

"Oh, okay" his smile slowly grew into a smirk. "But for now I have to do some work on the sim. You wanna come with me?"

"Of course." I say as he took my hand and led me to the bedroom. "Can I have something more comfortable to wear, please?" I say with puppy eyes.

He got me on of his T-shirts and shorts and I laid on the bed, watching him on the sim. After some time, I went on my phone and slowly fell asleep. After a few moments, I felt Charles laying down next to me as his hands went around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Are you awake love? I'm sorry it took so long" He said, placing a kiss on my head.

"Mhm, yeah I'm kinda awake. What's the time? I think I should get going" I say, trying to open my eyes.

"Go where? Nuh-uh. You'll go back to sleep right here with me, going back isn't an option- it's 2 a.m."

"Oh okay. I was going to ask if I can sleep here anyway" I say, cuddling into him.

"That's not even a question" he whispers. "Good night, Belladonna."

"Good night, Leclerc "

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