| Chapter 1 | Eviction Notice.

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Clarification Note
*Example*    =    Noise
<< Example >>    =    Thoughts/Thinking
"Example"    =    Speech/Speaking
POV    =    Point of View

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

*Chop, chop, chop..* You chopped up some fresh, clean, and healthy beetroots before sliding them off the cutting board and into the hot bubbling soup,  you turn and grab the cilantro before chopping them swiftly and sprinkling them into the soup.

*BANG BANG* You dropped the knife as the sudden loud banging on your front door startled you during the middle of your cooking. <<What the hell was that!?..>> You thought to yourself as many anxious thoughts started flooding your mind before...*BANG! BANG!!* Again being rudely interrupted by yet another louder aggressive banging on your window this time, you quickly grab the knife off the floor before swiftly making your way to the front door to find the cause of this loud banging on your windows and doors. As you reached for the doorknob you have your knife close and guarded ready to use for protection in any case of mobs being the cause of this chaos.

*Creeak...* the door squeaked as you slightly pulled the door open to peek at whoever may stand behind it. You managed to get a glimpse at who it is standing there on your porch... << A...villager? What's a villager doing at my front door banging on it like they own the place? >> You thought to yourself as you then pulled the door open entirely coming to some sort of relief. "Y/n, I've been waiting for you to answer! What took you so long?!" the villager spoke in clear annoyance at your awaited arrival. "Sorry, didn't know cooking in my own home was such a crime," you responded with a somewhat attitude towards the villager. "I don't have time for this, especially you. I came to give you this paper." the villager said as he then reached into his backpack searching in his inventory for the piece of paper he was assigned to give you.

<< For some odd reason, I feel like I've forgotten about something...but..what? It's on the tip of my tongue I just can't remember!? >> You thought to yourself as you are greeted with a burning smell coming from inside your home << MY SOUP!!! >> You suddenly realized you left the soup unsupervised and on high heated temperature, quickly you did a sharp quick turn and ran to the kitchen leaving the villager alone to himself. "I came to give you this paper." He finally found the paper and slid it out in view for you to see only to find that you were no longer there with him. He rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance before stepping foot into your house.

As you slid into the kitchen you placed the knife down promptly on the countertop to then slide the heavy pot of steaming, hot, bubbling soup off the furnace and onto the hot pad, you take the cover off the pot to let cool down only to be returned with a gust of steam and smoke flooding you're lungs causing you to cough wildly as you accidentally inhaled the smoke. You rush to the kitchen window to open it and air out the smokey-filled kitchen, cool air then begins to replace the smoke-filled air bringing your coughing to a stop.

*Creeeak...* The wooden floor creaked behind you grabbing your attention, you shift your head to the direction of the sudden noise to find the villager you had left at the doorway now in your kitchen with a piece of paper in hand. "You done running?" he spoke with an aggravated expression shown on his face. "Who said I was running? And why are you here to begin with." You responded with no patience for his attitude no longer, "I know you want me out of your hair already but trust me, I will be." He spoke smugly and a small grin appears on his face as he then approaches you with the piece of paper in hand. As you notice his sudden mood change you raise a brow in concern and take the paper from him.

The silence is loud the moment you began reading the paper, he remains silent too busy reading your facial expressions shift as you unravel the importance of this piece of paper, "EVICTION NOTICE!?! 3 DAYS!!! WHAT THE FUCK" You exclaimed in anger and shocked by the unexpected news. "Yup." The villager spoke nonchalantly with his grin growing wider. "I can't be getting evicted!? This isn't happening! You've got the wrong person!" You then glared up at him. "Come on Y/n! Get a grip on life, the whole village despises you! You and I both know this, you should've seen this coming the moment you decided to steal from our homes!" The villager crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. << Are you serious right now! They still are holding onto that!...>> You thought to yourself "Oh come on! That was a long time ago. I've changed and payed off my debt already! You all wouldn't be alive if weren't for me! And this is the thanks I get!?! I'll die outside this village and there's mobs that roam at night! I'll die out there! HEROBRINE CAN BE OUT THERE FOR ALL WE KNOW!" You exclaimed with deep worry to the villager, a frightened expression clearly shown on your distressed face.

The villager turns his back to you, "Sounds like a you problem." You scoffed at his response "SO THAT'S IT FOR ME HUH?! AFTER ALL IV'E DONE FOR THIS VILLAGE!!" You shouted angrily towards the villager, grabbing his attention once more as he then turns to face you directly face to face "NEWS FLASH FOR YOU Y/N WE DON'T NEED YOU! NOT ANYMORE...THE PILLAGER'S LEFT US ALONE NOW AND THAT MEANS WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE PROTECTION ESPECIALLY FROM YOU, SO YOUR TIME IS UP! WE WANT YOU OUT IN 3 DAYS Y/N! 3 DAYS YOU GOT THAT, AND IF YOU AREN'T OUT BY THEN...WE ALL WILL PERSONALLY TAKE YOU OUT OURSELVES AND IT WON'T BE PRETTY FOR YOU!" he yelled threateningly with a mixture of anger at you before making his leave, slamming the door behind him as he exits your now temporary home...

You stand there staring at the sheet of paper in hand. << I'm being evicted from my own home, after all the blood and sweat I payed protecting this village! Just to be thrown out to fend for myself AGAIN!..I cannot relive that lifestyle again, no...my life would be so different if I were to be feared upon where nobody will dare to even give me the slightest disrespectful glance ever again let alone treat me like this!..>> You thought to yourself before ripping the paper into shreds and shoving what's left of it into the trash. "I don't even want to eat right now, not that I have the appetite or option to anyways.." You grumbled to yourself as you begin dragging your feet to your bedroom in need of rest with now a heavy headache.

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