| Chapter 4 | Stuck with you.

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*Knock.. knock, Knock!.*     Faint knocking can be heard at the tall thick wooden doors as well as crackling flames in the air filled with suspense. The man's heavy footsteps slowly approach the well sculpted doors before pulling them open creating a small creaking. The heavy doors revealed Penny's standing figure with her eyes expressing an apologetic gaze as she held a basket filled of healing potions, fresh baked bread, and various other delicacies known for their unique benefits of healing. "Please just-" "Dismissed." A hoarse stern voice spoke over Penny before she could've managed to finish her sentence as the tall masculine figure pulled the heavy doors closed shooting Penny's proposal down. Returning his attention towards Y/n the man approaches your bedside setting the basket down on your nightstand. "Your delivery has arrived master." The man swiftly kneels down on one knee bowing his head to Herobrine who stands in front of the crackling fire in the fireplace watching as the flames die down. "At ease soldier." Herobrine commanded the man who kneeled before him.

The masculine tall figure listens to Herobrines command returning to as he was before, watching his master intently. Herobrine returns his gaze towards the man standing by your bedside.  "I don't want to hear from Penny. Not after what she did to...her." Herobrine referred to you as he glanced over at your resting figure lying in bed unconsciously. "I understand, what she did was wrong as well as out of her authority given the circumstances of her position in your kingdom." The unknown figure acknowledges Herobrines words, the two remain silent as your resting figure remains still in bed. The sounds of a machine pumping air into your lungs can be heard with wires connected to your fragile body stabilizing you in a stable condition.

"I've called you in here to assign you a new mission." Herobrine broke the silence in his bold words glancing over at the man who stood beside your bed. "Yes sir." He responded as he maintained eye contact with the immortal who stood a few feet away from the flames of the fire dancing in the fireplace allowing a warm glow reflecting off his stern eyes. "You see that girl to your right." The man using his peripheral vision glances at your face for a moment, only a brief moment as his eyes were examining your facial features. "Yes sir." Answering Herobrines question he returned his eyes toward Herobrine. "From now on your soul purpose is to train her, train her into a better soldier I've trained you." He firmly spoke in a low hoarse manner squinting his eyes at the man. "Yes sir!" The tall threatening soldier saluted to his master.

"And you are to learn her capabilities, disabilities, insecurities, and everything there is to know about her!" Herobrine orders firmly now stepping towards the saluting still soldier who held his baring. "Sir yes sir!" He raised his voice in a clear solid manner indicating his desire to serve as he's instructed to. Approaching the determined soldier he stood promptly a few steps before him staring down at him "You are to protect  this girl and look out for her welfare am I understood!" He firmly spoke down to the soldier. "SIR YES SIR!!." He shouted still saluting to the immortal. Herobrine returned the salute quickly returning to his original position. "At ease." He commanded the soldier who responded with a relieved sigh.

"Nnnghh!..Ugghh!.." a low groan erupted behind the soldier who immediately fixed his attention towards your squirming figure in bed tossing and turning underneath the thick blankets that buried you kept you at warmth. "Have fun with that." Herobrine chuckled before walking past the man roughly patting the soldiers strong shoulder as he approached the extravagant finely sculpted wooden thick doors. "Uhm!.. Sir, are there any rules I am to follow before you leave." He quickly questioned Herobrine who was already in the doorway about to close the door. "Hm... don't get yourself killed." He spoke with a sly smirk playing on his lips before leaving the bedroom, closing the door behind himself leaving the two of you alone.

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