| Chapter 7 | Disguised Rivals.

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➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

Previously... *SWOOSH!* The swords heavy blade was swung in one swift motion flying down upon your figure, watching the blade come flying down toward your demise you tightly sealed shut your eyes in acceptance of your defeat. Embracing for the sharp painful impact, you flinched harshly from a sudden unexpectedly light tug at your hip. A firm hand held your lower hip holding you against themselves. "Huh?." Your eyes opened to see a strangely familiar tall muscular toned figure standing in front of you shielding you from having your opponents sharp sword lodged in your skull. "Herobrine?!." You called out hardly above a whisper in anticipation. "M-Master!. My apologies!!-" the very same withered skeleton whom was just about to end your life was seen expressing terror within its timid form as Herobrine uses his own body to shield you from your opponents netherite blade which was inches away from piercing your skull. "Silence." Herobrine commands at once with his husky voice firm and bold reflecting his sternness, your two opponents immediately fell to their knees before Herobrine bowing their skulls down to the ground in respect of his authority.

"Forgive us for our actions Master!" The same opponent you were fighting against pleaded for Herobrines mercy, retreating your sword you buried it's deathly sharp blade in the netherrack ground allowing your arms to rest from it's weight. "You're excused, go now and don't turn back." Herobrine swats the two withered skeletons away with a motion of his hand. "What's happening!?." You questioned against Herobrine as he continued to hold you against him with his hand placement slightly concerning given that he was resting his firm hand on your hip having you pressed against his tall frame. "Congratulations!.. you passed the first test!" Herobrine happily and yet sarcastically proclaimed before sweeping you into his massive strong arms with ease. "What are you!-"      *VOOMP!.*      Suddenly your whole environment shifted from being surrounded by nothing but unknown monsters creeping from every ruin of rubble and lakes of fire and lava pouring down into even more lakes of scorching hot heated thick liquids. Resting in the arms of Herobrine, he teleports the two of you to his bedroom of comfort which brought you to an instant relief.

Your body still wasn't adjusting to the whole concept of teleporting especially with how weaken your body has become resulting you in nearly puking which you fought to keep in your mouth. "Mph!." You held your mouth with one hand as your other still held onto the handle of your netherite sword you had taken from the withered skeletons corpse. Herobrine approaches his bed with your body lying in his arms gently laying you down on his bed. "I'll be taking that." He said while taking your sword from your hand, jolting up from his bed you opened your mouth to have some sort of say in this situation, "Hey!-" "Shh, Shh." Herobrine does a gesture symbolizing to quiet down with a single finger pressed against his lips before snapping his fingers with his other hand signaling for service. The doors suddenly flung open exposing Chives!. His private personal butler you've met previously from another chapter. Chives kneels down on one knee bowing his head down in respect to his master Herobrine, "What may I be service of sire." Chives swiftly stands up with his body indicating a strong presence of dignity.

"Prepare breakfast and fetch y/n a dresser, and bring me Penny." Herobrine orders sternly to Chives with a menacing stare in his glowing white eyes that sent shivers down your spine. "Right away sire." The blonde haired butler hastily left with no time wasted in his paced steps. "Stop! What's happening?!..I won't go on any further with your sick plan if you don't tell me what's going on!-" "Nether realm, you were in the Nether." Herobrine responded with a soften tone towards you. Approaching the luxurious king sized bed you rested on Herobrine sits down on the edge of the beds soft surface joining you. Eagerly listening for answers there was a loud silence between you and him as he lifted his gaze up to the ceiling as if he were collecting his thoughts together, "Hhhh.." a soft sigh escaped his parted lips before finding the words to explain your sudden change in life's perspective. "Listen here, and listen closely because this is the only time it'll make sense."

Without hesitation you closed your soft parted lips in acceptance of whatever news is to bare within his sudden sternly strict wording. "Like it or not but from now on you're mine." Herobrine spoke lowly above you as he leans in closer looming above your delicate figure underneath sinking in the mattress softness. "You're mine, y/n" he repeated in a lower tone that vibrated off your skin making your skin crawl and the hairs on your neck stand. "What do you mean by that," you trailed off of unsure how to approach his suddenness. "I own you, you're mine and no one's else's got that." Herobrine replied with a threatening glare in those white empty glowing eyes that's seemed to always make you feel weakened by his gaze. Suddenly the chambers doors were flung open with two women quickly entering inside, one of the women wore glasses with an apron on and black slick hair held in a neatly shaped bun while the other women who accompanied her... was Penny.. eh.

Recognizing your face Penny's face converts to an annoyed agitated glare clearly expressed towards you, "Ah, ladies about time." Herobrine pulled away from you leaving the bed to approach the two servants who didn't present any friendly interests against you. "Penny, why don't you help Y/n here get herself dressed for breakfast." Herobrine friendly commands Penny with a welcoming smile before leaving the room by teleporting.      *VOOMP!*      << Shit!.. that fucker left me alone with his brat of a concubine, hopefully the other isn't as bad as Penny. >> Reluctantly you slid off the luxurious bed and stepped forward towards the awkward two, "My name is y/n, it's nice to meet you-" Suddenly Penny pulls the servant girl back and steps in front of her in a aggressive manner, "She knows who you are! I already told her about you." Penny abruptly talked over you mid sentence regardless of her mannerism. "Ahem! Penny show respect, after all this young lady y/n is our guest of honor." Chives walked into the room fixing his white clean gloves while closing the door with his weight pressed against the door frame. With Chives welcoming presence joining in he displays a warm smile playing on his lips towards you indicating that all is good.. as long as he's in the room.

<< Chives!. Yes thank God, someone who doesn't have a stick up their ass- >>  "Hmp!." Penny rolled her eyes in response, Chives steps toward you offering his hand, hesitantly taking his hand you were pulled forward to being forced to follow his lead. "Uh!..Where are you taking me?" You asked as the blonde haired butler pushed past the doors before him leading you down the Grand hall. "The fitting room!.. Where we'll see about fitting you into a suitable dress for breakfast with the Grand Master." Chives happily explained as he led you through many long fancy halls decorated with long curtains, portraits, extravagant statues and more portraits... so many portraits. Finally arriving to the fitting room Chives welcomes you to a large colorful room full of massive mirrors with gold trimming and so many dresses! "Woah.." you muttered out underneath your breath as you were left awestruck by the sparkly dresses lined up awaiting to be picked and worn by the next women to dress.

"Penny, you'll be in charge of dressing y/n and you young lady.." Chives trails his words off as he points towards the lady with black slick hair standing behind Penny's figure. "you'll be in charge of y/n's hair." His hands gestures towards your awkwardly standing posture, "Oh!. And one more thing, do make this lovely young lady look even lovelier." Chives strictly instructed the two servants before making his leave allowing yourself some privacy. Of course there would be no privacy as long as Penny is around.. "Alright, take off your shirt." Penny instructs you in a blunt tone that's spoke volumes of her attitude towards you and how low she holds respect for you, slipping your shirt over your head leaving you in your undergarments you handed your shirt to Penny which she snatched only to toss it aside to the carpet floor.. "Erm.." Fighting to hold in your temper you took a deep breath and smiled as Penny's face converted to a sly petty smile in return. Without warning she spun you around wildly and shoves you into the dressing room blurring your vision cutting Penny is out of your vision for a slight moment as everything spun violently around you making you dizzy resulting in a slip and  fall. Approaching the fitting room she closed the long red curtain behind with no one to see you and her, not even the other servant girl who remained standing outside the curtain till further instructions.

With her push you fell forward against a mirror inside the dressing room. "Hey watch it!" You turned to meet her hateful smile on her annoying face. "Oops, sorry." She replied with a laugh before scanning through a closet filled with bright colorful vibrant dresses neatly aligned to each other. Patiently awaiting leaned against the wall you watched as she then plucked a dress by its hanger out of the closet. Raising a brow in concern you watched as she reveals a nasty colored brown dress in hand. "This will do." She happily walks over to you with the dress in hand dragging its fabric on the floor as she does so, "Hell no!" Your face stretched in a look of disgust as you observed the brown colored dress. The dress was a nasty olive brown, laced with black trimming giving an impression of a funeral dress you'd never wear to anyone's funeral not even on someone you hated. "Too bad I'm in charge of dressing you, deal with it." Penny lowly growled in aggression as she then collect a corset off a mannequin standing nearby. "Turn around I have to put this on you, you need it.." the last part of her sentence was muttered out under her breath.. ignoring her rudely aggressive response you decided to comply as the faster you got this all over with, the faster you'll get her out of your face which was enough for you.

Leaning over slightly bent over you placed your hands on the wall for further assistance as you clearly weren't going to get any from Penny. Suddenly your organs and intestines were so quickly squished together with a violent pull of Penny's strength which she yanked and tugged the strings of your corset violently slimming your body into an hourglass shape. "Nnnghh!.. Aghh!!..RELAX!" You groaned out with little breath you had left as she squeezed the air out of your lungs!. The tightening corset around your slim figure served only to pain your weaken fresh scars still in process of recovery. "Just a little more.." Penny eagerly teases while watching your face mix with emotions that could only express pain was to much pleasure to refuse. Finally finalizing the corsets tightness around your form Penny steps back only to reach for the ugly colored dress which she without notice brung over your head to forcefully push the dress down till the dress was fully fitted over your body.

Minutes felt like crucial long tormenting hours with Penny as she took her sweet sweet time with dressing you in however way she could find it painful for you as she abused her authority behind the closed curtain. Where was Herobrine, Chives?!. Where are they and why aren't they here to help you from this crazy b$tch!?.. The only one being who was there to help put a stop in Penny's torment was that one servant girl who hasn't said a thing at all to you or cared to help you in your situation as she continued to stay guarded outside the dressing rooms curtain. Is she your enemy or perhaps a potential friend, hard to tell with Penny around as she seems to paint you as the villain before her. "Are we done yet!?!." You angrily exclaimed turning around furiously in your dress to meet Penny's hateful eyes. "Yes." Penny replied in a voice masked in reassurance. Slightly thrown off by her sudden change of attitude your gaze softens while the tension rose down between you and her.

"Just one last thing." Penny adds after the shared silence between yourself and her. Returning your gaze you watched as she then slid out a shoe box from behind, opening the box she presents you a pair of black high heels.. hesitantly you slid on the pair of heels offered to you. Wearing the heels you were introduced to yet another world of discomfort as the heels were painfully high and tight on your feet resulting you in imbalance of your steps. "Done!" Penny chimes signaling you to carry on further with this horrible makeover Herobrines demands. Stumbling out the dressing room you violently pushed past the red curtain where you came across the awaiting hair dresser who ignored your request of assistance. "Hello, are you going to help me with my hair?." You questionably demanded for an answer in return as your patience were limited enough thanks to Penny's encounter. "Follow me ma'am." The black haired servant finally spoke with a monotone voice.

Following after your hair dresser you watched as she slowly approaches down through a long lanes of dresses aligned with their neighboring dress ahead of them as there was a line of endless dresses hung on endless silver hangers. "Where are you taking me-" *THUD!* Your body was violently thrown against the floors carpeting being aggressively pushed into the carpets fabric with a hand gripping your hair in a tighten fist of anger. As you opened your mouth about to call for help, another violent thrust was inflicted behind your head resulting in your face in being smushed into the ground with your crushing nose into a bloody mess. "You know your place so act like it, is what he says!"      *Crunch!!*       Your nose can be heard crushing against the floors pavement as the women continued slamming your face repeatedly into the floors surface. "Ever since he brought you here, my relationship with him turned to shit!" She growled in a threatening tone as she shoved your face again into bloody mess she's made with your nose which leaked fresh red blood.

Losing consciousness your vision became blurred and vivid as you fought to stay awake through this painful attack in hopes of reaching for help. "You're fucking him aren't you!" Before you could even deny the bizarre accusation the servant girl slammed your face into the floors carpet staining blood all over yourself and the fabric beneath, your blood splattered against any near surface as the force applied behind your head continued to grip your hair painfully pulling your face from the ground only to smash it repeatedly again.. Growling in a mix pain and anger you were filled with an angered determination to avenge yourself against your new rival. "GET OFF OF ME!!" You loudly scowled at your attacker which echoed off the walls, swiftly spinning under her weight you managed to strike her with a raised hand you dug your nails across scratching her face leaving a streak of red lines across her left cheek quickly beginning to bleed. "Agh!. You b#tch!" She growled holding her cheek in pain.

With her hands rearranged leaving her neck exposed, you took this opportunity to violently grasp her throat pushing her weight off yours slamming her back against the floor having her pinned underneath you. Tightening your chokehold around her throat you watched as she tried gasping for air while your hands tightened around her air canal bruising her neck with your handprints. "Who are you and why are you doing this!?!" You shook the girl by her neck demanding for answers and nothing less. "N-Nnnghh!.." she kicked and squirmed underneath your weight slowly running out of air to continue on fighting against your hold around her.  "ANSWER ME!" You shouted angrily earning a glaring gaze full of hate from her eyes. The black haired girl shot her two fingers in your right eye urging  you to scream out in unbearable agony. This enormously violent pain weakened your eye sight quickly. Her fingers finally right your eye socket staining her hand in your fresh blood from your bleeding eye.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" You cried out in pain holding the right side of your face in aching agonizing pain stirring inside you, distracted by throbbing pain in your face, you felt the girls hands shove your weight off hers having you fall to your side bearing the torment she slid you in. Fleeing from the scene you could hear her footsteps echoing in the distance while you curled up into a ball of pain. This isn't fair, you thought being left alone after being beaten brutally by this girl who was supposed to help you with your hair. If anything that servant girl messed your hair up due to her hands pulling, yanking and gripping your hair so violently. Dripping with blood (again) you tightly sealed your eyes shut not wanting to see your blood spill as you were weakening by the minute. Moments of silenced were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps echoing in the far off distance, footsteps of multiple people approaching toward your direction.

Too weak to bother even looking who it is approaching, you decided to remain on your side silently bleeding out in pain. "Y/N!!." A familiar voice called for you. "Y/N WAKE UP!!" Two hands were rushed upon you weaken form shaking you for an answer. Groaning in response you recognized the voice as.. Penny?!..what the hell is she doing sympathizing over you given that she hates your guts!. "Step aside!" Another familiar voice spoke in an attitude of deep worry held in  his tone assuming the voice belongs to Chives. Attempting to remove your hands from your face you were quick to nudge his touch away. "Y/n please understand I have to-" "NO!" You screamed out in fear of more pain to come that if Chives touches your bleeding right eye.       *VOOMP!*      A vaguely familiar sound was heard close nearby out of thin air. Fluttering your uninjured left eye open you captured a blurred vision of a tall rugged familiar man approaching the scene pushing past the two who surrounded you. "What happened to her." His words were low and firm.

"I stopped her, that servant girl attacked Y/n and I was fast enough to grab her and restrain her but I-" "I said, what. Happened, to her." Herobrine snarled down toward Penny presenting a threatening tone in his message. "I-I..I don't know.." Penny stuttered quietly out fear of his threatening presence looming over her before stepping back. Chives stood from a distance watching as Herobrines white glowing eyes were sternly shifted to a look of pure regret if he should've known this would've been the outcome of leaving you without his supervision, perhaps this is his sign of his plan failing. Maybe Herobrine should take you back out to the open world where Steve might find you and you live happily ever after.. but how could that benefit the immortal overlord himself, Herobrine. Shoving Penny aside he kneels down on one knee being gentle to scoop your timid delicate figure off the ground by taking you in his arms. Shifting your limp body encircled in his massive strong arms you could've help but be swept away by a comfort of relief over you as Herobrine leaves the down the long hall you've been attacked in.

His boots echoing off the walls is all that can be heard while Herobrine walks in a regular pace with you in arms, sliding your good uninjured eye open you've managed to capture a small blurred glimpse of what seems to be Chives with his head hung down in shame to the sight of your battered up face and bloody right eye.. but Penny... was wickedly smiling to herself as if she were celebrating.. silently celebrating of your downfall. Besides her wickedness expressed in her hidden smile you also saw a scratch across the left side of her face, a familiar red streak of red lines drawn across her left cheek stained with a faint smear of blood.. the same blood that was shed from the girl before who attacked you before. This sneaky b#tch. Squirming in Herobrines light hold around you, you attempted in springing out to attack Penny but you were quickly apprehended by the hands of Herobrine. "LET ME GO." You furiously demanded through your aggressively twists, tugs and turns in his tightening grip, "What has gotten into you?!." The immortals concern grew highly by the passing seconds.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU B#TCH!" Your voice echoed through all ears, rushing behind the blonde butler Chives Penny hides and clings tightly onto his arm innocently displaying a look of fear and despair on her face. "She's crazy! Don't let her touch me Herobrine!" Penny pleas innocence all over that fake display she frames over you. "You little bi-" "That's enough." Herobrine spoke firmly over you, a bold voice indicating his thinning patience. Suddenly you feel what you assume to be Herobrines hand, lightly resting on your head and in a matter of seconds slowly easing you into the familiar darkness that engulfed your body, mind and spirit as your body fell limp in his massive arms careful not to drop your unconscious figure. Your ears are met with a eerie ringing noise, "Sire!.. is this really necessary?!. Y/n could be-" "Silence. She's not well minded for this, I'll take care of her myself since nobody can. You're both dismissed." Your ears also managed to make out the muffled voices of Chives in the background as well as Herobrines.. although he doesn't seem to sound so happy about this sudden incident. Nor about your temper.


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Clarification note :     Previously from the last chapter you nearly lost your life in combat against the Nether mobs in the Nether Kingdom where Herobrine saves you in a matter of seconds. Discovering that this whole time you spent your time inside the Netherworld ever since you've been abducted from the real world where Steve searches for you. Demanding for answers from Herobrine he only informs you that from now on you belong to him leaving you startled and confused how to respond you're close interaction with him is intruded by his butler Chives where he is instructed to began breakfast also having to prepare you for breakfast where Penny with another anonymous servant girl joins with her to assist you in preparations for breakfast. Being alone with the two only serves to stir up unknown approaching troubles leaving your weakened body in critical condition for your right eye was badly tampered with by the servant girl who accompanied Penny, being attacked by her viscous insults and body you managed to scratch your nails across her left cheek leaving streak of red lines slightly scarring her face. After fleeing you were found by Penny which soon later to be joined with Chives and then Herobrine discovering your injuries and how severe they were inflicted on your eye. Scooping you out of the blood mess you were made out of, you saw that Penny was carrying the exact same replica of the nasty scratch you've damaged on the servant girl whom violently attacked you..Penny is a witch after all, believing she's the culprit you attempt to avenge yourself which forces Herobrine to slide you into unconsciousness with a touch of his hand.

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Author's Note

Contemplating on changing the stories plot and ending (which I have serval times) but with the current format of this story concept in mind I'm trying to stick to it as I am fighting the urges to change everything.😞

4,096 word count

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