| Chapter 6 | Murder.

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➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

Previously... "Where are we going to now."
You questioned towards Herobrine as his massive arms carried your body with ease out the bathroom and int the bedroom towards a large luxurious bed accompanied with several fluffy fur blankets. "My bed, you're sleeping with me tonight." Herobrine casually stated nonchalantly as he now gently laid you on his beds surface which sunk your weight in like a pillow decompressing. "Wait!. Hold on a—" "You should save your strength because tomorrow, is your first day of training." Herobrine spoke over you before you could even protest against the idea. Sitting up from his bed you tried to leave the beds soothing comfort but Herobrines hands flew quickly to push you back down. "Stop fighting me and rest." Herobrines expression darkens as he demands that you rest with him on this chilling night. "I don't trust you sharing the same bed with me." You proclaimed as you chose to no longer fight underneath his strength given your current circumstances.

"Trust that I have no intention of touching you in that manner." The tall rugged immortal reassured you before suddenly slipping off his shirt before you, exposing his muscular toned frame which was surprisingly alarmingly attractive enough for you to find it hard to look away. "If you would allow me now, I shall prepare myself for bed as well." He pauses momentarily expressing a sly grin tugging at the corner of his lips as Herobrine then turns swiftly to approach his wardrobe which wasn't out of sight, instead it was across the bed allowing him to keep his eyes on you when needed. "Is this realistically necessary?" You asked Herobrine while shielding your eyes with one hand and the other supporting your weight as you sat up in a comfortably in his bed. Sounds of his clothes can be rustling around as Herobrine changes into preferably more suited clothing for bed, "So tell me, how is it that with your injuries you mean to tell me that I haven't heard a single squeak nor whimper of pain coming outa you." Herobrine spoke with a hint of concern and sarcasm in his husky stern voice.

"I dont get what you're going at?" You responded now uncovering your eyes to see he's fully dressed in a pair of black fuzzy pajama pants with a buttoned up silky grey shirt complimenting his masculine form. "Are you immune to pain because you don't seem to realize what critical condition you're in." The slow realization settles into you as you understand what Herobrine means with his slight sarcasm towards you. Approaching you slowly he climbs into bed beside you, "I just have a high pain tolerance." You clarified. "Hm, we'll see about that." With a sly smirk playing his lips he turns off the lights with a flick of a lever. "What do you mean by th—" "Shhh lights off, time for bed." Herobrine hushes you mid sentence abruptly, regarding your rising concerns. Pulling the blankets over the two of you he tucks you in bed securely allowing you to be comforted with warmth.

"For your concerns I am not sleeping with you because I do not trust you but rather the reason be that you are too fragile to go without my personal supervision and support." Herobrine breaks down the tension between you and him leaving you mixed with your inside thoughts bubbling in your head wondering why it is he cares so much for your health and especially recovery. "That girl Penny, she seemed really upset when you took my side instead of hers." Remembering about the incident earlier in the day Herobrine felt no pain of guilt in his course of actions and words he committed against her. "Remember this, I am the one in charge. I have no obligation to no one.. including you." His deep low hoarse voice vibrated against your skin. The quiet room was dimly lit having only the fire in the bricked built fireplace be it's only light source, holding intense eye contact with Herobrine the fires light flickers upon his stern structured face leaving you defenseless of any words to respond with.

"I—" "Sweet dreams." Herobrine repeatedly spoke over you yet again, being to tired to argue any much more longer you decided to rest for the remaining of what's left of the chilling night. Turning to your side you faced your back towards Herobrine in allowing you some sort of privacy, finally closing your eyes you began to drift off asleep. Several hours pass by as the night grew darker, tossing and turning your small delicate form often rustles through the thick fur blankets. You steal majority of the blankets fabric from Herobrines resting form beside you, unaware of your actions you've continued to torment the man by further kicking him in your sleep. Finally having enough of this Herobrine slid his hand upon your hip firmly grasping your waist enough to pull your body back against his, big spooning you he wrapped his massive muscular arm promptly around your waist allowing himself to secure your unconscious form beneath his bigger frame. Closely held against his chest your neck was tickled with his warm breath blown against your delicate skin.

Night passes and the awakening of a new dawn approaches.. fluttering your eyes open and yawning you awaken to the smell of burning?..suddenly it's no longer warmth that surrounds you but instead a scorching hot heat?!..quickly sitting up you find yourself surrounded by a lake of fire and lava which sizzled beneath an island built out of netherrack is what kept you afloat from the flames beneath. "What the hell is going on!." You muttered beneath your breath as you took attention to detail of your surroundings, loud squealing can be heard from what seems to be pigs?..No. Zombified piglins armed with golden swords in hand ready to strike you for your blood. Frightened by the sight of them you quickly reacted in search for a way out this hell you seem to be trapped in. Nearly seeing it, an arrow flies towards your direction, nearly dodging its blade you managed to duck in time having it pierce the netherrack island instead, grabbing ahold of the arrow you firmly pulled it out the ground. Using your peripheral vision you dodge yet another upcoming arrow which landed closer to your foot instead. Swiftly collecting another arrow in hand the zombified piglins squealed enraged by they're missed shots.

With the two arrows in hand you decided to make a bold move.. which was to jump. Calculating the distance between the floating netherrack island you stand on, you saw a chance of opportunity in getting yourself across to another netherrack island which seemed to offer more land ahead. Mentally preparing yourself you sprinted straight forward till you reached the edge of your island which you jumped off of having you leap into the air closing the distance between yourself and the approaching island you target to land on. Nearly reaching for the island's edge you didn't make it, now falling down towards the lake of lava and fire ready to engulf you into its melting thick liquid you weren't going to die like this. Using both arrows in hand you stabbed the netherracks wall with the arrows blade resulting your fall to slow down tremendously! Scraping and digging your blade deeper into the sunken material you nearly touched the hot thick liquid beneath you by just a hair!.

Although you had many concerns stirring inside your mind you were also determined not to let yourself die this way. "Nnnghh!!!.." you groaned loudly as you used all your remaining energy to pull one arrows blade out of the buried netherrack wall you sunk your blade into to break your fall. Aggressively pulling and stabbing the netherrack wall you cling to, starting to rock climb your way upwards till reaching the top where you planned to climb over the ledge to your safety. Finally climbing over the ledge you collapsed on your back panting heavily in desperation of catching your breath and briefly resting. Tilting your head to the side you found a large square white squid figure approaching, this large figure in the far distance seemed to be floating?!..and floating towards your way!..      *FOOSH!*       A ball of flaming hot fire is shot out its mouth and directly headed into your direction aimed specifically towards your head. Wasting no time you immediately removed yourself from the exposed area, rolling yourself over towards a small barrier of netherrack you hid your small form behind the netherrack in hopes of finding cover. << What the fuck was that!?!. Where am I and why am I being attacked by everything in this place!? >> Your mind flooded with uprising concerns that twisted your stomach in feelings of despair. Feeling abandoned again your stomach stirred in a mix of despair and rage that you find yourself repeating history yet again. Although you and Herobrine hadn't gotten along these past few days was this his way of getting rid of you? Did he give up on saving you, or were you not good enough to have by someone's side.

After what Steve's abandonment, a number of times over the past years have you doubted your worth and life being worth living for till Herobrine had mysteriously appeared into your life unexpectedly making you his top priority for his plans mainly generalizing you. Regardless wether it to be his weapon in his approaching war with Steve or to be his shield against Steve, maybe both! Besides his motives you felt more cared for than anything in a long time since Steve's disappearance which effectively made you believe for a moment that maybe someone really did worry and care for your welfare, which was enough for you. Fueled with a new sense of determination coursing through your weakened body you sprung into action. Sprinting full speed while dodging fire ball after fire ball being being shot repeatedly aimed at you from the Ghast you quickly gained distance further away from the Ghast's view allowing you to no longer encounter anymore of its attacks.

Although you've managed to escape from the last enemy you were met with another rival there being a group of 3 withered skeletons approaching with their black netherite swords in hand raised above their skulls preparing to charge toward you. With your two arrows in hand you sprinted with all your might increasingly approaching the 3 and within a swift motion of act you drove your arrow down one's skull. As your blade sunk deep within your opponent's skull you watched as the withered skeleton slowly eased down onto the ground with its life draining out its body of bones. 2 of what's left of the withered skeletons stood from afar distance with their minds at ponder as to what approach should they should enforce against you as they watched you kill one of their comrades. Snatching your dead opponents sword you upgraded your weapon from having two measly arrows to defend yourself from being armed with a sharp netherite sword in hand. It's weight was heavy but you could suffice as you weren't in the situation to go without it's deathly blade, standing firm in your stance you let it be known that you weren't going to surrender which the two came charging toward you.

     *SWOOSH!*     One withered skeleton sword was swung ferociously toward both your legs which you reacted to by jumping over the swung blade, the other approaching rival came running with his netherite sword raised by his left shoulder specifically aiming for your neck, swiftly swinging your sword to block his a loud crash between the collision was formed as bright sparks flew between the friction of yours and your rivals sword. In this small moment of conflict everything was suddenly moving slowly as if time was caught in a trance, glaring into your opponent's dead empty eye sockets you saw nothing but darkness in his boned structure. As you fought to keep your current opponents sword from slashing into your weakened body the other withered skeleton rose with a menacing demeanor from within. A wicked grin can be seen forming on the arising rival as you had no protection against him given that your busy protecting yourself from the other. You were outnumbered by them both and was caught in their trap, yes you've fought against many others which you were successful enough to manage this far but it was only soon that your end was approaching. *SWOOSH!* The swords heavy blade was swung in one swift motion flying down upon your figure, watching the blade come flying down toward your demise you tightly sealed shut your eyes in acceptance of your defeat.


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Clarification note : Previously from the last chapter you mentioned to be having to share same beds with Herobrine your now Master. Although you protested against it, you weren't the one in charge and fell fast asleep by his bedside. Night passes which leads to your awakening where you find yourself surrounded by scorching hot heated temperatures and a lake of fire and goopy lava bubbling and sizzling beneath an island you awoke on. An island of netherrack which is a material only found in the dimensions of the Netherworld which you've never visited for many reasons!. Encountering multiple enemies you surpassed many but soon you were to meet ends with the nether mobs known as of withered skeletons whom there were a group of 3 heavily armed with netherite sharpened swords in hand. Managing to kill one there were still 2 left who came charging, in the beginning you held the upper hand amongst them both until being trapped by having to block one's sword while the other fighting opponents makes us move while you can't...

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Author's Note

Head burns, body aches and I haven't ate a proper meal since a while and I think I have a migraine. I'm cutting this chapter shorter than usual that way there be more chapter uploads and less of my disappearance allowing me to convince myself that because of my increase in chapter uploads I may create another story. (Which I cannot stop overthinking about.)😶

2,395 word count

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