| Chapter 9 | Unwanted Reunion.

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➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

Your family history was an unknown cave you never dared to explore until you found Steve, for Steve was the only family you've ever known and it was good enough, at the time. All that was left of him was an unwelcoming haunting memory taunting the harsh brutality behind Steve's abandonment you still bear with today, regarding that time has aged, so has your rage. After emptying the basket of its freshly baked delicious delicacies there lit a small peering glow at the bottom of the basket. A peculiar vile carrying white glowing liquid specifically, raising the strange glowing substance to your left good eye, you inspected it's label which read by.. "Herobrines ——— " the last of the word was scratched off and unrecognizable to read. Unsure whether you should drink it's liquid you saw a tag that attached to the vile reading.. "For Y/N." A skeptical look drew over your face as you figured that this strange unknown vile was specifically prescribed to you. With a sigh leaving out of you, you chose to pop the lid off reluctantly bringing the vile closer to your parted lips. *Tink!* Immediately dropping the glass vile after you drank its suspicions liquid you were washed over with a great brink of pain that was only felt for a millisecond or two. Although the duration of the liquids effect were very shortly limited it was enough to make you feel light headed and dizzy before collapsing into a peaceful slumber. No dreams came to visit you this time of evening and after sleeping for what felt like to be hours, your body tossed and turned unable to cope with the burden of unease as you felt a great change in your body... you felt stronger and healthier than ever, could it be from the strange vile you drank from before losing into sudden consciousness. The fire can still be heard crackling in its faint withering flames casting a warm glow over the room's atmosphere, slowly rising from the beds mattress your hand reach to itch the back of your neck. Throwing your legs off the beds edge and sliding lazily off the bed, your feet eased its landing onto the floor before dragging yourself to Herobrines large extravagant window viewing the underworld/Nether World and all it's vicious creatures that lurk far beneath as the view was high above an ocean of thick melting lava. Capturing glimpse of your reflection in the windows spotless fine glass you unexpectedly captured glimpse of an intimidating silhouette looming behind your shoulder..

Before reacting the anonymous character aims his weapon of a lethal blade to your neck demanding your name. "Are you Y/n." His voice was distinctly familiar yet you didn't have the time to pinpoint who exactly this guy was. Before answering the strangers question you reacted with great speed swiftly spinning yourself around on your heels before striking his arm with sharp accuracy, disarming the masked stranger, his blade plummets to the floor. In a risky effort to apprehend this violent stranger, your hands flew to his broad shoulders immediately battling each other for dominance as he also grasps you, inevitably failing into his great unmatched strength you knew it was only a matter of time before it was you he was going to apprehend. "I'm not going to hurt you-" Abruptly silencing your attackers words with your leg, you hastily drove your kneecap up-towards his grind sending him in various stages of agonizing pain. "AH!. You.. little bit-" Interrupting him mid-sentence with a violent shove against his chest with the solid impact of your elbow, you sent him tumbling to the ground, further advancing in your defense against your enemy, you swept his weapon off the floor.

Now armed with a sharp lethal blade of iron, you returned your attention toward your opponent who in a flash of lightning lunged toward you within mere seconds!.    *CRASSHH!!!!!* In a blink of an eye, the whole world around you changed as who you thought to obtain the upper hand swapped in an instant. Being overthrown by your opponents force, his arms held you firmly against his chest as both you and him flew through the breaking glass barrier!.. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!.." you horrifically screamed as you watched the alarmingly high life threatening drop approaches rapidly!.. The strong winds blow through your it hair wildly as the gusting winds grew stronger while your falling escalates further. Looking away from the ocean of lava beneath rapidly closing its distance, you lifted your face upward meeting your rivals masked hidden face. Peering into his anonymous bore calming eyes, you watched as  he unraveled an arm around your waist using his free arm to dig into his pockets while his other arm remained firmly held on your waist keeping you pinned against him. Squirming in his tightening grip you could feel his fingers nearly digging into your skin as you struggled more to endure his painful grasp. "Nngh!!.." a quiet whimper escapes your lips drawing your kidnappers attention, noticing your face etched with discomfort he loosened his grip on your waist before finally pulling out of his pocket an ender-pearl in which he threw towards the hot lava "ARE YOU CRAZ-" *VOOMP!* Before finishing your last words, purple particles engulf the two of you as that would be the last trace of you.

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