| Chapter 5 | Steve?.

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

⊰✧ ◈ PENNY'S POV ◈ ✧⊱

"You're fired." The stinging words of Herobrine hoarse blunt words continue to echo and torment Penny's ears constantly displaying the sad memory before her as she tries to sleep through her grief. "Ughh!." She whines out loudly as she sat up in her empty cold bed staring at her wand resting on the nightstand beside her bed. Being fired from her high position she once had in Herobrines kingdom brought Penny to a great deal of distress...hanging her head down she stares at her hand whom were now forming into tight fists. She was sent through a rage of jealousy by the thought of you as her replacement! Her eyes were full of rage just imagining you taking Herobrines favor over hers!. *Knock!. Knock!* A loud demanding knock was heard from Penny's door, immediately she sprung out of bed and rushed hurriedly over towards the doors of her chambers now pulling them open to reveal a withered skeleton guard?!. "Huh!?."

The witch was startled to be met with a guard instead of her masters presence. "A message." The guard stated in a solitary voice before handing Penny an envelope of what seems to be a letter?. "Give me that!" She says as she snatched the envelope from the guard whom didn't react to Penny's bratty attitude, instead he bowed and simply left without any say. *SLAM!* The doors of Penny's chamber were slammed loud enough to echo down the halls, in a desperate urge to discover what message she's to receive Penny rips the envelope to shreds and roughly unfolds the letter. Her eyes quickly scanning the words in the letter her face drops and all the color leaves her face at once, "What the fuck!." She uttered, "A scullery maid!." Penny scoffed at such a low position she's been assigned to take upon. Firmly grasping the letter in her tight fists she storms out her chambers with a rage making her way down the grand halls furiously marching toward the direction of Herobrines chambers..

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

"Take off your shirt." Herobrine finally broke the silence. The immortals tall frame stood firmly over your smaller one, slightly intimidated and confused as to his intentions you were quickly reminded of your compliance and your spoken consent to the man's presence. After a quiet moment of silence and thinking you hesitantly slid your shirt off over your head and aside the counter surface you sat on. "Your shorts to." He commanded still unaware of standing between your legs being too close for comfort as he remained blindfolded. Pressing your hands against his muscular chest you've managed to hear a hitch in his breathing seeming to catch him off guard by your sudden touch against his. "What, do I make you nervous?" You quietly teased getting a kick out of his reaction. "What are you doing." Herobrines hands were quick to remove yours off his chest, "I was hoping to nudge you away from me in order to undress myself further!" You explained sarcastically. "I'll do it myself just stop moving, too much movement can increase your chances of loosening a stitch." Herobrine proclaimed with a clear written look of worry displayed on his face. Tugging the hem of your shorts down his fingers lightly brush against the lace of your underwear before tossing them away to join your shirt aside the counters cold marble surface. Having the only pieces of fabric remaining on your delicate figure be your undergarments which we're not providing you as much coverage you'd hope for. "I'm going to touch you now." The tall rugged immortal breathes out with a heavy sigh ghosting your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

Immediately out of the overwhelmingly emotions that flooded your mind your hands unexpectedly flew to stop his hands from touching your exposed skin. "Stop!." You spoke with unsettlement, "What's wrong." Herobrine asks as he holds his hands up indicating no harm towards you. "Why can't I just bathe myself, I'm physically capable so there's no of need you." You spoke out of desperation of keeping his hands off you, "Certainly not! You've proven yourself too weak to walk as well as incapable of being left alone without my personal supervision." The man responds with a hint of an attitude towards your recommendation, "Supervision!? You're blindfolded-" "And!. I can still supervise you this way, did you really doubt my abilities?!.. that's cute of you but not true." Herobrine scoffs and laughs at your boldness. Your e/c eyes glared at the man whom stood close between your legs still standing within a few mere inches away from you.

Glaring at the blind folded man your anger fueled by sound of his laughs echoing off the cold bathrooms walls. "Fine! Hurry up and just get this over with!" You pouted underneath the man's rugged figure whom still towered over yours. Suddenly a warmth envelopes your bare skin as the hands of Herobrines wraps promptly around your waist as if you were a cup of grapes to him, he easily lifts you into his muscular toned arms that sent a strange mix of comfort and safety to your delicate body being handled with such care from a man known of destruction. Gazing up toward the man's blindfolded face as he carried you to the elegant shaped bathtub which was now filled to the brim with hot water, steam arising from the waters surface as well as bubbles awaiting for you. "Am I really not stable enough to bathe myself?." You questioned Herobrine in a quiet hushed manner as all that could be heard were the peaceful water's trickling down as your body was slowly submerged into the waters warmth that washed all your worries away.

"Until I'm convinced there's no threat of you bleeding out to your death.. sure." His voice was husky and yet soothing, almost lulling you into a sense of calm that allowed your body to rest in the bubble bath that you were now being bathed in. "Bleeding out?." You repeated after Herobrine in question, trickling water can be heard being squeezed out the damp cloth the blindfolded immortal held within his hand before beginning to scrub a soap bar against the damp cloth creating foam and bubbles of soap. "Yes, with your recent surgery and the negligence of my soldiers handling you, there's a larger chance of you pulling a stitch loose which could potentially..." the immortals husky voice died down as he stopped his unfinished sentence. "Which could potentially what?!." You asked impatiently demanding for his finishing explanation, lathering the surface of your exposed back in soap Herobrine throughly scrubs and washes away your blood stained skin, being careful not to scrub to roughly against your fragile stitches and bruised skin.

A deep sigh escapes the blindfolded man's lips before resuming his unfinished explanation, "Pulling a stitch loose could potentially reopen your wound if not tear your skin open much more than before.." He admitted with a look that revealed his deep unspoken concerns and worries he held for you, "Although you've just arrived here, you've been badly injured enough to acknowledge that I may have to resort to putting you down myself." Hearing the man's last option had you struck with a deep fear of death driving a new sort of determination to escape this place. Having you unsure what to respond with the room is filled with a loud silence that separates your conversation with Herobrine as he now finished bathing you. "I'm gonna have to ask for you to stand." The once harsh man whom treated you roughly now seemed to have a drastic change in his demeanor towards you. "Mhm.." you hummed in response before complying with his instructions.

As you stand in the tub still full with water and bubbles your body remains wet and weak, Herobrine turns to grab an awaiting soft fuzzy towel ready to be used. As the tall blindfolded man dries your small fragile figure down gently you're met with a comfort of warmth enveloping your body. Everything is surprisingly going smooth with the man who drugged, kidnapped, attacked, and threatened you...maybe going a little too smooth. . . *BANG!. BANG!..* "AH!." You jumped with shriek at the sudden loud sound of banging coming from Herobrines bedroom chambers outside the bathroom. Catching you off and off balance you slipped in the tub and fell upon the man before you. In your moment of falling you attempt to grab onto Herobrines shirt!..You miserably failed to break your fall instead you accidentally grabbed onto the hem of Herobrines pants!?!. Falling on both your knees you splashed water out the tub causing the floors to be wet and slippery to!. As you've fallen on your knees before Herobrine with your hands holding onto the hem of his pants you've managed to slightly tug them down enough to expose the color of his boxers. (Pink 😘)

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