| Chapter 11 | Grieving Regrets.

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Flames can be heard crackling through the cold dark night, the only radiating warmth a-looming from the hugely lit bomb-fire that casted an orange peaceful hue over the dark forest, peeking through the tall spruce trees and wilderness that camped nature's grounds. The dark night sky being only illuminated by its millions of stars stretched across like an ocean hugging the shore. Drunk rugged soldiers laughing while also drowning themselves in unlimited beer. It was a grand celebration in honors of General Steve's return with his plan a great succession in capturing Herobrines prime partner in this upcoming war. It had been hours since Steve had left your resting form alone nestled in his guarded tent by only his best men, surely you were still peacefully asleep. Right? "General, come have a drink with us!" The dark brunette shifted his bore eyes toward the soldier who'd called out to his rugged figured which seemed to be unbothered as he stood still, clouded with concerns of your safety in his drowsy bore eyes. Steve's focus was interrupted by yet another one of his soldiers offering him a jug of simmering cold beer but it was a clear extent that the General had drunken too much already. Ignoring his offer, Steve sluggishly turns away approaching the dirt pathway that lead to his tent. He could no longer ignore this paranoia, he needed you.

As the tall strapping young man dragged his feet through the dirt grain path he noticed an odd peculiar sound that twitched his ears attention, before finding the source of the strange noise Steve looked over his broad shoulder to find nothing. Shrugging off the sound he continued toward his tent, approaching the soldiers who kept watch. "General, we have an incident to report!" One snapped with his rifle by his side still, keeping his bearing. "Proceed.." The drunk now grumpy General agitatedly growled as he reached to feel his forehead, feeling a migraine settle in. "A woman was caught leaving your tent, she was later relieved by Lieutenant-" before the soldier finished his sentence a giant fist lifted him off the ground by the hem of his shirts collar. "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU LET HER GO!?!.." Steve's uncontrollable anger took over him as all worse has finally came down unto him. The thought of losing you again was too much to endure! "Y-Yes General!." Tremblingly terrified of Generals Steve's strength the soldiers rifle dropped into the dirt while the other soldier who stood by, watched in silent terror. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!" Steve's fists clenched tighter onto the man's collar before aggressively wavering his body in the air with a look striking to kill. "Sh-She's over there!." The petrified mortal stammered out his last sentence before being thrown to the ground like a stray timid creature plummeting into a puddle. Watching as Steve's masculine form disappeared into the thick darkness of the direction where he's soldier had pointed. His footsteps were like thunder ready to crush anyone in his way, eyes narrowed to pierce through the darkness and a mind filled to kill.

As the fowl man marched profusely into the thick shadows surrounding the scolding night, a small muffling whimper can be suspiciously heard struggling from afar in a short distance consumed by darkness, that didn't stop Steve, as he eagerly followed the suspicious noise taunting at him. Using his sharp heightened hearing, the 6'4 menacing silhouette began to hover over his lieutenants bodily form roughly grasping yours inside an aggressive fashion. "I'm warning you now. If you just so try to escape or—" *CRUNCH!!.* Immediately being released, your weakened body fell forward onto your knees scraping against the dirt beneath, fixing your focus as you lifted your soft vulnerable gaze up to see the lieutenant's body hanging off the grounds surface while also pinned against a nearby spruce tree. Following the hand that dug into the man's skin, you found the hand to belong to Steve who held a mean threatening snarl expressed on his face riled up anger glistening in his piercing blue frosty eyes. "Don't you touch her!." His words sent waves of shivers down your spine indicating a clear sense of violence awaiting to be released upon your masked threatener. The raging drunk then began to waver his body in the air repeatedly slamming the lieutenants body against the spruce trees bark. Tuned out by rage and blinded by violence the General couldn't contain his physical strength as he continued to beat his lieutenants limp body against the trees bark.

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