| Chapter 10 | Guest of Honor.

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

Steve stood tall and lean from a short distance away beyond your resting form slightly buried in the hot scratchy sand beneath as timid tears began blurring your uneven vision with a skipping heart beat leaving you breathless for a scarce second.  "Welcome home, love." Steve's soothingly deep voice vibrated with a soft melody of tenderness expressed within his words and in his warm welcoming smile he carried so well.. Only yet, you wouldn't welcome his unwanted reunion, no. It was far too late for loving glances and bright warm smiles to be exchanged. Instead your sentimental tears were quickly watering up your vision creating a blur effect before finally falling down your rosey tinted cheeks as your (e/c) eye glared at Steve's tall form with genuine disgust and resentment. "Hm.. so it'll be that way then, fine.." Steve disappointedly muttered in response to your cold clear indicated gestures. You bit your tongue in silence, refusing to give Steve any more of your attention as you were riled with a deep hatred grudged against him after several years of cruel abandonment you've endured. Suddenly the boot that had been resting on your back keeping you pinned down in the sand, begins twisting its solid surface and rubbing harshly against your tender fragile skin giving you an unpleasant rug burn. "ANSWER HIM!" Your masked kidnapper shouts bluntly as he lifts his filthy boot high just to stomp down the hard impact against your back earning a pained whimper. Reacting with a flinch towards the impact of his boot a timid quiet whimper escapes from your throat with pain etched on your face, immediately reacting Steve the 6'4 tall man who quickly intervenes. "Stand by soldier!." Steve commanded with his voice distinguished in slight aggression before yanking the masked soldier off you with a violent tug on his shoulder.

"Yes General!." The masked soldier stumbled off away from your back from General Steve's violent tug before standing at position of attention. Relieved by the soldiers weight no longer pinning you down into the hot sand, you fixed yourself up scrambling against the slippery sand. Your hands brushed off anymore remainder of sand that stuck to your clothes, unaware of the approaching General. "Y/n." Steve began with a soft approach followed by his hand lightly grasping yours intertwining his fingers against yours. Your gaze accidentally met Steve's, noticing his eyes lost in yours as he desperately fights his urges to pull away from your lingering gaze he was caught mesmerized by your unspoken beauty which peaked to profound his longing interests he tried so hard to push aside. What also caught Steve's attention were the alarming bandages of gauze heavily concealing your right eye. "What.. happened to you.." Warmth radiates off Steve's free hand which hovered over your face reaching to caress your cheek. His hand lightly grazes over your right cheek in which he held with such gentle pure care. Your eyes fixed on his lips as he begins to shift toward you, his lips approaching yours cautiously. "Phfft!" He blows at your face with his puckered lips, blowing the messy strands of hair hovering over your (e/c) eyes. For a brief solid moment you were strongly convinced that Steve had been leaning in for a kiss, maybe.. maybe your feelings for Steve haven't died with your trust after his unexplained abandonment. "What's wrong?." His soothing soft voice vibrates off your chest due to how short the distance was between the two of you and Steve, he continued to make observations of your changed facial expressions trying to read what you were feeling about him since you refuse to speak a word to him.

Unaware of reality, you were drawn back to your senses from the tall toned man who rubbed his thumb over your cheek in hopes of comforting whatever seemed to trouble your weary mind, unaware that it was him who troubled your temple of what little peace you had left. "Please, allow me to see what happened to your eye." Steve quietly pleaded under his breath while stepping a foot closer toward you closing his distance. Your heart sunk to your stomach and your breath hitched as the 6'4 towering figure looms over you, feeling a sense of dominance in his presence he carried so easily. You really wanted to say something but any sound of your voice you felt was too good for him to hear ever hear again, after all you felt a great deal of resentment against the General. You bit your lower lip preventing a word from slipping out as Steve presses his body against yours with his hand leaving yours to guide your waist into place refusing you to pull away anymore. "Don't be afraid, let me take care of you Y/n." He murmured with an ignited look of compassion in his soft ocean colored eyes you found solitude in. His comforting hand caressing your right cheek finally leaves to begin to unravel the heavily wrapped gauze concealing your right injured eye that Penny painfully inflicted upon you.

Finally reliving your face of the heavy concealing gauze, you couldn't help but breathe out an exaggerated sigh of longing great relief as the fresh breeze hits your exposed skin that has been in confinement of those bandages. Steve cautiously removes your eye patch revealing your right eye to appear normal... "Open your eyes.." he spoke with soft curiosity as his fingers lightly guided your chin up for your face to meet his. Listening to Steve's words, you slid open your eyes. General Steve continued to examine your face closely, reassuring himself that there lies no more injuries amongst you. After about a hot minute of inspecting you, he pulled away which you finally allowed yourself to breathe more freely. "You seem to look healthy to me, I think it's time for us to head back. Perhaps my doctors could take a better look at you." Steve spoke between you and his soldier which the masked soldier nodded in agreement. "Yes sir, I'll be sure to take custody of your prisoner so there shall be no worries." He hastily marched toward your direction until a hand firmly held your hip tugging your body easily against Steve's. "That won't be necessary Soldier, consider her to be our guest of honor tonight for we are to have a feast in celebration of a great reunion!" Steve happily chimed as he held you so closely against his much bigger frame.

Sand blows with the wind as the suns beginning to set in the horizon, your eyes dart between Steve and his soldier searching for answers. Abruptly your body was pulled with a sudden force from Steve's hand as swept you off your feet and into his muscular arms toned arms. "Come now soldier, we must spread the message!" Steve called to his soldier who marched closely behind occasionally glanced toward your limp form resting in his General's arms as he carries you bridal style!. Sand crunches under every step of Steve's steps, he wasn't wearing any fancy attire or uniform yet he seemed to be referred to as 'General' this name alarmed your interests around Steve as you remembered him to be a thief committing crime alongside with you.. nobody would ever respect his old life yet here you were, witnessing the sudden change in it. Rocking back and forth in his swaying warm large arms, you were rocked into an instant slumber as the day had ended and night began. Completely disconnecting yourself your guard of security, but who couldn't?.. after all you were no longer in Herobrines strictly stern  regulations and security who always seemed to threaten you someway.. but Steve. Steve seemed to offer comfort and ease at the palm of your feet.. and it was enough for you to accept.

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