| Chapter 3 | Trouble.

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

<< Ughh!!...He has me trapped in here! It's cold, dark and creepy in this cell. Where did he go!? Why am I here, why is this happening to me what did I do to deserve this!.. >> Your mind  began wondering endlessly as the very man who's currently holding you captive in his dungeon locked in a cold empty cell while goes about his own business. "Fuck." You cursed out hardly above a whisper, you then began searching for a escape, ignoring the tray of your dinner that lies on the dirty cold floor Herobrine for you. Deciding to inspect your new space for any potential escape route you find after searching the cell thoroughly nothing. You find nothing be yourself being trapped, the slow realization settling into your mind now following with intrusive thoughts has you t your insanity bit by bit. Finally having no more remorse left behind holding you back you chose that if he wasn't going to play nice, why should you.

And with that you raced over grabbing the bars of your cell now shaking them violently within your firm grasp.    *CLICK CLANCK CLACK!*    The sounds of metal bars shaking echoed and bounced off the walls of every cell and down the hall traveling throughout the dungeon of Herobrines. "LET ME GO!..LET ME OUT!." You shouted out angrily and impatiently for an answer in return, continuing your protest shaking the metal bars you began growing even more impatient resulting in you losing your temper, now grabbing the silver tray of food off the ground having your dinner tumbling off and onto the floor you slammed your whole tray against the bars of your cell.

   *CRASHH!!*   Sound of broken glass can be heard shattering and spreading across the stone cold floor along with your dinner mixing in with the broken glass leaving a big mess in the cell. You stood there with the silver tray in hand with now a dent visibly displayed in the silver tray from slamming it against the metal bars of your cell. Noticing the mess you had created quickly you find there lying on the floor knife!.. along with several other utensils. << A KNIFE!..YES!. >> dropping the silver tray in hand swiftly you grabbed the knife off the floor safely avoiding the broken glass scattered across, now hiding the knife behind your back tucking it carefully in your pants covering it over with your oversized shirt leaving no trace.

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        "I'm scared of losing you because if I loose you then.." Herobrine stoped mid-sentence gazing down into Penny's eyes for a brief moment they shared. "Because of what?." The servant girl repeated.       *CLICK CLANK CLACK*      The two were caught off guard startled by the sudden loud noise echoing beneath the ground from what believed to be the dungeon. "What the hell was that?!." Penny exclaimed turning her head toward the direction of the where the echoing noise had came from. "Eh...Just stay here Penny, it'll only take awhile-" "No!" Penny interrupted over Herobrine. "I'm coming with you." She spoke proudly now marching over toward the door to investigate the noise. "No, Penny! Stop!" Herobrine demanded teleporting in front of the door firmly crossing his arms as he stood tall and lean in Penny's way refusing to allow her any further. "Pleaseee!.. Let me just see who's going to be living with us!." Penny whined with her hands clasped together in a begging manner.

"No." He narrowed his glowing stern eyes down toward Penny. *CRASHH!!* The sound of breaking glass can be heard shattering echoing loudly off the walls drawing more concern from the two. Having enough immediately Herobrine teleports to your exact location, deep down below in the underground lies the dungeon where you are imprisoned in. Leaving Penny alone in his quarters he knew he only had limited time left to deescalate the situation before Penny would allow herself in. Penny being the curious girl she is she pushes Herobrines wishes aside deciding to push past the doors that stood in front of her now marching her way towards the dungeon.

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