| Chapter 2 | Welcome.

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


<< Her skin is soft and scarred, her body light and fragile yet her spirit isn't. >> The imortal glances down at the mortal being laying in his arms so peacefully still unaware of being taken away from her life entering into a new beginning. Herobrine can't help but stares at Y/n observing her beauty. Herobrine then shifts his attention back to the trail he's been traveling for hours ever since he's taken Y/n. The trail comes to an end and so does the man's footsteps. Herobrine gently sets your limp body down on a nearby log, he walks to an open space before building a Nether portal.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

<< My body, I feel weak? What's happening to me! >> You thought to yourself as you fight to overcome whatever force it is pinning you to stay unconscious. The light begin brightening as you fought to wake up before being blinded by the light. The air's breeze is cold and fresh like a winter morning and the sky is darker than deep blue ocean waves decorated by stars twinkling in the far distance. It's quietly peaceful... You find yourself lying on a hard surface? You find yourself lying on your side on top of a large spruce wooden log outside in what seems to be the...forbidden forest... << There's a reason why this forest is forbidden, anyone and everyone who enters it goes missing and never returns! And I'm in it!..No no no no! This has to be a dream. >> Your heart began racing faster in your chest unable to move with the fear paralyzing your weakened body.

Your eyes then land on a mysterious figure moving in the distance not so far from you that seems to be building something?...A man?.. A man who seems to be building? You watched the mysterious man finish his build, which out to be a portal!?! Your eyes widen as you realized that the mysterious man was Herobrine standing right in front of the portal with you as his prisoner! << Herobrine!?...why is a mortal kidnapping me!? Is he taking me away to the nether!?! >> Then you begin to remember what happened to you, what caused you to fall unconscious... << It was him...Herobrine, he must've been the one who restored the soup!..and he drugged me jus to kidnap me!?...but for what! >> You being lost in your train of thought unaware of your surroundings anymore the immortal begins to shift his head towards your direction quickly grabbing your attention again. You quickly lie back down to your original position pretending to be unconscious as the immortal makes his way towards you...

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


*FLICK...FLICK* The flint sparks a small flame enough to ignite the portal activating the Nether realm. The purple glowing light beams throughout the forest and trees, the immortal then shifts his head towards the unconscious mortal still lying on the log where he had left her. As Herobrine walks over to the mortals limp body he notices something odd...he stops in his tracts and noticed that her hair is a slight mess compared to earlier. << Strange, her hair wasn't as messy as before...Ah, must've been the wind. >> The immortal brushes it off and believes it is just the winds blowing Y/n's hair into a mess, and with that he continues making his way over to her.

*CRUNCH CRUNCH* The leaves underneath the immortals boots crumble and crunch as he approaches the unconscious body lying on the log. Herobrine then again admires Y/n's unspoken beauty, captivated by her he gently slides his warm hands underneath her fragile limp body before lifting her up so easily as if she were to weigh lighter than a feather. << Light and soft as a feather but stings like a bee. >> Lost in my thoughts I am pulled myself back into reality when I noticed the unconscious moral slipping out my grasp!..Herobrine swiftly catches the mortal and firmly carries you in bridal style.

<<  focused stay focused. >> The man thought to himself before he makes his way towards the Nether portal with the mortal in his firm grip.  *CRUNCH CRUNCH* The leafs continued to crumble beneath him crunching with every step underneath the man's boots. As I walk towards the portal of the Nether Realm I detected a faster heart rate from the unconscious mortal. << Odd...she shouldn't be feeling anything to increase her heart rate let alone become aware of her situation.. >> Herobrine paused in his tracks and observes the mortals body intently, watching for any signs or signals of you being conscious.

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