| Chapter 8 | Betrayal.

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

➶☠︎ Y/N POV ☠︎➴

Previously... Your ears are met with a eerie ringing noise, "Sire!.. is this really necessary?!. Y/n could be-" "Silence. She's not well minded for this, I'll take care of her myself since nobody can. You're both dismissed." Your ears also managed to make out the muffled voices of Chives in the background as well as Herobrines before slowly fading away as you were engulfed with darkness pitch black darkness surrounding you. << No!..no!. I'm not crazy it's her!. It's that witch he's got wrapped around his finger.!..She's trying to kill me. >> Your mind was troubled with clouding thoughts of Penny as she was the one who attacked you not that girl she framed!..but no one will ever know because now it's too late. You're unconscious and that poor girl could be facing severe punishments for something she didn't do. Suddenly you began to feel a twitch of your arm, slowly easing into your senses you managed to move your fingers. Fighting against this feeling powerful force that kept you paralyzed in darkness you could see a small beam of light approaching.

As the bright light approaches you struggled to continue to look at it as it was to bright and unmatched with your weak eyesight. Closing your eyes you accepted for whatever fate that was approaching, an eerie ringing echoes in your eardrums as you jolted awake inside a familiar largely luxurious bed that sunk in your weight to perfection of comfort. Realizing you lie in Herobrines bed you also quickly noticed that something was off and wrong.. your head, it was exaggeratedly wrapped and covered in gauze shielding your right injured eye from the exposure of light as it was extremely delicate and sensitive. Walking into the room with his tall toned frame Herobrine quietly shuts the door behind himself as he enters the room carrying a basket of delicious baked goods steaming from beneath a cloth that covered over the baked goods making the room smell like fresh baked bread. Seeing that you sit up from his bed he makes direct eye contact with you for a split second before breaking his intense gaze with you. "I see that you're awake." He calmly said while approaching your bedside setting the basket of goods aside on the wooden elegant nightstand.

"I need to tell you something-" "Don't, spoil the moment." His stern projected words were calm yet came off as a warning. Ignoring his light warning you persisted with eagerness for the truth to be revealed that his loyal witch  is responsible for such vicious attacks against you, his project he cared for so deeply to carry out his success for his kingdom. "That witch you call Penny is who attacked me!. Not the other girl." You replied with a hint of aggression expressed in your voice. "I know." The immortals stance was shifted to a different position that changed the mood of the room. He sat on the edge of the bed quietly sighing with his arms used as support to uphold his leaned figure on the bed you also sat in. "It was a test." Your eyes widened in response, unclear whether he plans on training you into his killing machine or intentionally killing you. Maybe both, killing you in the process of becoming his killing machine and right hand weapon in this lethal approaching war. "Though, she wasn't supposed to get too handsy with you." Herobrine picks off where he trailed off of which grabbed your undivided attention.

"What the hell do you mean." Shifting your focus to his eyes you watched for any signs of suddenness as he was unpredictable given his course of actions and his unspoken thoughts. "Relax, I don't intend on harming you myself, but I also won't nourish you with the slightest hint of care for from now on you'll be all your own support." His demeanor switches to a stern strict attitude expressed in his tone. "Maybe Steve will-" *THUMP!!.* The tall wooden sculpted headboard of the large bed was slammed against the lavish wallpaper of the wall behind it, fluttering your eyes open, you were met with a bright glare of white eyes above pinned by both your wrists above your head against the headboard your breath was hitched and your cheeks were slightly flushed with a hint of blush that crept upon your tinted rosey cheeks. "Steve is the enemy." Herobrine spoke hardly above a whisper before leaning in close to your neck where you felt his warm breath swept away the few strands of your hair covering your neck, tickling your skin slightly you squirmed underneath his towering muscular body that also kept your weight pinned beneath his. "Don't forget it."
He whispers into your ear before teleporting away.

*VOOMP!.* Purple particles were left behind as the man teleported out of sight. Flustered and flushed you were left to marinate in your thoughts as the unpredictable man made his unpredicted moves on you leaving you alone in his bed and a slightly scratched wall as his headboard scratched the lavish wallpaper off his wall from the impact he inflicted upon his bed's headboard. Brushing off this weakness you felt in your body you reached for the basket of baked goods removing the cloth that concealed the goodies, immediately met with a steam of warmth and aroma of sweetness to perfection you grabbed a (favorite/flavor) cupcake decorated with beautiful pastel buttercream frosting and sprinkles with a cherry on top! Taking a bite of the pastry's beauty you tasted perfection as it was unbelievably tasty in all the right swirls and shapes of the cupcake, savoring the taste of each bite you took you gladly took you're precious sweet time making a dent in the supply of goods delivered to Herobrines chambers. About an hour or two later you were relaxed from the whole close interaction you encountered earlier with Herobrine.

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