Chapter 6.

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It is the earliest hour of all.
And everyone, except for Fhara, is still asleep.

I went over to our room to get my stuff, and I gotta tell you, kirt can really take up all the bed space like a turtle.
And as for snow… pretty as always.

I went over and tried my supposed reserved bed for a while, and men! this is by far one of the best bed I have ever slammed my face on. Not gonna lie. …I wish I had moved

Have you every waken up from the strangest version of a roosters morning call? Well me too.
Well In this case it certainly not a roaster, because it’s a waterfall, or cascades that is.

I head to the main area, and right there, was the dear-lady her self,
Setting up some kind of technology.
From what the looks of it, it seems like a telegraph machine.

Fhara sets up the machine and on the other part of the room was Kenu, and Kenu had made another different kind of meal for us.
It’s was rice cakes with mashed berry’s fillings, and something called sunrise kiss which is technically just an overpowered version of rice porridge, and my goodness, They have coffee!! How I miss those black, dirty scented beverage.

“Good morning!” I said.

Fhara and Kenu looked over at me and greeted the same.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Fhara faintly said while receiving signals from the telegraph. What I thing to call me.

I walked over to the floor table, sat down and was finally able to sip that good-ol, Hot, black, dirty, earth juice, and of course, my breakfast,
and during those minutes, Fhara came by and told me that after I’m done I should make the others know that we are leaving in an hour.


Kirt and Snow are awake and had taken there breakfast, along with our morning chats.
Mean while, Fhara came out from our sleeping area and had provide us old fashion styled backpacks, that was also packed with other culinary masters of both Kenu and Fhara.

…I don’t know about you folks but if Fhara and Kenu where to be a parent at some point, they will be a good one.

After coming out of the room, Fhara hands us the packs, puts her hands to the hip and tells us;
“So… Does anybody wants to fly on a zeppelin?”

Airline planes often have something called a turbulence and they can be annoying as hek,
But zeppelin’s are something else.

Zeppelin’s are like boats in the Skies, They mostly feel calmer compare to airplanes, however, it’s slow phase and it’s hard driving difficulty simply means it will be gradually taking us to our destination, just like a ship it self.
Thus they call it an airship.
And this airship seems like it should never be trifled with.

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