Chapter 1: Pilot

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Hey guys I'm just writing this for fun currently. However if you guys love it, just let me know in the comments. I'll make a chapter 2 regardless. I just want to know if there's an interest for this kind of thing.


He couldn't take it anymore. The pent up rage he had, the feeling of helplessness. Though appreciated he couldn't help but feel useless next to her... Gwen. Or her secret identity as he found out while snapping pictures for the Bugle, Spider-Woman.

The sounds of a vial containing green liquid as it drops to the floor.

"Pathetic Parker~"
"Puny Peter!"
The demeaning voices of his bullies as he turns into something far worse.

"Argh!-." He yelps as he writhes in pain on the floor. "Those Jocks! Ned!"

His clothes rip, the well groomed nails on his hands extend into terrifying claws. His spine expands forming a tail. The muscle mass seemingly quadruples as his transition into a 4 ton lizard was nearing completion. This is where most men would succumb to the beastly rage. However, this is Peter Parker. No matter what universe he inhabits, he means something to it. Just like words that he's been instilled with as a boy.

"With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility..."

He tries to hold onto those words as he senses his inevitable transformation into a monster. The kindness from others in his time of need, especially by Gwen.

"Gwen...!" he cried.

Was that something he was willing to throw away just so he can become stronger? No.
He is better than this.
Peter Parker is better than this!

And so in his futile struggle for control over his beastly form, Peter blacks out. Whatever this new form is took control, this monster known as the Lizard.........

"No!" Peter screamed from his bed.

Touching himself making sure he isn't that green monstrosity he felt he was becoming just moments ago.

"Was it all just a dream?" he thought. "Thank God... Thank God....."


"Oh jeez what time is it?" Looking to his clock.
"Wow, slightly earlier today."

3 hours before school starts. Just the way a nerd like him likes it. Getting out from his bed however, he noticed that his glasses were missing. The usual rounded ones with tape holding it together.

"Don't tell me they got stolen again!" Peter grunts.

Resorting to the spare that has been useful to him in situations like these. As he donned them however, his vision blurred. Was the degree on the lenses off? He hasn't had to resort to them for a good while now, did it somehow degrade. Nonsense it's an inanimate object, he probably just hadn't wiped them for a good while.

"Probably just dust." he thought, taking the glasses off. "Now where's that-"

He stopped himself realising the clarity of his vision without them. Looking to the mirror, he sees his new self. A twig no more as he flexes his muscles jokingly, smiling.

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