Chapter 13: Going Home...

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Alright this is it, the end of the Into The Spiderverse arc. It was kinda quick huh? Well there is only so much I could do with a 1 hour 56 minute movie. Hopefully it's longer when I reach the Beyond The Spiderverse arc.

Anyways as always enjoy this chapter.


Night falls, the group makes their move. Making it to the skylight. It was a massive party, with King Pin himself addressing the crowd. Gwen called him a Pig for pretending to be a close friend of Spider-Man, Porker resented this.

"Get a load of how the waiters are dressed." Noir observes. "It's in poor taste, can't be that easy." A break in and a few bow ties later... "It's that easy."

Peni hid under a cloth, Porker somehow managed to sneak himself into a dish cover. Benjamin, Gwen and Noir pretended to be waiters.

"Wait where's Peter?" Gwen asked, looking around.

"He scouted ahead to find Fisk's secret elevator." Benjamin responds.

"What!?" She shouted quietly.

"Don't worry." He assured. "I trust him. He's been more honest with me than you know."

Someone in crowd trips and falls over. People going to assist him. Using their spider-sense they can see a camouflaged Peter Parker, trying to get pass the crowd without bumping into anyone until he did.

"Oops... sorry." He says quietly. Passing by everyone while invisible, slipping into an opening door. Now outside the party, he jumps to ceiling waiting for King Pin to leave so he can follow him to the secret elevator that Peni discovered.

King Pin came out sooner or later. Going into his office, by then the main group had met up with Peter. Together they discreetly web the guards that were guarding the door to his office.

"Great job, team." Peter says as they enter the empty office. Raising his hand hoping Gwen high fives him, she doesn't. Causing him to awkwardly recoil. "Now where's this elevator?"

"It should be right there." Peni scans with her robot, leading them to an unusually large painting.

"What a beautiful painting, I love the use of Purple." Noir says.

"Again." Porker sighs. "Colors not his strong suit."

"It's purple!" Noir says tearing up the painting, leading to the secret entrance.

"Nice work..." Peter comments.

With a kick to the elevator doors, they proceed down the shaft. They make their way to a maintenance area of the underground collider. They hear the announcements of the computer, firing up the sequence in less than ten seconds. They get to ledge where they could it fire, it's beautiful beam lighting up the dark room.

"Would you look at-." Noir and the rest experience a momentary glitch, effecting them all.

"Ben, you don't have to stay behind." Gwen offers. "I can do it."

"It's okay." Benjamin looks at her. "I've made up my mind. I'm not gonna do it, he is."

Confusing everyone there. Gwen snaps to group noticing Peter is missing.

"Over there!" Porker points out. Noticing a translucent silhouette crawling on the ceiling finding the access port.

Gwen without command, immediately chases after Peter. The Spider-Gang following suit.

"Where is it, where is it..." Peter feels for a seam in the panels. "Gotcha." Pulling off the cover to the shutdown ports. "Just time to-."

"Peter!" Gwen pulls him, taking away the Goober from him. "What do you think you're doing!?"

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