Chapter 14: Back Home?

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Hey guys sorry for taking so long with this one but I was just so burnt out. I really had no idea where to begin. But as always I persevered and tried to get this out as soon as I could.

So enjoy this chapter folks. As always, comments and feedback are appreciated.


As he enters the beam, he prepared himself to return that weightless void. Where it seemed that only he remained but why? Just as he slipped into deep thought he didn't feel the cushion of weightlessness but hard hitting metallic object.


He hits before rolling down to the asphalt, face first. Groaning in pain, his back in ruins. "My back..." Crack. "My back!" Leaning on the car that he hit on his way down. He takes a look at his surroundings. He was back home.

So his world wasn't destroyed after all? Just him in that void. He was glad but at the same time confused... Oh god, Uncle Ben and Aunt May, that means they're still alive. Peter straightens himself, no matter the pain. Quickly limping to his house. Many thoughts were going through his head, how much of New York was engulfed by that void? Did May and Ben move since then? Then it finally hit him, Gwen... Mr Stacy is probably a wreck, first his wife now Gwen.

He not only prepared himself for the long journey ahead in the literal sense but the metaphorical one that he would face when he'd have to knock on the door of his home.

He walks pass at a crowded news stand, glancing at the newspapers. He picked one, miscellaneous. "Hey buddy, you gonna pay for that?" The man who owned the stand call out to him. "I ain't gonna let you leach."

"Yeah." Peter takes a dollar from whatever is left of his pocket money, giving it to him. Didn't bother to read so he flips through the pages. It was mundane, nothing extraordinary. Well it wasn't like a newspaper was gonna tell him that he was in the right universe but from at least from what he can tell it was.

"Hey got your Bugle Papers." Some guy with a box approached the owner. "Fresh off the presses."

Everyone seemed to huddle around that delivery guy pushing past Peter. Seemed like Bugle was still number one. He waved passed the crowd, grabbing one before paying for it. Well if it's anything like the others it was probably more of the same. Economy, local news, some politics maybe. The first page didn't look like it had much, just a big picture of NY traffic. He quickly took a glance before again flipping through the pages, yup as expected nothing new.

"You think anyone gonna take up that offer?" Someone in the crowd said.

"No way, I doubt anyone can catch a glimpse of that Spider-Woman." Another answered.

"Excuse me, what?" A proper response.

"Front page kid." They gestured his paper. It was indeed a picture of traffic but in front was big bold letters. He felt like a complete idiot.

Help Still Wanted, Pictures of Spider-Woman. Let's hold the murderer of Peter Parker and her Lizard accomplice responsible!

This accompanied with the picture of traffic but what he failed to notice before was the blurry image of spider woman above, swinging. This wasn't his universe. He wasn't home.


In front of everyone.


She couldn't stay to help Miles with his fight with King Pin. She wanted to but Miles stayed behind to face his villain. That and the glitches were getting worse by the minute. She had a chance to give a proper goodbye to someone she thought she'd never meet again and now she won't... Though at least for awhile it was nice having real friends who understood her. Speaking of "real" friends.

Ring Ring Ring

It's the band. She was on her way home after getting sent back through the collider, they always had the perfect timing to annoy her. She picks it up after finding a place to rest.

"Oh god!"
"Please tell us you're okay!"
All of her band mates yelling over the phone.

"Holy crap, guys." She winced as she pulls her phone away from her ear. "One at a time?"

"You drop off the face of the earth for an entire day and all you can ask is one at a time!?" Glory, the motherly figure of the band screams.

"Oh well I..." Oh damn, she kinda expected to be gone for longer but she guess multiversal travel is funny like that. "...I was just clearing my head."

"Better to say that to your dad!" Betty, the social one also similarly outraged. "He was on our ass yesterday trying to figure where you went!"

Some arguing and struggling was heard over the phone before MJ's voice came on. "Gwen listen..." Her voice almost calming, there was a reason why they named the band after her and why she was lead singer too. "I know that whatever you do is none of our business but..." MJ pauses, seemingly to get away from the rest of the band. "Look unlike the rest of the band I've noticed the bruises and scars you come back with." Uh oh. "Whatever it is just don't be so reckless please? I know ever since... It's been hard on all of us, especially you."

"MJ it's nothing like that okay?" Well partially. "I just needed time to myself that's all. I'll talk to my dad and-."

"I'm not stupid Gwen." MJ hinting at something. "Just call me back when you're done dealing with your dad alright? Hang out with us, it's good for you. Oh and please come to the dinner at the Parker's tonight."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Being dismissive. "Talk to you later." Ending the call. Things were about to get worse for her before they can get better.


He didn't know how he ran from that crowd. All he remembered was just pushing through the pain and just running in a straight direction. He looked at his arms, he was still glitching. It was a long one. It finally stopped soon after. There was no pain in the world that could compare to that he thought. Not exactly sure if going home was the right idea but at the moment he needed rest.

He made it to his or at least this universe's version of his house, currently hiding behind the neighbor's fence. Seeing that coast was clear he vaulted the fence and snuck into his room. Weird, it felt nostalgic in a way. It felt wrong resting on a bed that isn't his but still he needed to lay down.

Something he noticed though as he set his head on the pillow. It felt like batteries, small containers maybe? Hidden in the pillow case. He reached inside before pulling the odd things out. They were vials of sorts. Green liquids still fresh inside them. It all made sense now. Why acted distant back in Miles's dimension, why she looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown when he transformed out of his lizard form. Her Peter must've been that 'Lizard Accomplice' the Bugle was claiming. What were the odds of him being transported to a universe where it was almost the same except that he died. He didn't think about it too much, it's all just clutter in his brain.

The door to his room suddenly opened, Peter could only freeze with his back turned hoping camouflage would hide him. It didn't. 



I won't lie this is a pretty weak chapter considering the wait and days I had to prepare. Not gonna sugarcoat it to myself, I can only hope that the next few days will clear my head and that I can finally get back on track.

See y'all in the next one.

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