Chapter 10: New Friends

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Sorry about the unannounced break guys. Well it wasn't a break more like me just having a new sleep schedule and I couldn't finish in time.

I'll still be able to daily uploads though so don't worry about it. Forget about it as NYers say.

Anyway enjoy this new chapter.


Boy was he fast. Kinda surprised he's able to keep a great distance between him and her all this time, without web shooters too.

"Hey buddy!" She calls out. "You look like you've seen a ghost!" No clever comebacks from the green guy. Come to think of he did look familiar, though she can't quite exactly remember why. "Come on, you're making this chase pretty boring!"

"Look I don't want to hurt you, alright!" Peter says as he tries to lose her. This can't be happening, he lost her he was sure of that before he was consumed by that void. He had seen the news of the Spider-Person of this world, he was red, blue and definitely a guy. He didn't expect to be seeing a familiar face or in this case, mask. He wasn't sure at first but when she responded to her name... he just wanted to run away. "Just stay away!"

"Hold up, I just want some answers!" Zipping herself towards this other Spider-Person with great speed.

As they take their chase to the taller buildings a large boom was heard in the distance. From up there it looked like the whole world was bathed in tv glitches. Both turn to look before Peter finally experience his first glitch, slamming into a building knocking himself out. Fortunately, Gwen was there to catch his free-fall.


Abandoned GreenHouse/Gwen's Hideout

She laid the unconscious Spider-Person on an old couch before resting on it herself. Like many in the city when night falls, she was tired. She unmasked and just stared at the news displays in the city. Her phone died days ago and apparently this dimension had never heard of a lightning cable so she was stuck with whatever news was on the display.

"Ugh..." Peter starts to wake up. "Where the-"

"Look who decided to wake up." She says, turning to him. "So like before, I got a few questions."

"Yeah, I'm like you and yes, I'm from another dimension..." He sighed. Ripping off the web restraints, she had put onto him. Trying to act as if she was a completely different person.

"I could've figured that on my own." She laughed. "But no that's not what I wanted to ask."

"What else then my secret identity?" Wiping the webs off of him.

"How did you know my name?" A serious tone now plastered over her at first laid back behavior.

"I knew a Gwen." He answered after a long silence. "Like you she was Spider-Woman."

Woah, another spider-woman where he came from. Wonder why he went instead of her.

"So..." Instead of amazement, for Peter this was more like opening old wounds. Ones that he's trying to stop from spilling into tears. "I'm guessing you haven't met me, huh?"

"Well the multiverse is a big place right?" She recalls from some of the Quantum Theory lessons that she didn't sleep through. "Shouldn't be surprised if we hadn't. Not everything would be a constant."

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